Welcome to Ms. Dailey’s 8th grade Physical Science class. During the course of this year we will touch upon many topics including scientific inquiry, matter, physical and chemical changes, force and motion, energy, waves, the periodic table, chemical reactions, and acids and bases.

Supplies Needed:

1-subject spiral notebook (1 per 9 weeks), pencils, paper, & a composition notebook

Optional supplies include: highlighter, colored pencils, and glue sticks/tape

Classroom Expectations: LEARN (Listen to Directions, Enter & Exit Prepared, Always Try Your Best, Respect Others, No Excuses)In order to ensure an academically focused year, these expectations need to be followed. Consequences for not following the rules include warnings, phone calls home, detentions, or office referrals.

Laboratory Safety Rules: The laboratory experience is invaluable in the science classroom. In order to ensure a safe environment for all students, additional rules apply during experiments. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the removal of the student from the lab area. A written assignment will replace the lab grade.

Grading Policy: The nine weeks grade will be an average of all tests, quizzes, labs, worksheets, class assignments (individual and group), and homework. Homework will be assigned approximately once a week or as needed to improve a skill.

Make-up Work Policy: After an excused absence, the student has 5 days to complete and turn in any missing assignments. The late work policy applies after 5 days. Work that was due on the day of the absence must be turned in the day the student returns to class. Copies of all assignments can be found on the Assignment Board at the back of the room or on my website. Students may also see me before or after class about make-up work.

Late Work Policy: All work not turned in at the appointed time will be deemed late. Each day that the assignment is not turned in the student will lose 10 points. At the end of the 5 day grace period, the student may still turn in the assignment for a grade no higher than a 50.

Classwork/Homework Assistance: If a student needs additional assistance understanding the concepts/skills being taught, I am available for help sessions before school each day. Please check with me, at least one day in advance, to schedule a time for assistance.

Textbooks: Textbooks will be checked out to each student; however they will remain in the classroom. Directions for accessing the online version of the textbook can be found on my website.

Website Information:

You can keep track of what is happening in the classroom and get copies of student assignments by going to my web page. Go to , click on faculty and staff, then my name (Dailey, Kimberley) or scan the QR code below. The web page contains copies of work done in class each day, directions for accessing the on-line textbook, interactive notebook contents and other information.

Contact Information: Please feel free to contact me by phone, e-mail, or in person, if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach me at (352) 787-3232 or . Please be aware that e-mail is public record and due to privacy concerns, some issues can not be discussed through this method of contact. You can also keep track of what is happening in the classroomby going to my web page.

Rewards: To help motivate students, food rewards are occasionally given in the form of homemade brownies. If you are okay with your student receiving such a reward, please check the appropriate box below.

Yes, brownies may be used as a reward.

No, brownies may not be used as a reward.

Please sign below that you have read the class syllabus. A copy of the information will be placed in each student’s notebook for easy reference. All of us play a vital role in making this a fun and successful year, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Student NameStudent Signature


Parent NameParent Signature


Phone NumberE-mail Address


What is the best time of day to reach you?