1 Minutes Rockbeare Parish Council 15/11/06


Minutes for a Meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held in Rockbeare Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 15th November 2006.

Present: Cllr Colin Wells (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Moira Trigger, John Roberson, Cllr Derek Button (County and District Councillor) and eight members of the public.

Apologies: Cllr Colin Please (Chairman),Cllrs Monica Raynor, Colin Ivison, Ian Please, PC Dave Smith, and Cllr Ruth Burrow (District Councillor).

It was noted that the meeting was not quorate and so the agenda would be heard, but no decisions would be made. Agenda items requiring a decision were adjourned to the next meeting.

1APOLOGIES: To receive apologies for absence. As above.

2MINUTES: Minutes of the last meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held on Wednesday 11th October 2006were signed as a correct record of that meeting.

3DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & RISK ASSESSMENT: To receive declarations of interest and to note any additional risks. None.


Mr James Wroe asked if the parish council has made any representation on environmental issues regarding Exeterairport (specifically the doubling of flights in last few years, and considering that the new ownership infers doubling this again in a short timescale). Mr Wroe was especially concerned over light pollution and night noise, he felt that now Flybe has taken on internal flights for British Airways that the parish council should now become proactive in protecting the residents from huge potential impact on householders living in area. Whilst being in favour of the expansion, Mr Wroe expressed his concern that this should not be at the expense of the local residents and explained he had recently joined Airport Concern Exeter (ACE).

Cllr Derek Button spoke to declare an interest in as much as he is a Devon County Councillor and DCC are joint owners of the airport. Cllr Button echoed the concern that the airport balance environmental issues with economic benefits of expansion, but pointed out that the infrastructure will limit current expansion, and any expansion of infrastructure will require planning consent. This is at the stage when representations should be made.

Mr Wroe was also concerned over apparent secrecy as consultative group meetings were being held in private, Cllr Button said that he personally felt that it would be advantageous to open to selective representatives.

Another gentleman gave a case example of expansion at Nottingham (East Midlands) Airport, which involved using facilities through the night for freight traffic. This traffic was greatly made up of ex-passenger planes which were older and far noisier than modern passenger planes.

There was much concern that there is no intention to place an embargo in the contract of sale over night flights.

Cllr Button assured the meeting that the Airport is governed by current CAA regulations concerning flights between 11pm and 6am, this is with the exception of mail flights (as currently exist). But agreed that the new owners may not have the same concern over the control of these flights as the current management group.

Mr Wroe suggested that ideally restrictions would be written into contract, master plan, or into any future planning permissions. Mr Wroe is to speak with Ottery St Mary town council regarding the possibility of hosting a large awareness raising meeting for residents to the East of the airport.

Parish Council were asked if they would put the subject of a proactive approach to airport environmental concerns on the agenda for the next meeting for a full discussion. It was stressed that there are time pressures and the council are asked to make representation quickly if they decide they are concerned over the environmental issues as the contract is aimed for completion by the end of the year.


Decisions (for information)

06/2628 SWH, Rockbeare Hill – permission granted for vehicle workshop extension.

Appeal Decisions (for information)
7/11/04/P1100/00235 Jack in the Green Inn – appeal allowed for demolition of redundant building and erection of replacement dwelling

Applications (for comment)

03/P1900 Cranbrook new community – second amendment and further information on environmental statement received (comments by 30th November 2006)

06/3058 Rockbeare Motor Services – replacement and relocation of existing temporary office building.

06/3094 9 The Square – erection of two storey extension.


Parish councils recommendation on enforcement action at Strete Farm was requested – it was suggested that action only be taken regarding any noise nuisance as this appeared to be the main complaint of neighbouring properties

Woodhouse Farm – copy letter requesting the submission of retrospective application for airport parking for 25 vehicles.


Jack in the Green – appeal allowed and permission granted for demolition of redundant buildings and erection of replacement dwelling.

4.1 Parish Plan - Parish plan funding- up to £2500 will be available from Defra towards parish plans – Community Planning Kit and funding application forms for completion.


5.1Car parking charges in lay by – Cllr Ian Please

Other issues are: VAT is chargeable on permits for off road parking (not so for on road parking). Insurance – parish council already has public liability insurance; permits contain disclaimers against theft and damage, except where council is negligent. Also permits have legal content which disallows untaxed and/or uninsured cars parking in reserved places etc. All standard issue and EDDC will prepare permits for us at a very small charge.

5.2EDDC – empty sand bags are offered for renovation of existing sand bags this year. Request by 31st October 2006.

5.3.1DCC Highways – Westcott lane; added to ditching programme, missing cover already on schedule, layby and footpath behind Delia Gardens is not Highways maintainable, it is EDDC Housing dept we think. Clerk to correct – this is infront of DeliaGardens and is Highways responsibility.

5.4 Drain outside number 26 Lowbrook front at bottom of layby needs special attention in order

to prevent flooding.



7.1 Community Policing – for the period 11/10/06 to date there were 16 logs created following various reports to the police.From these 5 crimes were generated the details of which are; one sexual assault (offender arrested and in custody). One theft from motor vehicle (occurred on the A30, remains undetected).One criminal damage (vehicle damaged on the London Rd (remains undetected). One theft non specific (mobile phone stolen from a caravan - remains undetected). One criminal damage to motor vehicle, (occurred on A30 remains undetected).

7.2Health and Safety

7.3Parish Field – residents at Woodcote (no. 5 the Council Houses), Marsh Green have made a hole in the fence to the parish field in order to access their garden, in doing so they have destroyed trees which the parish council have planted – reported to EDDC housing estate management team for action.

7.4Playground – Reinspection has taken place with a representative of the committee, revised RoSPA report has been received, the following work must be done: Prevent puddling at gate, replace gate, repair slats on benches, descale and repaint.

Assessment of inspection report by playground/hall committee – Now satisfied with inspection.

7.5CountyCllr D Button – reported that he has recently attended two staff induction days for DCC, and become part of a task group on climate change and strategic rail links, progressing towards the integration of the new Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service and the location of new headquarters as well as personnel issues. Communication has been received concerning no waiting outside the school – the extent of the new request would take a further six months, so it was asked that Cllr Button agree the currently advertised scheme and clerk is to write to Phil Collins ELSG and ask that the extension is applied for in addition to the passed order.

District Council update; Recycling – cardboard and plastic is soon to be included and collections will be weekly.

7.6District Cllr Mrs R Burrow - none given

7.7RockbeareSchool Governor – Cllr Mrs M Trigger – new building for library is in progress and a breakfast club is being started. Boundaries are being altered and this is an issue, there are 69 currently attending, there will be a renovation of the front fence via insurance.

7.8Exeter International Airport Consultative Group– Cllr Mr M Trigger - none given

7.9Clyst Vale Group of Parish Councils – none given

7.10Rockbeare Village Hall – doing well, disabled toilet progress is slow, but there have been several events which were well supported, including a ladies night and Halloween party. There are drop in evenings for children and they have been on the whole well behaved (with occasional problems!). There is a problem with the land behind the bus shelter, which has scaffold poles and blocks, a child was hurt recently and there are concerns over safety. Clerk to ask for EDDC enforcement action.

7.11Joint parishes Meeting - none given



8.2 Cheques for approval: RockbeareSchool

(hire of hall 4 sessions – 21.2.07, 20.6.07, 19.9.07 & 21.11.07) £32.00

Balance of account at 1/11/06 Natwest £6453.59 Current Account

£11,966.44 Reserve account



Signed………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………………..

Members Remember!

You must declare any personal or prejudicial interests at the start of the meeting (item number 3). Make sure you say the reason for your interest as this has to be included in the minutes. If your interest is prejudicial you must leave the room.

Dates of forthcoming meetings:

7.30pm Wednesday 13th December 2006Rockbeare School

7.30pmWednesday 17th January 2007Marsh Green Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 21st February 2007Rockbeare School

7.30pm Wednesday 21st March 2007Rockbeare Village Hall

7.30pmWednesday 18th April 2007 (AGM)Marsh Green Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 23rd May 2007 (APM)Rockbeare Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 20th June 2007Rockbeare School

7.30pmWednesday 18th July 2007Marsh Green Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 22nd August 2007Rockbeare Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 19th September 2007Rockbeare School

7.30pm Wednesday 17th October 2007Rockbeare Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 21st November 2007Rockbeare School

7.30pmWednesday 12th December 2007Marsh Green Village Hall

*Parish Councillors only – these are information evenings and not public meetings