#1) Sunday Morning Changes

First Evangelical Free Church hasthe mission of “Knowing God and Making Him Known".For several months the Elders have been working hard to express what that means in practice and how to communicate better this overall vision to the church. This vision ought to be a part of our lives and not just a slogan. While the final wording is not finalized, the Elders want to share with you the status of their work.

We are people who are characterized by the following:
1) Becoming Disciples
2) Living as a family of Disciples
3) Serving as Disciples in our community
4) Sending Disciples into the world

In line with the second characteristic, “Living as a family of Disciples’, the Elders are announcing a change to our service schedule. We will be moving to one service on Sunday, July 2nd. The service will be at 9:00am and will be followed by Sunday School at 10:30am. The Elders believe that one service will enhance the worship service experience while also allowing the whole congregation to get to know one another, thus growing as one family of disciples.

In regards to seating, our attendance has remained steady throughout 2017. We average about 530 people per Sunday, including people in the foyer and nursery. We currently have 617 chairs set up, and will increase to 670 when we move to a single service.

#2) Eagle Lake Volunteers Needed

Each year it takes a whole crew of people from our church to make Eagle Lake a possibility. We are still in need of host homes, kitchen helpers, and people to help with check-in and parent pick-up. Contact Pastor Dan at if you would like to help or have any questions.

#3) Potluck in the Park

There is no evening service on June 25th. Instead we are having a family potluck at Upper Tuthill Park at 6pm. Everyone is asked to bring an entree to share as well as a side based on your last name (A-K = Salad/Appetizer, L-Z = Dessert).

Allergy Notice

Due to severe peanut allergies in our congregation, we can absolutely have NO peanut products in our building. This applies to any day of the week and for any activity you may be attending in our building.

We have attendees with fragrance allergies. We have designated the first six rows of the left section of our sanctuary (as you look at the stage) for them. If you wear fragrances, we would appreciate you avoiding that area.

First Free 411

Women’s Ministry Event. Please join us Thursday, June 29 for a fun evening of fellowship!We are having a bonfire at Karla Brown’s (25857 480th Ave Brandon, SD 57005),starting at 6:30pm. We will be carpooling from the church leaving at 6:00pm. Beverages and s’mores provided. Please bring a lawn chair and a snack to share (because we are offsite, peanuts are all right). Bring a friend or meet a new one!

Backpacks for CRU. It'stime to once again to fill backpacks with school supplies for Cru's Inner City ministry in Minneapolis. This year we are assigned elementary age students, so we have a new supply list. Here's how you help: Sign up at the table by the front door. The number you sign by is your backpack number. Take a supply list, write your number(s) on it. Do not take any backpacks home. Go shop for the supplies on the list, and only those supplies, nothing additional please. Bring them back to church, find your numbered backpack, and fill it with the supplies. Leave the pack by the table. You may sign up for as many as you want. All supplies need to be purchased and returned to church by July 30, no later. Thank you for your help and don't forget to pray for the student who will receive the backpack you fill.