Partnership Group
Minutes of Meeting
8th Nov 2017
1 – Welcome: All welcomed by the chair, Dennis Tops
2 – Present: Mrs McCart (Headteacher); Mrs Wong (Staff Representative); Mrs Tops; Mr Tops; Mrs Cairney; MrsKydd; Mrs McLean
3 - Apologies: Mr G Kydd
4 – Head Teachers Report:
Remains the same
School role: 89
What’s been happening: Halloween Disco very successful- Mrs McCart thanked Mrs Cairney, Mrs Tops for organising, Mrs Hughes and Ms McTaggart for helping out.
All Saints Mass celebrated by Father Stephen in church.
Father Stephen spoke to PFFA candidates yesterday on how they can become involved in Parish
Visit from Warburtons for P1-P4 pupils; learning about healthy eating/ making healthy sandwiches
Forthcoming Events: Wildlife Trust visiting P1/2 as part of their topic on 17th November.
Parents as Partners Conference in banqueting Hall on 16/11 -6.30 pm
Extracurricular activities – lunchtime choir/homework/chess/build it/colouring, after school football, netball; football skills/choir/ ICT.
NLC Active Literacy – all staff are undertaking training on this approach; focus is on phonics and spelling until Christmas; implementing new approaches to reading in term 3; hope to arrange Parent workshops once all staff have been trained.
Parents’ Evening: excellent turnout - 97% turn out.
Daily Mile consultation: Feedback from parents was very positive; no negative responses.
Raising Attainment: NLC Active Literacy – all staff are undertaking training on this approach; focus is on phonics and spelling until Christmas; implementing new approaches to reading in Term 3; hope to arrange Parent workshops once all staff have been trained.
In-Service Day 3: The Learning Zoo Company providing training on reading- approaches to teaching and learning; we are hosting this event; we will be joined by staff from St. Mary’s PS in Larkhall and St. Patrick’s in Strathaven
Homework Survey: 25 responses out of possible 63; share responses; homework policy
PEF Spending: Monies spent so far. £13, 049.86/ balance of £6,804.72
St. Andrew’s Feast Day: Mass at 9.10 am in the church; children to wear something tartan
Newsletter: November newsletter issued this week.
Christmas: Rehearsals for Nativity began; children will be supported by the choir.
Change of approach this year; Christmas Café- parents entertained by pupils; taking place in Church Hall.
Charging for tickets for Café £3/ Nativity free/ PFFA pupils organise buckets for donations to St. Andrew’s Hospice at all events.
Football/Netball kits: confirm exact order
5–Treasury Update:
- Current Balance £1540.55
- Approved for Tesco Grant of £1000 which will be transferred to us in due course. The money will go towards new I.T. resources for the school.
6 –Christmas Fayre
- Final arrangements made for Christmas Fayre
7 – AOCB
- It was suggested that the Parent Council hold a Friday afternoon get together once a month to allow parents who cannot manage to the Wednesday evening meetings to come along and hear what is going on in the school and give their own ideas and contribute whenever they wish to do so. This idea will be looked at further in the new year.
Confirmed date for next meeting will beWednesday 17th January 2018
St. John’s Primary School, Blackwood