The Book of Proverbs


1. The title of the book:

"The proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, King of Israel" (many of the proverbs originated with Solomon, though not all)

1.)10:1 - "the proverbs of Solomon" = 10:1-22:16

2.)22:17 - "...hear the words of the wise [men]"

3.)24:23 - "These also are the sayings of the wise [men]"

4.) 25-29 - “more proverbs of Solomon, copied by the men of Hezekiah king of Judah” (25:1)

5.)30:1 - "The words of Agur, the son of Jakeh, the oracle"

6.)31:1 - "The words of King Lemuel, the oracle which his mother taught him"

– Concerning the term "proverb" –

Generally, a "proverb" is – "a brief, pithy statement which expresses wisdom" OR – “a succinct and persuasive saying proven true by experience” (EOT, 314).

2.The interpretation of the book of Proverbs

1.Two examples:

1.)What does Proverbs say concerning how we ought to respond to a foolish man?

Prov 26:4 –

Prov 26:5 –

2.)What does Proverbs say regarding the relationship between wealth/poverty & righteousness/wickedness

Prov 15:6 –

Prov 15:16 –

(Cf.Prov 28:6)

2.The moral universe assumed by Proverbs

  • In the book of Proverbs (and in Hebrew wisdom literature as a whole), instruction does not usually take the form of absolute moral imperatives, but rather the teaching comes to us in the form of principles which are true in and of themselves, but which vary in their application to given situations.
  • Proverbs states truth that is “time conditioned: the proverb must be stated in the right circumstance to be true” (Longmann, IVP Intro, 105).
  • “too many cooks spoil the broth”
  • Return to Prov. 26:4-5

3.Thus, to properly utilize a proverb, one must know two things:

1.) Proverbs are

– example: Prov 22:6

2.) Proverbs are

– example: Prov 22:24-25

Summary. So, the proverbs here are general principles of life, not promises or commands. Therefore,

when we read them, we should be looking for the underlying principle that may be applied differently,

through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, depending on the person, time, and situation.

3. Best to study them Topically

Because of the often disjointed structure of individual proverbs, the best way to study the book is by gathering the subjects covered into common headings. Consider the following ethical topics and their references:

  1. Bad company and its effects




B. Contention





C. Discipline and its rewards





D. Fear of the Lord




E. Filial respect







F. Recognizing a fool


12:15-16, 23



G. Value of good character



H. Hypocritical religion

15:8, 29


I. Wealth and Poverty

A. Poverty can be the result of laziness

1. 6:6-11; 10:4; 13:11; 14:23; 20:4; 20:21

2. There is nothing inherently honorable about being poor

a. Some have the mistaken idea that poverty is more godly

b. If poverty is a result of laziness, it is clearly condemned

3. 2 Thess 3:10-14

a. Only those who worked could get assistance

b. Those who did not work they were to withdraw from

B. Poverty can be the result of wickedness and injustice

1. 13:21; 13:23; 14:31; 15:6; 15:27; 16:8; 17:8?; 22:16; 22:2; 28:8

2. Rev 3:17-18-On true wealth and poverty

C. Wealth can be a blessing

1. 10:15; 13:8; 14:24; 18:23?; 19:4; 22:7

2. There are many things that wealth can do that poverty cannot

D. Thereare times when poverty can be a greater blessing than riches

1. 13:8; 13:23; 15:16-17; 16:8; 17:1; 28:6; 28:11

2. Poverty with integrity is better than riches with unrighteousness

E. Wealth and Poverty each have their own problems

1. 13:8; 14:20; 19:4; 19:7

2. Perhaps it is good not to call them blessings or curses, they arewhat they are, and what matters is your attitude and how you usethem.

F. The value of wealth is limited

1. 11:4; 11:28; 15:16-17; 28:6

2. There aresome things money can't buy

G. Those with wealth should be generous

1. 11:24-26; 14:21; 14:31; 17:5; 19:17; 21:13; 28:27; 29:7

2. As a general rule, generosity will bring prosperity-The flip side is: Despising the poor leads to poverty

3. Otherpassages

a. Eph 4:28

b. 1 Tim 6:18

c. Luke 16:19f

H. The wealth of fools and the wicked is temporary

1. 11:18; 13:11; 13:18; 21:6; 21:20; 22:22-23; 28:6

2. James 5:1-The Lord will vindicate the oppressed

I. Loving riches and pleasure(greed) leads to poverty

1. 21:17; 21:20; 23:4-5; 23:20-21

2. Other passages:

a. Eccl 5:10-11

b. John 12:24-25

c. 1 John 2:15-17

J. Wisdom and righteousness is better than wealth

1. 13:7; 13:18; 16:16; 28:11

2. Riches will fail,but wisdom and righteousness endures