SDS Meeting Minutes November 28, 20171
1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions
Bryce Freeman, Scenario Development Subcommittee (SDS) Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. A quorum was present for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A. Mr. Freeman asked attendees to introduce themselves.
2.Antitrust Policy
Mike Bailey, Senior System Adequacy Engineer, read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.
3.Approve Agenda
Mr. Freemanintroduced the proposed meeting agenda.
On a motion by Michael Rein, theSDS approved the agenda.
4.Review November 9, 2017 Minutes
The minutes from the November 9, 2017 meeting will be approved at the next meeting.
5.Review of Previous Action Items
Shelli Nyland, Project Specialist, reviewed action items carried over from the November 9, 2017 meeting of the SDS. Action items that are not closed and will be carried forward are:
- WECC Staff will develop a general timeline for the 2018 scenario development.
- WECC Staff will send a notice to those that participated in the survey about a review of the results, if they would like it.
- SDS will utilize the QPG interviews as a starting point for scenario development.
6.Update on The Protocol Template
The Protocol Template will be discussed at the RAC subcommittee coordination meeting. The SDS will develop a template to later be used by other subcommittees.
7.Update on Legacy Study Metrics
Mr. Bailey presented the SDS Legacy metrics from a previous meeting and the SDS discussed the metrics.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
8.Long Term Planning Methodologies: Lessons Learned
Mr. Bailey presented an update on reliability in the future and long-term assessment of the grid. Year-20 long-term studies provide high level screening and complements Year-10 planning.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
9.Introduction to Scenario Development Process
Gerald Harris, Quantum Planning Group (QPG), presented the process for developing scenarios. Mr. Harris also discussed managing uncertainty in the long-term through making a detailed process and schedule.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
10.Summary of Survey Results
Richard Marrs, QPG, demonstrated how to access and upload articles tothe WECC website.
Mr. Harris presented on survey results and how data will become more valuable in the future and the impacts that renewable energy will have.The committee discussed potential reliability questions.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
11.Preparations for 2018 Scenario Development
The SDS suggested brainstorming together at a future meeting to discuss plausible scenarios. Mr. Freeman will work with WECC Staff and the Governing Body to determine a plan for a scenario working session.
12.Public Comment
Kate Maracas, Western Grid Group, suggested more publicity for the next SDS meeting to get a bigger turnout of members. Tom Carr, Western Interstate Energy Board, thanked the vendors for gathering dating for these studies.
13.Review of New Action Items
- Determine a plan for developing the focus questions to create future scenarios.
- Assigned To: WECC Staff and SDS Governing Body
- Due Date: Spring 2018
- Create and distribute instructions for getting to the scenario trends page.
- Assigned To: WECC Staff
- Due Date: February 26, 2018
14.Upcoming Meetings
January 4, 2018, 10:00-11:30 a.m...... Webinar
February 26-March 2, 2018...... Salt Lake City, UT
June 25-29, 2018...... Salt Lake City, UT
September 24-28, 2018...... Salt Lake City, UT
Mr. Freeman adjourned the meeting without objection at 2:44 p.m.
Exhibit A: Attendance List
Name...... Affiliation
Members in Attendance
VinsonBanh...... Alberta Department of Energy
ThomasCarr...... Western Interstate Energy Board
KennethChe...... Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County
GaryDeShazo...... California Independent System Operator
RobertoFavela...... El Paso Electric Company
ChristopherFecke-Stoudt...... Arizona Public Service Company
ThomasFlynn...... California Energy Commission
BryceFreeman...... Wyoming Office of Consumer AdvocateChair
LarryFurumasu...... ColumbiaGrid
FredHeutte...... NW Energy Coalition
BillHosie...... PSI Power System Innovation Corp.
AndersJohnson...... Bonneville Power Administration - Transmission
RobynKara...... PacifiCorp
JustinLee...... Salt River Project
ToddLichtas...... Tucson Electric Power
PeterMackin...... Utility System Efficiencies, Inc.
AkhilMandadi...... Arizona Public Service Company
KateMaracas...... Western Grid Group
StevenMetague...... Energy Industry Consultant
AmyMignella...... Tribal Energy Policy Consultant
Thomas E.Miller...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company
EricRaatz...... Tucson Electric Power
MichaelRein...... Public Service Company of Colorado (Xcel Energy)
SusanTang...... British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority
AngelaTanghetti...... California Energy Commission
KhanhThai...... Tacoma Power
ChifongThomas...... Smart Wires Inc.
AlexTu...... British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority
DiXiao...... Southern California Edison Company
Members not in Attendance
CliffBerthelot...... Colorado Springs Utilities
AseemBhatia...... California Department of Water Resources
AndieBiggs...... California Public Utilities Commission
JeffreyBillinton...... California Independent System Operator
BenBrownlee...... Energy Strategies
DesmondChan...... Seattle City Light
RohanChatterjee...... Portland General Electric Company
OrlandoCiniglio...... Idaho Power Company
PaulDidsayabutra...... ColumbiaGrid
ThomasDuane...... Public Service Company of New Mexico
JaredEllsworth...... Idaho Power Company
MonicaGarcia...... El Paso Electric Company
LaurieHammack...... Seattle City Light
JeffHanson...... Colorado Springs Utilities
LuisJansen...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
PeterJones...... Puget Sound Energy, Inc.
JohnJontry...... San Diego Gas & Electric
MayLe...... Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County
AmyLi...... Southern California Edison Company
HuangLin...... San Diego Gas & Electric
FranklinLu...... Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County
JohnMartinsen...... Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County
MarkPigman...... Tacoma Power
DanielRamirez...... Energy Strategies
MikeRamsey...... California Department of Water Resources
FaranakSarbaz...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
DerickVan Vliet...... Turlock Irrigation District
StanWilliams...... Bonneville Power Administration - Transmission
XiaofeiXu...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company
CarlZichella...... Natural Resources Defense Council
Others in Attendance
Philip Augustin...... Salt River Project
Mike Bailey...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Bob Burner...... Duke Energy
Patrick Corrigan...... Public Service Company of Colorado
Kanya Dorland...... California Public Utilities Commission
Christopher Duch...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Camille Duncan...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Mike Evans...... Shell
James Hadley...... NorthWestern Energy
Gerald Harris...... Quantum Planning Group
Allison Hidalgo...... US Bureau of Reclamation
Stan Holland...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Robert Jackson...... Burns & McDonnell
Jon Jensen...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Colby Johnson...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
John Liang...... Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County
Richard Marrs...... Quantum Planning Group
Shelli Nyland...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Denis Obiang...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Evan Paull...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
TuraabRangwala...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Vijay Satyal...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
SirishaTanneeru...... Xcel Energy
Jameson Thornton...... Pacific Gas and Electric
David Wang...... Sempra Energy
Byron Woertz...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council