This is going to all of Troop 243 and is the troop’s Weekly email for 6-26-17 and there is no meeting this Wednesday because of summer camp.All troop resources are always available at our web site, Activity Participation Report

1)Northern Tier 2018; 2) Eclipse Watching Trip;3) Spirit Point Count Activity Matrix Attached

1) 2018 Northern Tier – Our first parent meeting will be from 6:00 to 7:00 Wednesday July 12th before the Scout Meeting at JP II. We will discuss the packing/purchase list, the schedule for the prep trips and the remaining payment schedule. Parents of scouts and scouts that have signed up for this trip should attend this meeting.

2) From Paul Heitkemper related to the Eclipse: “I will be leading a group of scouts on a day trip to Wildcat Hollow on August 21 to view the eclipse. This should be far cheaper than the Council's trip (like... nearly free), be much closer to us than Roy C. Manchester, be closer or equally close to the eclipse center-line, and not have the crowds that I expect to be at RCM. In fact, only one other campsite was reserved at WCH as of the week of June 12th. If you want in, let me know. We will be buying eclipse glasses in July. “

I want to add that the troop is not taking the bus on this trip so space in the vehicle Mr. Heitkemper is providing is limited. Talk to him because additional drivers might be needed.

3) The Activity report for June is attached here. This sheet represents the points earned during an activity not the hours that may have been worked. Eagle projects and the St. JPII picnic both earn 5 points per hour worked. NYLT earns 6 points and summer camp earns 7 points. If you have a correction to an Eagle project contact the Eagle scout candidate and have him contact me with a correction that is being made to his paperwork in order to include your scout. We have to match. If you have an issue with hours worked at the parish picnic, contact Tom Kennedy and have him contact me with a correction. If there is a correction to a meeting, contact me. Changes to June can be submitted no later than Saturday July 15th then I will have points for the year and we can work on assigning points to spirit accounts.

If you would like to be removed from this email list or change your email address, please reply here and I will take care of it. Please note that the email system does not tell me if you have an inaccurate email address so I have no way to know if you change your email address.