We would really like to add your photo, testimonial, video and/or story on our website to show all the different and diversified use of our products.

It’s really easy to do:

1. Send us a letter or e-mail with your testimonial or story

2. E-mail or mail us a good quality photo clearly showing our product(s) in use

3. Option: E-mail or mail us permission to use the photo or text.

You can use the “optional” waiver, or use your own permission statement.


The undersigned, hereby releases all rights to Pool Docks to use testimonials and/or photographs of facilities or individual(s) using a Pool Docks product.

Photographs are of ______

Organization (Optional) ______

Taken at (City/State)______

The undersigned has obtained necessary waivers from all relevant parties.

Pool Docks hereby states:

1. Such testimonials and/or photos will only be used in the website www.Pool

2. Individuals in photos will not be identified by name unless specifically requested;

3. The organization may identified unless approval is denied;

4. The city and state may be identified unless approval is denied;

5. Photos may be edited by Pool Docks to ensure the highest quality representation of products and

individuals therein.

Pool Docks hereby agrees not to knowingly release your testimonials or photos to any other person or entity other than for the purposes stated above.

Authorized by:


Print name Authorizing Signature Date


136 Walker Street, Atlanta GA 30313

TEL 404-521-9054 ORDER: 800-477-6434 FAX: 404-222-8366