Termsof Reference

1. Purpose of the Committee:

a)To establish a Community of Postdocsin the Clinical School and other research instituteslocated within the Cambridge Biomedical Campus or affiliated with the Clinical School

b)To increase the visibility, provide a representative voice for the Clinical School Postdocs Community

c)To provide the opportunity for interaction, encourage collaboration and facilitate researcher development for Postdocs

2. Membership to the Committee:

a)All postdoctoral researchers who are affiliated with any department or institute of the Clinical School, work in any University Partner Institution, other research institute or organisation based at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus or have any connection with the Clinical School are welcome to participate in the Committee

b)Committee may nominate non-postdoctoral members of staff or students to participate in its activities

c)Members of the Committee are appointedfor one year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in a number agreed upon by all attendees of the AGM and it is desired for the Committee membership to be representative and respect equality and diversity values

d)Membership to the committee is voluntary and is not time limited

3. Committee roles and responsibilities:

a)The Committee is led and represented by two Co-chairs recruited from its members and agreed upon by all attendees of the AGM, Co-chairs can serve their roles for up to two years

b)The Committee can establish and appoint its members to take on additional roles, e.g. secretary, treasurer communication officers, events officers, liaison officers, researcher development representatives, industry engagement representatives, college affiliation representatives and others, to meet the needs of the Community and to facilitate Committee activities

c)In case of retirement or resignation of aCommittee member, the Committee can co-opt a new member from those eligible and in case of retirement or resignation of a Co-chair, the Committee can appoint an Acting Co-chair from its members or can delegate all chair duties to the remaining Co-chair, the tenure of co-opted Committee members and Acting Co-chair(s) is coterminous with the Committee tenure until the next AGM

d)The Committee must meetat least once per term

4. Committee reporting and activities:

a)The Committee communicates with the Cambridge Biomedical Campus Postdoc community via its website, e-mailing list, social media

b)The Committee can report to the Clinical School Council and any other respective boards, committees or other bodies as required by its merits and necessary to facilitate its activities

c)The Committee cooperates with the Office for Postdoctoral Affairs, Departmental Postdoc Committee Chairs’ Network, Postdocs of Cambridge Societyand other bodies representing and supporting postdoctoral staff

d)The Committee may establish an Advisory Board with a role of defining Committee’s strategy and supporting its activities, for which a separate terms of reference would have to be formulated and approved by the AGM

5. Changes of the Committee Terms of Reference:

a)Any changes to these Terms of Reference can be proposed by the Committee or delegates of an AGM and must be approved by an AGM