Paperwork Procedures


The intent of WebKDISS is to have all special education paperwork housed electronically and an accurate database of all Tri-County students.

1)Moved 2) Re- Evaluation/No Longer Qualifies 3) Parent Revokes Consent

If a student Exits special education service or moves, it is important that the main Tri-County office is aware. Each situation requires a different procedure.

1)  Student Moved

a.  On a Student Information Form: Document the last date of service and the assumed location the student moved. If the location is unknown, please wait to see if the school office receives a records request within 10 days of exit. Any information known is better than no information as an unknown location may show the student as a drop out.

b.  Remove student from your paper roster.

c.  Required Paperwork to turn in to main office/MIS:

_  Updated roster (paper or email document)

_  Exit Form (in WebKIDSS)

_  Student Information Form (make copy for Building Secretary)

_  Tri-County Paperwork Checklist

2)  Re-Evaluation/No Longer Qualifies/Dismissal

a.  Follow Paperwork Procedures: Re-Evaluation/3 Year Re-Evaluation.

b.  Remove student from your paper roster.

c.  Required Paperwork to turn in to main office/MIS:

_  Prior Written Notice for Re-Evaluation and Request for Consent or Re-Evaluation Not Needed Agreement Form

_  Team Evaluation Report (includes Team Eval Report, Eligibility, Agee/Disagree)

_  Prior Written Notice for Identification and Placement or Prior Written Notice for Identification No Services

_  Notice of Meeting

_  Exit form (in WebKIDSS) (if student no longer qualifies)

_  Medicaid Form

_  Student Information Form (make copy for Building Secretary)

_  Tri-County Paperwork Checklist

_  Other:

3)  Parent/Student Age 18 Revokes Consent

a.  School Psychologist and/or Coordinator should be a part of this process. Each situation is very different.

b.  Remove student from your paper roster.

c.  Required Paperwork to turn in to main office/MIS:

_  Meeting Notice

_  Revocation of Consent

_  Parents written request for revocation

_  Medicaid Form

_  Exit Form (in WebKIDSS)

_  Student Information Form (make copy for Building Secretary)

_  Tri-County Paperwork Checklist

Updated 6/2/15