Hibernation Day Project:
1. Research an animal that hibernates (not a bear)
- Have your animal choice approved by your teacher
2. Create a diorama that you can use to teach the class about your hibernating animal
3. Write or type two or three paragraphs telling about your hibernating animal.
- Get our attention with your topic sentence.
- Elaborate
- Include a picture to add visual interest
- How it hibernates
- Little known facts
4. Teach the class about your animal and turn in your paper on __Feb. 2, 2017______!
Hibernation Day Project Grade Sheet
1. Did you write two or three paragraphs telling the class about your animal? yes no
2. Did you discuss how the animal hibernates or goes through torpor?
3. Did you share some interesting facts about your animal?
4. Did you create a diorama?
5. Did you use proper writing conventions in your paragraph?
Did you indent each paragraph? yesno
Did you capitalize each sentence?yesno
Did you use periods and end marks?yesno
Do your paragraphs make sense?yesno
6. Was your work neatly completed?
Sample Hibernation Paper Name
Hibernation Project
A Living Frogsicle
Wood Frogs
Did you know that the way a wood frog hibernates is to freeze itself into a frog popsicle? The minute ice or snow touches the frog he begins to freeze almost solid. The water in its body moves away from its heart and lungs. This water and most of its body freezes as hard as ice. The frog’s heart stops beating and it stops breathing. Wood frogs can stay frozen for as long as four weeks. How do they do it? Their body creates natural antifreeze that allows most of the frog to be frozen but not dead.
Wood frogs are found on the northeastern side of the United States and in every Canadian province. Alaska has a large population of wood frogs too. Wood frogs do not live in Washington State.
These small frogs are brownish colored with dark parts around their eyes, (sort of like a raccoon has dark mask around his eyes). This brown color helps them blend in with leaves on the forest floor. Wood frogs eat bugs and insects. They live in forests near streams, lakes, and bogs.
Websites Used:
Youtube, National Geographic World
Sample Hibernation Paper Name
Hibernation Project
The Queen’s Winter
Did you know that only queen and some other female wasps hibernate? Male and some other female wasps die in the winter. Queens like to hibernate in trees. They can make a nest in a tree andhopefully hibernate. When they wake up in spring, they start a new hive.
The wasp has a black and yellow coat. Yellow jackets are a type of wasp. Its stinger is on its abdomen. Did you know that a wasp hibernates before most animals? It’s true, the wasp hibernates in September. Before any frost is on the ground the wasp is fast asleep. In my opinion the wasp is a very interesting creature.
Websites Used: