St. Monica PPC Meeting Minutes January 16, 2013
1. Opening prayer/scripture reflection (St.Monica prayer and missal)
2. One-on-one’s
What are you currently reading, and why?
3. Approve December 19th meeting notes
Email if you amendments
4. Review path for rest of year/calendar additions
No new changes
Feb. meeting is 20th, March 13th for March, and starting then back to second Wednesdays.
5. Results of January 12th Ministry
Went very very well. All the presenters did a great job, and the minsiters and leaders there were participating enthusiastically. They were hungry for it and received it welll. It waas a very enliightening expperiencce. The discussions at the tables - the small groups - was great. Theyy are a wealth ofo ideas, and it was a goodd experience to meet with them and talk with them. We need to spend time with these people, connect with them - they have so mucch too offer. And in spending time ith them we ccan learn what is impotant to them, as we sshould do wwith everyonee to learn how we can best usee everyone's gifts.
A loto of the discussion also had to dod with communiccation. We aagain noted the abences of many Spanish speaking ministry leaders. Perhaps it is a commmunication problem, but it could also be an issue of commitment. It will never be possible to please everyone, but we can at least try to hear everyone and payy attention to peeoplss ideas and problems. Specific communication concerns: primarily language,e and understanding what is going on. Alsso that there is something of a disconnct between what is happening in the English-speaking community and what is happening with the Spanish-speaking community. Sometimes it seems as if things/events/ministries in the spanishsh--speaking community are not being advertised as well as the English counterparts. We need to be sure we are identifying leaders correctly. We also see this in the other direction. Each community knows that things are going on in the other community, but they don't know anything about it. Perhaps there is also some fear holding people back from being involved - fear that they will not be understood, fear to come if they don't know what the translation will be like and think they might be left out and not understand. What we need to emphasize is that we are one body, and we may need to have another meeting with some Spanish-speaking leaders to discuss these things. A mandatory meeting!
People say they are content and happpy with the mix of Spanish-speaking and English-speaking people in the parish and how it works out,, but when it comes time for a meeting, and even if it says that it will be bilingual, Spanish-speaking people may still feel as if it is not for them. They would go to a meeting in Spanish, but anything less than that it seems not for them.
Other table discussions: importance of the presence of the blessed sacrament, eucharistic devotions. Communication is part of this also, because posture and body language communicate also. Kneeling before the Eucharist communicates something, dressing appropriately for Mass communicates something. We need to pay attention to those sorts of communication inn addition to the language issue, and we can bring people together this way.
Others commented that we seem to be doing something different, we seem to be moving in a new direction. We are empowering the ministry leaders, and we need to make that clear - wee communicate with the ministry leaders and talk with them about certain things, and then the ministry leaders need to take these things back to their ministries.
The staff also seems to appreciate the new direction the PPC is taking, they think we are on the right track and moving forward as a parish. There is a renewed energy on staff and also among the ministry leaders as a result of this convocation.
The discussion about spiritual commitment and engagement was exemplified in one table by someone who became more involved and felt a deeper spiritual connection, and is now even more engaged. It is sort of a cycle that builds itself up, which is nice to see in action.
Some ministries also have cconccerne about theiir leaders and the moral integrity of peeople who are suppoosed to be sservents of the church. Then their ministry members
We could provide a monthly letter to the parish leaders, from the PPC, answering questions they have and communicating information. This could speak to some of the feedback we got from ministry leaders: We should make an effort not just to thank ministry leaders but also to thank volunteers. Catholic Catechesis is also lacking, and we ned too make an effort to improve that. Spiritual commitment requires good catechesis.
To sum up/take away points:
mandatory ministry meeting with Hispanic ministry leadders
moiving forward in our goolas we should get the ministry leaders to think about how their ministries align with ouur golas. Alignment and engagement!
empowering the ministry leaders to pass on to their ministry members what wwew discuss
6. Brother Moises presentation to Ministry Leaders
6:30 pm Tuesday, March 19. Mandatory. PPC members should all bring snacks.
7. Presentation
a. Long-Range Advancement Plan
History:Handout (Began Feb 2010)
Summary: Handout
Overvview: Handout
Homework: Read these papers and think about them in relation to the goal we're going to work on for February.
b. Current Parish Profile and Trends
c. Community Profiles and Trends
8. Staff report
Hospitality workshop invitation
9. Pastor’s report
We are all excellent and fantastic people making good progress, especially with staff/council relations.
10.Closing prayer
Present: Fr. Dustin, Fr. Todd, Percy, Debbie, Santiago, Carmen Rosa, Rafael, Susan, Kris, Ed, Matt, Lisa, Jaquie, Jose and his wife, Nikki Shaffstall, Mel, and Jose to translate