Minutes of Shawlands Academy PTC meeting Monday 19th Oct 20098.30pm

1. Welcome and introduction by Cherif Merrouche our new chairman. Apologies: none

2. Minutes of the meeting of 21st Sept were agreed to be accurate.

3. Matters arising from the minutes of 21st Sept: none not covered elsewhere in agenda

4.Website: several updates have been made to the site including the addition of the school calendar, PTC constitution, content for some subjects.

Lindsay has still to read the bookwhich Mark Symon thought might have exerpts useful for the website

5. Correspondence: Susan had received an email from the SPTC inviting representatives to their annual forum on Sat 7th November.

M.Shafique is willing to go on behalf of Shawlands Academy PTC, and will report back at a future meeting

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Head Teacher’s report

Annual Performance Review by City Council has been carried out.

Today had been an in-service day with talks on Curriculum for Excellence, a police representative speaking about the Slovakian community, E.A.L. staff speaking on supporting new arrivals. There were also various sub-groups who worked on issues of homework, tracking progress, holocaust commemoration.

Mark Symon gave an update on the Homework working group. The next step will be to consult with pupils, parents and staff of associated primaries. The agreed goals are continuity across the whole school and an even stream of homework (not necessarily written). The group has been looking at how to better use the homework diary.

Omar and John both noted a lack of homework being given to their children in 1st 2nd and 3rd year. There was concern that the discipline established in Primary School is being lost.

By our next meeting Mark Symon should be able to bring feedback.

Re school uniform- Mrs Grant has still to email PTC parents asking opinion on this as part of gathering ideas.


Banner- Susan is in contact with Kenny Morrison, and will give him a draft design which some 6th year pupils could develop.

SPTC have asked for some display material for their annual forum, because Shawlands Academy got such a positive HMIe report, and the PTC was specifically mentioned in it. Susan is meeting tomorrow with Laura to prepare this.

Peter and Kathy had attended the latest meeting on the mobile mast planning application, the current stance is that the Council is putting it on hold, and considering alternative sites.

9. Date of next meeting Nov 23rd 7pm, also in the former PE base.