Ch 2 -ManagingRevenue
Grade Id:
Due Date:
Instructor: / Jyoti Chandra
Score (40 pts):
1.Read QuickBooks Fundamental’s Chapter 2- Managing Revenue.
2.Copy practice fileRevenue-04.QBBfrom class web site to your disk (C: at home, H: or Flash Drive in Lab).
- Open QuickBooks; restore copied file to Revenue-04.QBW.Add your Name and Grade Id # to the Company Name.
- Complete all Computer Practice section in the chapter, unless it states that the steps are for reference only.
- PrintSales By Customer Summary report (Figure 2-73, pg 81)
- PrintSales by Item Summary (Figure 2-74, pg 82)
- Copy company file called CIM223a-Assign2.QBW from class web site to your disk (C: at home, H: or Flash Drive in Lab) and then open it in QuickBooks.
- Open QuickBooks and open the company file you copied in previous step. Change company name to CIM223a-Assign2- your Name-Grade Id #.
- Enter your own name and address information into the Customer:Job List. Then print the Customer:Job List by selecting the Reports menu, selecting List, and then selecting CustomerContact List.
- Enter a Sales Receipt using the data shown below. Print the sale on blank paper.
Field / Data
Customer:Job / Huff, Sandra
Class / Walnut Creek
Date / 01/28/2004
Sale # / 2004-125
Sold To / Sandra Huff
5897 Towne Lake Pkwy
Walnut Creek, CA 94599
Check No / 534
Payment Method / Check
Item / Doors, Qty 4, $34/each
Item / Window, Qty 1, $399
Sales Tax / Contra Costa (8.25%) – Auto Calculates
Total Sale / $579.14
Customer Tax Code / Tax
Bottom of Form / Group with Other Undeposited Funds
7.Enter an Invoice using the data in the table below. Print the Invoice on blank paper.
Field / DataCustomer:Job / Anderson Floors:2nd Street Store
Class / San Jose
Custom Template / Academy Glass Invoice
Date / 01/31/2004
Sale # / 2004-106
Sold To / Anderson Floors
5647 Cirrus Rd.
San Jose, CA 95199
PO Number / 6543
Terms / Net 30
Rep / JM
City / San Jose
Item / Window, Qty 2, $497 each
Item / Labor, Qty 5 (hrs), $40/hour
Sales Tax / Santa Clara (8.25%) – Auto Calculates
Total Sale / $1,276.01
Memo / 2 Windows and Installation Labor
8.Enter a second Invoice using the data in the table below. Print the Invoice on blank paper.
Field / DataCustomer:Job / Woodard, Ed
Class / San Jose
Custom Template / Academy Glass Invoice
Date / 01/31/2004
Sale # / 2004-107
Sold To / Ed Woodard
2500 Johnson Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95111
PO Number / 3773
Terms / 2% 10 Net 30
Rep / JM
City / Santa Clara
Item / Skylight, Qty 5, $834.00 each
Sales Tax / Santa Clara (8.25%) – Auto Calculates
Total Sale / $4,514.03
Memo / 5 Skylights
9.Create and print an Open Invoices report for 1/31/2004.
10.Record a payment dated 2/5/2004 for $4,423.75 from Ed Woodard (check #5343) and apply it to Invoice 2004-107. On the payment transaction, record a discount for 2% of the Invoice amount and code the discount to Sales Discountsaccount and the San Jose class. Group the payment with other undeposited funds.
11.Record a Credit Memo (#2004-106C dated 2/5/2004) for Anderson Floors:2nd Street Job in the San Jose class. The customer returned one window that cost $497.00. Charge a restocking fee of 10%. Apply the credit to Invoice #2004-106. Enter Returned Window in the memo field.
12.Print a Customer Open Balance report for Anderson Floors 2nd street job.
13.Print a Customer Statement dated 2/29/2004 for Anderson Floors’ 2nd street job for the period of 1/1/2004 through 2/29/2004. Print on blank paper.
14.On 2/5/2004, you received payment from Anderson Floors for the 2nd Street Job for $947.71. American Express payment, card #4444-3333-2222-1111, expires in 5/2007. Apply the payment to both open Invoices and group the payment with other undeposited funds.
15.On 2/5/2004, deposit everything from the Undeposited Funds account. Separate credit card payments from checks and create separate deposits for each. Record a 2% bankcard discount fee (use QuickMath to calculate) on the credit card deposit. Print each deposit (Deposit summary only) onto blank paper.
16.Create and print a Sales by Customer Summary report for January and February 2004.
17.Create and printSales by Item Summary report for January and February 2004.
18.Backup your file to CIM223a-Assign2.qbb on your backup floppy disk.
19.Close Company File first and then Close QuickBooks Program.
Jyoti ChandraPage 1 of 311/13/2018