Notes: Please submit this form by email to:
Deadline for applications are: 09 August 2012
Applications must be submitted in English and typed. Applicants are encouraged to contact M-POWER / CPWF staff in the Mekong for general advice on developing the project concept or language assistance (but not translation) up until a week before the submission date.
Please include:
1. Your CV (one-page)
2. A signed letter of support from your host institution endorsing the application and committing to the proposed research.
Personal information
1. First name:
2. Last name:
3. Date of birth:
4. Sex:
5. Language(s) spoken:
6. Country of residence:
7. Nationality:
8. Mailing address:
9. Telephone/mobile (include country code):
10. Fax:
11. Email:
12. Name of the organisation you are currently affiliated with:
13. Position and description of responsibilities:
14. Name of organisation and contact endorsing this application:
Research proposal (attach additional sheets if needed)
15. Full title:
16. Short title (less than 8 words):
17. Summary of objectives (100 words or less):
18. Rationale & background (200 words or less):
19. Which of the research foci will you be addressing (Dialogue, Institutions, Knowledge and Capacity, Social Justice, Human Security)?
20. What research questions will you be attempting to answer (no more than five)?
21. Methods & study design (300 words or less):
22. Activities with approximate time-line:
23. Expected outcomes:
24. Which organizations will your research be useful to?
25. How does your research complement M-POWER and CPWF-Mekong?
26. How is your research a water governance research?
27. How does the proposed research fit into the work plan of your host organisation? (300 words or less)
Budget (max. US$10,000). Please provide in detail.
28. Amount Justification (include detailed information e.g. on rates):
Item / Amount in US$
Others (specify)
29. Are there other sources of financial and/or in-kind support for this project?
30. Did you receive assistance in completing this application form? If so please describe the level and nature of the assistance (by whom and in what ways).
Supported by:
[1] Please indicate daily or monthly rate and include as part of justification declaration of any other income received from other sources.