Cruclium Vita
Ist. Personal Information:-
1- Name : Dr Mahmoud Abdallah Mohammad Alhabees .
2- Present Occupation : Head of the department of regional planning . faculty of planning and management, Albalqa Applied University Since,17/5/2007, for the second time .
3- Rank ; Special rank ist,Ist .Class
4- Academic rank ; Professor assistant
5- Place of birth; Damia Der Alla. Al -Gowar Al Wosta 2/11/1956.
6- Address; Jordan.Salt , Albalqa Applied University , Faculty of Planning and Management. Department of regional planning , Business Tel.(0096253491111) Brach (3224) Fax ( 009625350464) Residence Tel. ( 5237888) Cellluars Tel.(0777499737) (07778077770)
Email –
2nd Scientific Degrees., Training Courses , and scholarships :
a- Scientific Degrees:-
- Ph.D .Economics, International economic relationships , Population studies and ecomic development russia scientific academy .MoScow.1998
- M .Sc. Population studies. Jordanian University,1982.
- B.S,c Geography, Population studies, jordanian University ,1980.
B.- Training Courses and scholarships :-
- Scholarship to the jordanian university 86/87 till end of academic year 87/88 to be Awarded the M.Sc .Degree in Population Studies
- Study self devoting ( with no salary ) from 1/10/14984 To 27/7/1985 .
- Higher management training Course in the Jordanian Public management Institution .
- Executive training course in the jordanian Public management institutes
- Middle training Course In the Jordanian public management institute.
- Primary computer training course .amman College university Albalqa Applied University
English training course., Consultancy , Centre, Jordanian university
- ICDL training Course for (120) Hours. moitakhory scientific association
( Depended from Unisco)
- Gis training course ( Arc Gisi.2007)
3rd . Scientific expertise;
1- Head of regional planning dept in the faculty of planning and Management , Albalqa Applied University from 19/5/2005 to 1/10/2006 .
2- Staff member in the dept. of regional planning .Albalqa Applied University since 1/10/2002 .
3- Nonself devoting lecturer at philadelphia University for the trends of International trade and micro economies and other subjects.
4- Director for the directorate of studies and researches from 5/12/2001 To 1/10/2002 in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
5- Responsible for Computer unit management in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research from 22/2/2001to 1/10/2002 .
6- Assistant to director of the official higher education institutes affairs and head to teaching staff department from 28/8/2000to 4/2/ the Ministry of Higher Education .
7- Head of the advertisement and exchange directorate of the ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Researches from 8/5/1999 To 27/8/2000 in the ministry of Higher Education and Scientific restack..
8- Head of the employment department / Directorate of managerial Affairs from 23/7/1998 to 7/5 in the ministry of higer Education and Scientist Research .
9- Cultural councilor in the ukrainian Republic from 1/7/1997 To 30/6/1998 .
10- Transferred from Ukraine to ministry headquarters from 1/7/1998 to 22/7/1998 in the ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research .
11- Researcher in the directorate of studies and statistics from 4/3/1997 to 30/6/1997 in ministry of higher education and scientific Research .
12- Teaching staff member for social development in Amman University, faculty, from 1/6/1995 To 3/3/1997 .
13- Cultural Chancellor in the unity russian federation from 10/5/1993 To 14/6/1995.
14- Transferred to the ministry headquarters from 15/6/1995 To 30/6/1995, Ministry of higher education and scientific research.
15- Head to the department of supervising students abroad / Directorate of students offers from 1/6/1992 to 9/5/1993 Ministry of Higher education and scientific research.
16- Staff member to social development at Amman Social University college from 18/1/1992 to 31/5/1992 .
17- Head of dept of students study awards / Directorate of Scholarships and study awards from 26/11/1988 to 17/1/1992, Ministry of higher Education and Scientific Research.
18- Cleark at scholarship department / Directorate of cultural Relationships from 28/7/1985 to 25/11/1988, Ministry of Higher Education and scientific research.
19- Cleark at scholarship department from 16/10/1982 to 30/9/1984, Ministry of education.
4th. Researches and other participations ;
1- Author of abook titled population geography, in association with other unique .the book lies in 299pages and being taught at society colleges .
2- Membership of societies and voluntary clubs .
3- Author to articles in alrai and aldstur newspapers.
4- Participating in many symposiums .conferences and different Scientific symposiums inside Jordan and abroad among these:
- Experts summation about higher education finance in the 21st Century / Algeria organized by the islamic organization for education and Sciences and culture ( Assco ) in cooperation with ( Vivisco ) Submition a paper on the Jordanian trial in financing public Universities /2001 .
- Intelligence and scientific research Symposium tiled in moscow in 1993.
- Scientific course about Professional teaching held in Okrania in 1998.
- Heading the jordanian team attended the circumference about " Decision supporting systems " Organized by the Arab Union for Technical education in Babhdod 4-12-2001.
- University education in jordan between ambitions and factuality Symposium , organized by shamans institute ,. 2001.
- Higher education conference in Jordan ,organized by Alzarqa Private University, 2000.
- Professional training Conference in Jordan i1997.
- Participation in special workshop on the project of studying and Modernizing the activity if computer utilization in Jordan,2001 Information technology business plan organized by world bank and the ministry of planning .
- Participation in the world bank summits for the development of Higher education sector and the computerization of higher education Business ( IT Business Plan) , During 2001.
- Participation in the IT symposium in the arab world , organized by Shomans Institute 2001.
- Participation in the consultation symposium within the preparation Endeavors for the conference on sustainable development ,Organized by the public institute for environment protection ,2001.
- Attendance of Activities of the electronic government held in Amman
- Supervising the Issuing of statistical publications issued from the Ministry of higher education and scientific research concerning Statistical data about higher education institutes within Jordan and abroad.
- Attendance of the national meeting about the national strategy on Population /2000, Organized by the national committee of population.
- Participant in the circumference about population and basic needs in Jordan future outlook (1991-2005), Held in 1991 in Cooperation of The General Amman For Population and the United nations buget for Population.
- Attendance to the summits held by the higher Council for Sciences and technology about the Project of Jordan scenarios 2020 for diffuser Orbitals .
- Nominated by the of higher education and scientific research to be an expert and highly qualified in the field of projects assessment
and programmer ( Scientific – Educational ) to the national committee for education, culture and science in the ministry of education.
Member of the project for developing higher educational measures in the ministry of education.
- Member of the national Jordanian committee for water awareness in the Ministry of water and irrigation.
- Member of the Committee of unifying classification guides of disciplines to the Anchorites producing labor market information. among these. Guide for Higher education disciplines. within the project executed by the national centre for human resources development ,2002 .
- Member of Jordanian working group constructing database for Jordanian Labor Market. ( Strategy on human resources information systems " the observatory function in Jordan" . National centre for resources.
- Participation in the Ist. planning Circumference activities held by the Albalqa Applied University , 2006 on Knowledge economy held at Albalqa Applied University , 2006.
- Active Participation in the germanium workshop held In between 3-13 March. 2007 ,Titled : University training for development of historic cities and Cultural heritage.
- Working as voluntary consultant of courses how to be a leader" Within the Project " Injaz" to establish economic opportunities to the Jordanian Youths
- Ahendence of meetings held in Amman 2002 . for the General Committee for Arab Network for Open education and remote learning .
- Participation in the Conference on knowledge economy organized by the Faculty of technological agriculture at AlBalqa Applied University, 2-4/5/2006
- Participation in the Preparation Committee for the Civil Maze conference for Future 30/11-1/12/2006 Managed Cooperatively by the Jordanian and the Rosian Governments .
- Nominated by Albalqa Applied University to the general Amana for the Arabs Federation Arab National Security Sector.
- Participation in the Preparations to held the Ist Regional Planning Conference at Albalqa Applied University 20-22/10/2006.
- Participation in the Workshop Organized by Dortmund University in Cooperation with the Faculty of Planning and Management 3-13/3/2007 .
- Participation in the Scientific Conference held in Syria. Damascus. 26-29/11/2007 " Conference on regional Planning and Its Role in Achieving sustainable Development.