Study Tips
1.) Study for 30 min during every meal and before bed
2.) Do not do page 3 of flashcards until you master pages 1 and 2.
3.) Hand write the answers
4.) Review PowerPoint (especially pictures)
5.) When a flashcard has a long answer, break the answer down into smaller segments (add more questions).
6.) After studying, simulate the stress during the exam by having someone quiz you.
7.) Underline questions that you are still having trouble with (in pencil). Erase when you start getting them correct.
8.) Put a check mark next questions that you have mastered.
9.) Bring flashcards to class and highlight when instructed.
10.) Following the exam, highlight the flashcards from all the questions you remember from the test.
Create a study schedule
1.) Total up the # of pages of lecture flashcards and the # of pages of lab flashcards and divide that by the days of the week to determine how many flashcards should be learned and mastered per day
2.) Muscles/Nerves/Brain
If there are about 75 muscles to learn, divide 75 by 7 days and that means you have to learn about 10 muscles per day. Also learn the proper number of lecture flashcards per day so you keep up with lecture as well as lab.