1  Journal instruction for BPC 10.1

1.1  Introduction

The journals are to be used for adjustment entries in BPC.

You can combine different types of adjustments in one single journal. However, in order to easily understand the adjustments, the following entries or group of entries should be booked in separate journals:

·  Internal profit in stock

·  Internal profit in fixed assets

·  Internal profit in rental fleet

·  Reclassifications of entries in the result statement or balance sheet

·  Valuation of items such as stock

·  Provisions/accruals (note: very restrictive use)

·  Service fee adjustments

1.2  Data dimensions

There are different types of data sources in BPC. Three important data sources are:

Input: Used for data reported by the subsidiaries.

BA_adj: To be used for journal entries, except for journals related to internal profit eliminations.

IPE_adj: To be used for adjustments concerning internal profit elimination in stock and rental fleet.

The other data sources are mainly used for Group adjustments and eliminations.

The journal entries made by Business Area / Product Area (BA/PA) controllers should be posted on the adjustment entity E9953. Some business areas are also using the adjustment entities E995P, E995S and E995D to separate entries related to Production units, Sales units and Distribution Centers. The adjustments made by Group Reporting and Consolidation are posted on the entity ECONS. Supplementary entries to the BA/PA journals are made by Group Reporting and Consolidation in E9955.

To retrieve the product area totals including journal entries, Group adjustments and discontinued operations, the data source Legaltot_IFRS should be used in the reports. See the complete hierarchy of data sources below.

All sales related figures (external order intake, external invoicing and other direct shipments, ODS) are to be reported within the Sales connection. Consequently no journals related to these accounts are to be booked within the Finance connection. The sales figures are automatically transferred to the Finance connection.

1.3  Create and post a journal (connection Finance)

·  Log in to the Finance connection in BPC.

·  Click on the Journals icon in the EPM tab. Wait for some minute, you are linked to an intranet page.

·  To create a journal, click on the icon + New Journal

·  Select the correct dimension members on the top of the journal:

Entity: E9953, E995P, E995S, E995D, E9955 or ECONS

Time: Year and month valid for the journal

Category: Actual

Data source: BA_adj or IPE_adj

Cons currency: LC

Reporting rate: RealRate

InterCo: Non_InterCo

·  Type a journal description

·  Fill in Account, AccountDetail, BA, amount (debit or credit) and Remark

·  To save a journal, click on the icon “Save”

·  To post a journal, click on the icon “Post” (this will send the entries to the database)

·  To unpost a journal, click on the icon “Unpost” (this will remove the entries from the database)

The journal entries must always balance. In some exceptional cases it may be allowed to post an unbalanced journal. Before posting an unbalanced journal Group Reporting and Consolidation should be consulted.

1.4  Search for journals

To search for a journal, which has already been saved, posted, unposted or deleted you choose one of the alternatives under Show Journals:

Context: journals posted under your current context settings

Advanced Query: tailor made search function where it is possible to add or remove query parameters

Created by me: journals created by your user ID

Created today: journals created on the current date

Created this week: journals created during the current week

Created this month: journals created during the current month

1.5  Copy journals

·  Search for the journal/s you would like to copy (see instructions in 1.4 Search for journals)

·  Select one or more journal entries in the Journals page. To select non-contiguous journal entries, hold down the CTRL key as you make your selections

·  Select Copy To from the toolbar

·  Change the dimension members concerned (e.g. Time) and confirm or tic the box “Copy to the next period”

·  Select Created today under Show Journals to open the copied journal