1. the Collapse of the American Economic System Led to a Worldwide Depression

1. the Collapse of the American Economic System Led to a Worldwide Depression

Test Review

US History 20-23

1. The collapse of the American economic system led to a worldwide depression

2. In the 1920s, what caused people to change their lifestyles?

3. List the causes of the Great Depression?

4. In the fall of 1929, a wave of panic selling gripped the stock market as a result of the…

5. As a result of the crash and a severe drought, farm prices…

6. Congress kept import taxes high to…

7. Why did banks fail during the Depression?

8. During the Depression, which wealthy person was probably seen as an enemy?

9. During the 1920s, it was the economic policy of the American government to protect business & industry.

10. During the Great Depression, many African Americans saw their conditions worsen as New Deal policies ignored them

11. What did Americans view as a symbol of hope during the Depression?

12. What greatly harmed FDR’s popularity?

13. Which issues did the New Deal fail to address?

14. Why did FDR look to get many of his New Deal policies passed within the first 100 days?

15. Which President proposed the New Deal?

16. Which group was most likely to vote against FDR in the election of 1936?

17. Which of the following goals of Franklin Roosevelt was most widely criticized?

a. the "socialistic" Tennessee Valley Authority

b. the heavy regulation by the National Recovery Administration

c. income tax increases to 75% on highest incomes

d. reorganization of the Supreme Court

18. What caused the Great Depression of the 1930s?

19. In the view of many people, Father Charles Coughlin and Senator Huey Long were similar in that both behaved like

a. right-wing extremists

b. anarchists

c. socialists

d. demagogues

20. Franklin Roosevelt used several methods to encourage public support for his New Deal programs. The most innovative of them were his

21. To many people, President Franklin Roosevelt's attempt to reorganize the Supreme Court threatened…

22. The practice of buying stocks with an initial down payment of only 10% of the stock price was known as

23. What is Social Security?

24. During the Great Depression, whose slogan of "Share the Wealth" appealed to many of the nation's poor?

a. Father Coughlin

b. Huey Long

c. Franklin Roosevelt

d. Dr. Francis Townsend

25. Which group did the New Deal aid the least?

26. Which was a cause for the decline in the amount of currency in circulation during the early 1930s?

a. Banks were required to hold more money in their accounts.

b. Increased taxes pulled much money out of the economy.

c. Many people withdrew their savings and hid their money at home.

d. Investors invested more money in European industries.

27. Some people argue that President Franklin Roosevelt saved American capitalism by

a. supporting laissez-faire policies

b. opposing anything socialistic

c. preventing a full economic collapse

d. protecting capital against the growing power of labor

28. What two developments of the 1920s are considered underlying causes of the 1930s depression?

a. the Red Scare and the Bonus Army

b. recession and trade deficit

c. overproduction and excessive speculation

d. union strikes and the wage-price spiral

29. In his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, "The Grapes of Wrath," John Steinbeck depicted the plight of whom?

30. What finally ended the Great Depression and put many unemployed Americans back to work?

31. What was the most significant cause of the depression that began in 1929?

32. What did President Hoover help establish to increase business activity during the Great Depression?

33. Who was Alfred Smith?

34. The Roaring Twenties have also been called all of the following EXCEPT

a. Model T Age

b. Era of Wonderful Nonsense

c. New Era

d. Jazz Age

35. During the 1920s, why did new automobiles cost less than did those produced before World War I?

36. Which development of the 1920s decreased regional and cultural differences in America?

a. the "whispering campaign" of 1928

b. the Harlem Renaissance

c. difficulty in enforcing prohibition

d. the founding of national radio networks like NBC

37. The 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act were victories for which long-enduring cause?

38. The brief recession of 1919 to 1921 was caused by

a. the end of wartime employment

b. increased production of automobiles and radios

c. increased cost of farm products

d. massive union strikes and job actions

39. How did the idea of installment buying increase consumer demand during the 1920s?

40. In the 1920s, writers like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Sinclair Lewis

a. claimed America was materialistic and narrow-minded

b. praised and defended the traditional American work ethic

c. wrote a revised, critical history of World War I

d. were muckrakers who exposed government corruption

41. The young teacher who broke a Tennessee law that made it illegal to teach Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was

42. What radical idea did Marcus Garvey promote to achieve equal rights for African Americans?

43. Many people protested the Sacco-Vanzetti trial because the defendants supposedly had been denied

a. freedom of speech

b. a writ of habeas corpus

c. a fair trial

d. the right to remain silent

44. Which group was not a target of the Ku Klux Klan?

a. Catholics

b. Protestants

c. Jews

d. blacks

45. Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, and Zora Neale Hurston are most closely associated with the

46. Which of the following did the federal government do to taxes during the 1920s?

a. The government lowered tariffs.

b. The government lowered income tax rates on the higher incomes.

c. The government raised income tax rates overall.

d. The government levied a special tax on alcoholic beverages.

47. Which of the following people best personifies the important role mass culture played during the Roaring Twenties?

a. Samuel Gompers

b. Margaret Sanger

c. A. Mitchell Palmer

d. Babe Ruth

48. What were the emergency Quota Act in 1921 and the National Origins Act of 1924?

49. Despite the booming business activity of the 1920s, the economy showed some weaknesses. One of these weaknesses was

a. the increase of taxation and government spending

b. in the agricultural sector

c. the excessive restriction on borrowing by the Federal Reserve

d. a decline of consumer demand

50. Which of the following groups of Americans experienced great cultural changes during the Roaring Twenties?

a. Native Americans

b. southern blacks

c. industrial workers

d. women

51. Which group best represents the carefree, nonconformist mood of the Roaring Twenties?