Chapter 35 Test Review

1. The term “lost generation” was coined by Gertrude Stein.

2. The writer whose The Decline of the West proposed that European society had entered the final stage of its existence was Oswald Spengler.

3. In Karl Barth’s Epistle to the Romans he attacked the liberal Christian theology that had embraced the idea of progress.

4. The author of All Quiet on the Western Front was Enrich Maria Remarque.

5. In the years after World War I the idea of progress was roundly attacked.

6. In Jose Ortega y Gasset’sRevolt of the Masses he points out that the masses were destined to destroy the hightest achievements of western society.

7. The notion that space and time are relative to the person measuring them was first articulated in Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

8. The uncertainty principle is associated with Heisenberg.

9. John Maynard Keynes discussed the end of Laissez- faire capitalism.

10. In a purely scientific sense the uncertainty principle proposes that it is impossible to specify simultaneously both the position and velocity of a subatomic particle.

11. Discoveries in physics added to the anxiety of the 1920’s and 1930’s because they called into question the established notions of truth.

12. The father of psychoanalysis was Sigmund Freud.

13. According to Freud the root of neurotic behavior was a conflict between conscious and unconscious metal process.

14. The spread of photography led many painters to believe that the purpose of painting was not to mirror reality, but to create it.

15. Impressionists was not a movement of the 20th century.

16. The deliberate violation of perspective by Japanese artist influenced Edgar Degas.

17. Match these artist with their painting style.

Paul Gauguin

Walter Gropius

Edgar Degas

Pablo Picasso

18. One of the biggest results of the artistic experimentation of the 1920’s and 1930’s was that generally accepted standards that distinguished between “good” and “bad” art disappeared.

19. The work of Walter Gropius embodied the architectural principle that form just follow function.

20. A troubling economic problem in the 1920’s was the depressed state of agriculture caused by overproduction and falling prices.

21. By 1929 the price of a bushel of wheat was at its lowest level in four hundred years.

22. On Black Thursday, 24 October 1929, the U.S. Stock Market Crasshed.

23. At the point of the Great Depression fouty-four % of U.S. banks were out of business.

24. During the Great Depression most nations practiced economic nationalism.

25. In response to the Great Depression economist John Maynard Keynes urged the government to expand the money supply and undertake public works to provide jobs.

26. Roosevelt’s New Deal did not include a provision to tighten the money supply.

27. The Russian Civil War that broke out after the revolution was between Reds and Whites.

28. Lenin’s New Economic Policy of 1921 implemented free market reforms.

29. War communism was an unplanned course of nationalism.

30. socialism in One country was the philosophy of Stalin.

31. The First Five –Year Plan was initiated by Stalin.

32. The term fascism was first used by Mussolini.

33. The 1935 Nuremberg Laws deprived German Jews of their citizenship.

34. The Kristallnachtwas a Nazi arranged attack on thousands of Jewish stores.

35. Satyagraha was Gandhi’s philosophy of passive resistance.

36. Heavy Industrialization was not one of the foundations of Gandhi’s philosophy

37. The May Fourth Movement galvanized the Chinese against foreign interference.

38. The Three Principles of the People was the political philosophy of Sun Yatsen.

39. Mao Zedong’s main rival after 1925 was Jiang Jieshi.

40. The Long March greatly strengthened Mao Zedong’s leadership position.