

1Tender Schedule 1 – Tender Form

Contract: 14020

Contract Name: Stormwater Assets Inspection and Condition Assessment

Dated this...... day of ...... 201.

Registered name of Tenderer: ......

Trading name: ......

Registered office / business address: ......


Mailing Address: ......


Australian Business Number (A.B.N.): ......

Contact person: ......

Office telephone number: ......

Mobile telephone number: ......

Facsimile number: ......

Email address: ......

The party/parties [delete whichever is not applicable] specified above hereby tender to provide the Services on the basis of the Conditions of Contract in consideration of the making of the following payments by Council. The Tenderer warrants that it has not submitted this Tender as agent of a third party or as a trustee of a trust.

1. Lump Sum for Services under the Contract ...... $ ......

2. 10% Goods and Services Tax ...... $ ......


3. Total Lump Sum tendered (Sum of items 1 & 2 above)...$......


Signature of Authorised Person


Name of Authorised Person (Please print)

2Tender Schedule 2 -Tables

TABLE 2.1 – Breakdown of Lump Sum Tendered

The Contractor shall ensure the amounts below allow for:


•Supervision and management;

•Plant, equipment and vehicle operational costs;

•Fuel and other travel related expenses;

•Site allowances;

•Meal allowances;


•Water consumption (hydrant fees);

•Traffic and pedestrian management;

•Insurances; and

•All other overheads.

Item / Description / Unit / Rate Per Unit
Excl. GST / Quantity / Amount
1 / Full Inspection
(pipe segment length from 0 to 70 metres on Access Roads and Laneways)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – prepare full condition report / Pipe segments / $...... / 632 / $......
2 / Full Inspection
(pipe segment length from 70 to 160 metres on Access Roads and Laneways)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – prepare full condition report / Pipe segments / $...... / 23 / $......
3 / Full Inspection
(pipe segment length from 0 to 70 metres on Link and Collector Roads)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – prepare full condition report
*Most of the pits are located along the kerb shoulder of the Road / Pipe segments / $...... / 144 / $......
4 / Full Inspection
(pipe segment length from 70 to 160 metres on Link and Collector Roads)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – prepare full condition report
*Most of the pits are located along the kerb shoulder of the Road / Pipe segments / $...... / 4 / $......
5 / Full Inspection
(pipe segment length from 0 to 70 metres on Easement drains)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – prepare full condition report
*Should private access is required, variation rate will be applied. / Pipe segments / $...... / 187 / $......
6 / Full Inspection
(pipe segment length from 70 to 160 metres on Easement drains)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – prepare full condition report
*Should private access is required, variation rate will be applied. / Pipe segments / $...... / 10 / $......
Total (Excl. GST) / $......
GST / $......
Total Lump Sum Tendered (Incl. GST) / $......


-Council reserves the right to slightly vary the quantities based on the available budget and other considerations. The rates provided by the tenderer may be used to calculate variations if there is a change to the scope of works resulting in a change to the quantities.

-The examples of asset location to be surveyed are provided in Attachment 3 (Appendix B).

TABLE 2.2 – Rates for Variations

The rates provided in the table below will be used for any variations to the scope of works.

Item / Description / Unit / Rate Per Unit
Excl. GST
1 / Abandoned Survey
Lift pit cover – attempt to clear any loose debris – if pit is too blocked to undertake the survey – check the other pit on the pipe segment – if access cannot be gained from either pit then abandon survey and advise Council.
Drive to the survey location – attempt to locate the pits - if survey is unable to undertake due to asset not found/ buried at either pit then abandon survey and advise Council. / Pipe segment / $......
2 / Partial Inspection
(pipe segment length from 0 to 70 metres on Access Roads and Laneways)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – due to a blockage in the pipe – can complete only around 50% of the assessment and condition report / Pipe segment / $......
3 / Partial Inspection
(pipe segment length from 70 to 160 metres on Access Roads and Laneways)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – due to a blockage in the pipe – can complete only around 50% of the assessment and condition report / Pipe segment / $......
4 / Partial Inspection
(pipe segment length from 0 to 70 metres on Link and Collector Roads)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – due to a blockage in the pipe – can complete only around 50% of the assessment and condition report / Pipe segment / $......
5 / Partial Inspection
(pipe segment length from 70 to 160 metres on Link and Collector Roads)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – due to a blockage in the pipe – can complete only around 50% of the assessment and condition report / Pipe segment / $......
6 / Partial Inspection
(pipe segment length from 0 to 70 metres on Easement Drains)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – due to a blockage in the pipe – can complete only around 50% of the assessment and condition report. / Pipe segment / $......
7 / Partial Inspection
(pipe segment length from 70 to 160 metres on Easement Drains)
Lift pit cover – Inspect pipe – due to a blockage in the pipe – can complete only around 50% of the assessment and condition report / Pipe segment / $......
8 / Private Property Access Consultation with Resident
Organise private property access with affected resident - allow response within notice – once receive response, enter the property and complete the survey. / Pipe segment / $......
9 / Hourly rates for field staff / $/hour / $......
10 / Hourly rates for staff undertaking assessment and condition rating / $/hour / $......
11 / Hourly rates for management / supervisors / $/hour / $......
OTHER – Tenderer to provide details of other items that may be encountered during the project.
12 / $......
13 / $......
14 / $......
15 / $......
16 / $......

3Tender Schedule 3 – Tender Questionnaire

Tenderers are required to submit such information as is necessary to enable Council to assess the Tenderer’s ability to undertake this contract. The Tender Questionnaire has been prepared to assist the Tenderer in supplying this information.

The Tender Questionnaire forms part of the required Tender documentation and must be completed and submitted by the Tenderer as part of its Tender. All information obtained will be treated by Council with the same degree of security and confidentiality as afforded to the Tenderer’s Tender Offer.

3.1Trading History

(a)How many years has the Tenderer been in business under its current business name?

Number of years: ......

(b)How many years’ experience has the Tenderer had in the type of service it would be required to provide under this Contract?

As a contractor: ......

As a subcontractor: ......

As an employee of contractor: ......

3.2Contracts Completed by the Tenderer

List the most recent contracts of a similar type and size that the Tenderer has completed:

(a)Description of contract: ......

Location of contract: ......

For whom contract performed: ......

Value of work: ......

Commencement date: ......

Completion date: ......

Contact person: ......

(b)Description of contract: ......

Location of contract: ......

For whom contract performed: ......

Value of work: ......

Commencement date: ......

Completion date: ......

Contact person: ......

(c)Description of contract: ......

Location of contract: ......

For whom contract performed: ......

Value of work: ......

Commencement date: ......

Completion date: ......

Contact person: ......

Please note that the persons listed above may be contacted by Council as referees.


Describe the Tenderer’s proposed work plan and methodology to achieve the specific service objectives described in the Specification:











3.4Qualifications and Experience of Principal Individuals

List the qualifications and experience of the principal individuals of the Tenderer in the type of services it would be required to provide under this Contract:

(a)Name: ......

Qualifications: ......

Experience: ......





(b)Name: ......

Qualifications: ......

Experience: ......





(c)Name: ......

Qualifications: ......

Experience: ......





3.5Tenderer’s Resources

(a)State the number of personnel that the Tenderer intends to dedicate to the provision of Services under this Contract regardless of where the work is commenced (Council premises, offsite or both):


(b)Provide details of how the Tenderer will ensure that there will be continuing availability of sufficient resources throughout the full term of the Contract and comment on the tenderer’s ability to respond to increases in demand at short notice:



(c)Provide details of management systems and tools (software, contract control and reporting systems, etc) that will be utilised by the Tenderer for this Contract:




(d)Provide details of the approach the Tenderer proposes to adopt to achieve a high level of corporative management with Council:




3.6Quality Assurance

(a)Does the Tenderer have a written Quality Assurance Policy?YES/NO

If YES, a copy of the certificate may be requested for verification.

(b)Does the Tenderer have a Quality Assurance System certified

by a recognised independent authority?YES/NO

If YES, a copy of the certificate may be requested for verification.

3.7Professional Referees for the Tenderer

List names and telephone numbers of professional referees for the Tenderer:

(a)Name: ......

Position: ......

Organisation: ......

Telephone Number: ......

(b)Name: ......

Position: ......

Organisation: ......

Telephone Number: ......

(c)Name: ......

Position: ......

Organisation: ......

Telephone Number: ......

3.8Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy and Management

(a)Does the Tenderer have a written health and safety policy? YES/NO

If YES, a copy of the policy may be requested for verification.

(b)Does the Tenderer have an OHS Management System certified

by a recognised independent authority (eg. SafetyMAP)? YES/NO

(c)Does the Tenderer have an OHS Management System manual? YES/NO

If YES, a copy of the contents page(s) may be requested for verification.

(d)Are health and safety responsibilities formally identified for all

levels of staff? YES/NO

If YES, provide details: ......



3.9Safe Work Practices and Procedures

(a)Has the Tenderer prepared safe operating procedures or specific

Safety instructions relevant to its operations? YES / NO

If YES, a list of procedures/instructions may be requested for verification.

(b)Does the Tenderer have any Permit to Work systems? YES / NO

If YES, a summary list of permits may be requested for verification.

(c)Does the Tenderer have a documented incident investigation YES / NO


If YES, a copy of an incident report form may be requested for verification.


(a)Does the Tenderer have procedures for maintaining, inspecting

and assessing the hazards of plant operated/owned by the Tenderer? YES / NO

3.11Hazardous Substances

(a)Does the Tenderer have procedures for storing and handling

hazardous substances?YES / NO

3.12Manual Handling

(a)Does the Tenderer have procedures for identifying assessing

and controlling risks associated with manual handling?YES / NO

3.13Health and Safety Training

(a)Describe how health and safety training is conducted by the Tenderer.




(b)Does the Tenderer maintain a record of all training and induction

programs undertaken for employees? YES / NO

3.14Health and Safety Workplace Inspection

(a)Does the Tenderer undertake regular health and safety inspections

at worksites? YES / NO

(b)Does the Tenderer use standard inspection checklists to conduct

workplace health and safety inspections? YES / NO

(c)Does the Tenderer have procedures by which employees can

report hazards at workplaces YES / NO

3.15Health and Safety Consultation

(a)Does the Tenderer have a workplace and safety committee? YES / NO

(b)Does the Tenderer involve employees in decision making over

health and safety matters YES / NO

(c)Does the Tenderer have employees elected health and safety

RepresentativesYES / NO

3.16Health and Safety Performance Monitoring

(a)Does the Tenderer have a system for recording and analysing YES / NO

health and safety performance statistics?

(b)Are employees regularly provided with information on company

health and safety performance?YES / NO

(c)Has the Tenderer been convicted of an occupational health

and safety offence in the last 5 years?YES / NO

If YES, provide date details of offence: ......



3.17Equal Opportunity

(a)Does the Tenderer have an Equal Opportunity Policy YES / NO

If YES, a copy of the policy may be requested for verification.

3.18Environmental Protection

(a)Does the Tenderer have an Environmental Protection Policy YES / NO

If YES, a copy of the policy may be requested for verification.


Provide details of the Tenderer’s insurance cover:

(a)WorkCover Insurance

Name of Insurer: ......

Employer Number: ......

(b)Public Liability Insurance

Name of Insurer: ......

Policy Number: ......

Policy Expiry Date: ......

(c)Professional Indemnity Insurance

Amount of Insurance Cover (Minimum $10,000):......

Name of Insurer: ......

Policy Number: ......

Policy Expiry Date:......

(d)Motor Vehicle Insurance (Delete if not required)

Amount of Insurance Cover: $......

Name of Insurer: ......

Policy Number: ......

Policy Expiry Date: ......


Please list all addenda, additional information and correspondence (if any) that the Tenderer received from Council prior to the Tender closing time and date.




4Tender Schedule 4 – Schedule of Sub-contractors

Nominate the part of the Services which the Tenderer intends (if any) to subcontract and the persons or organisations to whom the Tenderer proposes to subcontract the provision of such services.

Item / Nominated Sub-contractor / Description of Services to be
1 / ......
...... / ......
2 / ......
...... / ......
3 / ......
...... / ......
4 / ......
...... / ......
5 / ......
...... / ......
6 / ......
...... / ......


5Tender Schedule 5 – Schedule of Plant and Equipment

Nominate the plant and equipment the Tenderer intends to use in the provision of the Services including cameras, camera accessories (such as transponders).

Item / Description of Plant & Equipment (P&E)
(incl. make & model) / Age of P&E
1 / ………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………. / …………………
2 / ………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………. / …………………
3 / ………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………. / …………………
4 / ………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………. / …………………
5 / ………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………. / …………………
6 / ………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………. / …………………

6Tender Schedule 6 – Statement of Conformance

Unless otherwise stated, the Tenderer is deemed to have conformed to all the requirements stated in the Tender Documents. If this is not the case, the Tenderer shall list all areas of non-conformance and the reasons for such non-conformance. If the non-conformance is deemed unacceptable to Council, the Tender may not be further considered.

Tender Document Reference / Description of Non-conformance / Reason/Comments
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......

7Tender Schedule 7 – Other Information

7.1Proposed Camera System/ Technology used for inspection

Nominate the camera system/ technology the Tenderer will use for performing asset inspections and condition assessment.






7.2Software used for Inspection and Condition Rating

Nominate the software the Tenderer will use for performing asset inspections and condition assessment.






7.3Melbourne Water Accreditation

Has the Tenderer undertaken Melbourne Water’s Recipient Trainingcourse which enables them to obtain Permits to Work YES / NO

7.4Other Services

Provide details of other services that the Tenderer can provide relevant to the Specification.





