• Author
1. John the Apostle--tradition; identification as “John"; phrases used
2. Another John--different literary style, grammar
• Date--95-96 AD
1. Domitian (Roman emperor--81-96 AD) prayed to & called “Lord & God”
2. Persecution for not worshipping Domitian--discrimination, unemployment, prison, death
• Purpose--comfort amid persecution
• Message--victory of Christ and church
• Outline
1. Jesus as Divine Judge (1)
2. Letters to 7 churches (2-3)
3. Father & Son enthroned (4-5)
4. Believers' conflict with unbelievers (6-11)
5. Believers' conflict with Satan & forces of evil (12-16)
6. Destruction of God's enemies (17-20)
7. New heaven and new earth (21-22)
• Apocalyptic literature
1. End times information in symbolism through visions by heavenly figures
2. Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah; other non-biblical writings
3. Eastern mindset uses metaphor (Parables)
• Interpretations
1. Preterist--past events in 1st century
2. Historicist--past, present, & future events from 1st century to end
3. Futurist--future events in end times
4. Idealist--timeless symbols of good winning over evil
• Principles of Biblical interpretation (Hermeneutics)
1. Purpose of Word--judgment and mercy, focusing on Christ
2. Scripture doesn't contradict itself
3. Scripture interprets Scripture; NT explains OT
4. Interpret unclear passages in light of clear ones
5. Interpret literally unless context demands symbolic interpretation
6. One meaning; many applications
• Principles to remember
1. God is the author and Christ is the focus
2. Remember contextual background
3. Scripture interprets Scripture (over 300 OT references)
4. Look for main point, not details, in symbols
• Symbolic Numbers
2=God's word (witnessed, confessed)
3=Trinity, heaven
4=Earth, creation, mankind
6=Process of creating, nature of created things
7=Perfection, judgment
10=Completion, complete list
12=Church (chosen people)
• Resources
Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament: Revelation (Vol. 14) by Albert Barnes (Baker Book
More Than Conquerors by William Hendriksen (Baker Book House)
Revelation by Louis Brighton (Concordia Publishing House)
Revelation by Roger Riggs
Understanding the Book of Revelation by Darrel Kautz
• An unveiling (1-3)
1. From Father (1; Dt 29:29; Is 46:10; Da 2:22, 28-29)
2. By Jesus Christ (1; Jn 5:19-20; 7:16; 8:28; 12:49; 14:10; 17:7-8)
3. Through angel (1; 22:6, 8-9, 16; Dt 33:2; Ac 7:38, 53; Ga 3:19; He 2:2)
4. To John (1)
- Testifier or witness of everything (2; 22:8; Jn 19:35; 21:24; 1 Jn 1:2; 4:14)
5. For servants (1, 3; 22:6; Am 3:7)
- Blessing of knowing & watching future (22:7; Da 12:10; Mt 24:45-51; Lk 11:28)
• Undeserved favor & peace from Trinity (4-5)
1. Father--eternal "I Am" (4, 8; 4:8; 11:17; 16:5; Ex 3:14)
2. Holy Spirit--7 characteristics (4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; Is 11:2)
3. Jesus Christ (5)
- Reliable witness (3:14; Mk 12:14; Jn 18:37)
- Resurrection leader (1 Co 15:20; Co 1:18)
- Ruler of all (17:14; 19:16; Ps 2; Ep 1:20-22; Ph 2:9-11; Co 1:15-18; 1 Ti 6:15)
• Glorify Jesus (5-8)
1. What He did (5-6)
- Loves us (5; Jn 15:13)
- Freed us (5; Jn 8:31-36; He 9:14; 1 Jn 1:7)
- Made us kingdom & priests (6; 5:9-10; Ex 19:6; Lk 17:21; 1 Pe 2:9)
2. What He will do--return (7; Da 7:13; Zc 12:10; Mt 24:30-31; Mk 14:62; Ac 1:9)
3. Who He is (8)
- First & Last (21:6; 22:13; Is 44:6)
- Eternal I Am (Ex 3:14; Jn 10:30)
- All-mighty (4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7, 14; 19:6, 15; 21:22; Am 4:13)
• John on Patmos (9-11)
1. Exiled for faith by Domitian (9; Mt 5:10-12; Jn 15:18-25; Ja 5:7-11)
2. Commanded to write (10-11)
• Jesus as Divine Judge (12-20)
1. Son of Man--hint of Messiahship (13; 14:14; Da 7:13-14; Mk 14:62)
2. Robe and sash--priestly authority (13; Ex 28:4; 29:5)
3. White hair & head--pure (14; Da 7:9; Is 1:18; Le 19:32; Pr 16:31)
4. Blazing eyes--all seeing (14; 2:18; 4:6; 19:12; Ez 1:18; He 4:13)
5. Bronze feet--trample wicked (15; 2:18; 19:15; Is 63:1-6)
6. Loud voice--powerful (15; Ex 20:18; Ps 29:3-9; Ez 43:2)
7. Sword from mouth--Word of God (16; 2:12; 19:15; Ho 6:5; He 4:12; Ep 6:17)
8. Face like sun--radiant glory (16; Mt 17:2)
9. 7 stars--7 messengers (16, 20; 2:1; 3:1; Da 12:3; Ph 2:15)
10. 7 lampstands--7 churches (12, 20; 2:1; Ex 25:31-40; 27:20-21; Mt 5:14)
- Don't be afraid (17; Dn 10:4-12; Mt 17:7; 28:10; Ac 18:9; 23:11)
• I Am First & Last (17; 2:8; 22:13; Is 48:12)
• I Am Living One (18; Dt 32:40; Jo 3:10)
• I have keys--power over death (18; 1 Co 15:54, 55; He 2:14-16)
& Hades (6:8; 20:13-14; Mt 11:23; 16:18; Lk 10:15; 16:23; Ac 2:27, 31)
• Ephesus (1-7)
1. Christ's salutation to Ephesus (1; Ac 18:18-21, 24-26; 19; 20:13-38; Ep; 1 Ti 1:3)
- 1 of 3 great commercial & cultural cities in eastern Mediterranean
- Temple of Artemis
- Pan-Ionian Games
- Witchcraft, drunkenness, & crime
2. Christ's self-designation--holds His pastors & knows His churches (1; 1 Jn 3:20)
3. Christ's commendation--actions, perseverance, intolerance of sin, & false teaching exposed
(2-3, 6; Mt 5:11; 1 Co 14:29; 1 Th 5:21; 1 Jn 4:1; 2 Jn 10-11)
4. Christ's condemnation--losing agape love for Christ & others (4; Je 2:2; Ep 1:15; 6:24)
5. Christ's admonition--remember, change mind, & return to original zeal or lose church
(5, 16, 22; 3:3, 19; Mt 3:7-8; Ro 12:1-2; 2 Co 7:8-11)
6. Christ's exhortation--pay attention to Spirit (7; Mt 11:15; 13:9, 43; Mk 4:23; Lk 14:35; He 2:1)
7. Christ's promotion--overcomers get peaceful, eternal life in heaven
(7; 21:7; 22:2, 14, 19; Ge 2:9; 3:22-24; 2 Co 12:4; Jn 16:33; Ro 8:31-39; 1 Jn 4:4; 5:4-5)
• Smyrna (8-11)
1. Christ's salutation to Smyrna (8; Ac 19:10?)
- "FirstCity of Asia in beauty & size"
- Loyal to Rome
- Large Jewish population
- Polycarp martyred 155 AD (possibly pastor at time of writing)
2. Christ's self-designation--died, but alive & in control (8)
3. Christ's commendation--financially poor yet spiritually rich (9; Lk 12:13-21; 2 Co 8:9; Ja 2:5)
& slandered by unbelieving Jews (9; Jn 8:44; Ac 13:44-14:22; Ro 2:28-29)
4. Christ's condemnation--none
5. Christ's admonition--suffering for short time coming; be unafraid & faithful to get wreath (10; 3:11; 4:4, 10; 1 Co 9:25; 2 Ti 4:8; Ja 1:12; 1 Pe 5:4)
6. Christ's exhortation--pay attention to Spirit (11)
7. Christ's promotion--overcomers avoid eternal damnation or hell (11; 20:6, 14; 21:8)
• Pergamum (12-17)
1. Christ's salutation to Pergamum (12)
- Capital of Asia Minor
- Many pagan temples
- Center for emperor worship
- Known for parchment & medicine
2. Christ's self-designation--has Word of God to curse or bless (12; He 4:12)
3. Christ's commendation--faithfulness amid idolatry & emperor worship (13; 1 Pe 4:14-16)
4. Christ's condemnation--beliefs like Balaam (14; Nu 22-25:2; 31:16; 2 Pe 2:15; Ju 11)
or Nicolaitans--free to sin (15; 1 Co 6:12-20; 10:14-22)
5. Christ's admonition--repent or be destroyed (16;1 Pe 4:17)
6. Christ's exhortation--pay attention to Spirit (17)
7. Christ's promotion--overcomers get eternal life through Christ (17; Ex 16:31-34; Jn 6: 48-51)
& eternal sinlessness (3:4; 19:8; Ex 28:15-21) with new relationship (Is 56:5; 62:2; 65:15)
• Thyatira (18-29)
1. Christ's salutation to Thyatira (18; Ac 16:14)
- Small city
- Roman garrison
- Trading center
- Many guilds (garment-makers, dyers, tanners, potters, bronze-smiths, bakers)
2. Christ's self-designation--Son of God, omniscient & punishing sin (18)
3. Christ's commendation--love, faith, service, perseverance, & growth (19)
4. Christ's condemnation--tolerating unrepentent, false prophetess Jezebel
(20-21, 24; 1 Ki 16:31; 18:4, 13, 19; 19:1-2; 21:25; 2 Ki 9:7, 22, 30-37)
- Free to sin (guilds required worship of other gods)
- Secrets of Satan--do evil to know and prevent it
5. Christ's admonition--repent or suffer consequences of sin (22-23; Ac 5:1-11; Je 17:10)
6. Christ's promotion--overcomers get authority with Jesus (25-27; Ps 2; Ro 8:17; 1 Co 6:2-3)
& Jesus (28; 22:16; 2 Pe 1:19)
7. Christ's exhortation--pay attention to Spirit (29)
• Sardis (1-6)
1. Christ's salutation to Sardis (1)
- Situated on nearly inaccessible hill
- Arrogant
- Rich
- Temple of Cybele (Artemis)
2. Christ's self-designation--holds His Spirit & His pastors (1; Jn 15:26-27; 16:7, 13-14)
3. Christ's commendation--none
4. Christ's condemnation--reputation of religion yet spiritually dying (1)
5. Christ's admonition--remember, repent, & obey God's Word--keep growing spiritually
(2-3; 1 Th 1:3; 2 Th 1:3-4; 2 Pe 1:5-11) or miss second coming (Mt 24:42-44; 1 Th 5:2; 2Pe 3:10)
6. Christ's promotion--overcomers get sinlessness (4-5; 3:18; 4:4; 6:11; 7:9, 13-14; 19:14; Is 61:10)
& eternal life (21:27; Ex 32:32; Dt 29:20; Da 12:1; Ma 3:16; Lk 10:20)
7. Christ's exhortation--pay attention to Spirit (6)
• Philadelphia (7-13)
1. Christ's salutation to Philadelphia (7)
- Vine-growing region
- Military & commercial importance
- Center for spread of Greek language and culture
- Also known as Neocaisarea & Flavia
2. Christ's self-designation--holy & true (7; 6:10; 19:11; Ac 3:14; 1 Jn 5:20)
with power to admit or keep out (Is 22:22; Mt 16:19; Jn 14:6)
3. Christ's commendation--small, yet persevering amid persecution by Jews (8-10; 2 Co 12:9)
- Open door--opportunity to witness (Ac 14:27; 1 Co 16:9; 2 Co 2:12; Co 4:3)
- Keep you from (or through) hour of trial (Mt 24:22; 28:20)
4. Christ's condemnation--none
5. Christ's admonition--I am returning; remain faithful (11; 22:7, 12, 20)
6. Christ's promotion--overcomers get permanent place in heaven & are God's possession (12; 14:1; 22:4; Ex 28:36-38)
7. Christ's exhortation--pay attention to Spirit (13)
• Laodicea (14-22)
1. Christ's salutation to Laodicea (14; Co 2:1; 4:16)
- Banking & wealth
- Garments & carpets
- School of medicine
- Hot springs nearby
2. Christ's self-designation--reliable witness & ruler of all (14; Is 65:16; Co 1:16-18)
3. Christ's commendation--none
4. Christ's condemnation--complacent & making God sick; can't see problem (15-17; Mt 5:13)
5. Christ's admonition--listen; I love you; give spiritual welfare top priority now
(18-20; Is 55:1; Ep 1:18; He 12:5-6)
6. Christ's promotion--overcomers get honor with Christ (21; Mt 19:28; 2 Ti 2:12)
7. Christ's exhortation--pay attention to Spirit (22)
• Roman attitudes to Christians
1. Minucius Felix’s record: “You do not attend our shows; you take no part in our processions; you are not present at ourpublic banquets; you abhor the sacred (gladiatorial) games.”
• Roman persecution of Christians
1. Nero (64 AD) was first to lead widespread persecution
2. Roman historian Tacitus: “Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames. These served to illuminate the night when daylight failed.”
3. Christian historian Eusebius (326 AD): legs broken; nose & ears cut off; eyes gouged out; thrown to wild animals; genitals mutilated; molten lead poured down back; raped; killed
• Christians’ response
1. Christians didn’t attack enemies in return
2. Church grew
• Figure on throne--God (1-3, 5; Re 5; Ex 24:9-11; Ps 29; Ez 1:25-28; Is 6:1-5)
1. Enthroned--ruler (2; Ps 47:8; 103:19)
2. Like jewels--beautiful (3; Ps 104:1; 1 Ti 6:14-16)
- Jasper--clear (21:11) or reddish, yellow, brown, green
- Carnelian--reddish
3. With emerald rainbow--promise-keeper (3; Ge 9:9-16)
4. With lightning and thunder--power (5; 8:5; 11:19; 16:8; Ex 19:16-19; Ps 18:12-15; 77:18)
• 24 elders--believers (4; 5:6, 8-10, 14; 7:11; 11:16; 19:4; 1 Ch 24; 1 Pe 2:9)
1. On thrones--ruling (Mt 19:28; 2 Ti 2:12)
2. In white robes--sinlessness (3:5; Is 61:10)
3. With gold crown--victory (1 Co 9:25; 2 Ti 4:8; Ja 1:12; 1 Pe 5:4)
• 7 lamps--7 characteristics of Holy Spirit (5; Is 11:2)
• Sea of glass (6; 15:2)
1. God's omniscience (Ex 24:10; Ez 1:22) or
2. Wash basin for cleansing (1 Ki 7:23-25; 2 Ch 4:2-6)
• 4 living creatures--cherubim
(6-8; 5:6; 6:1; 7:11; 14:3; 15:6; 19:4; Ge 3:24; Ex 25:18-20; Ez 1, 10; Is 6:1-8)
1. Lion--strength (7; Ps 103:20, 21; Ez 19:1-9)
2. Ox--service (7; Dt 25:4; He 1:14)
3. Face of man--sentience & intelligence (7; Lk 15:10; He 2:5-8)
4. Eagle--swiftness (7; Je 4:13; Da 9:21)
• Cherubim & believers worship God, Who is (8-11; 5:8, 14; 7:11; 11:16)
1. Perfect (8)
2. All-powerful (8)
3. Eternal (8)
4. Creator (11; Ps 115:3; Ac 14:15)
• Scroll--future (1-4; Is 42:9; 46:10)
1. 7 seals--official document (1; Da 8:26; 12:4, 9; Mt 24:36)
• Lamb--Jesus (5-7)
1. Lion of tribe of Judah (5; Ge 49:8-10; He 7:14)
2. Root of David (5; 22:16; Is 11:1, 10; Mt 22:41-45)
3. As if slain--sacrifice for sin (6; Ex 12:3; Is 53:7; Jn 1:29; 1 Pe 1:18-19)
4. 7 horns--all powerful (6; Dt 33:17; 1 Sa 2:10; 2 Sa 22:3; Ez 34:21)
5. 7 eyes--all knowing (6)
• New song--song of redemption (8-10; 14:3; Ps 40:1-3; 96:1-3; 98:1-3)
1. About Jesus
- His purchase of us by blood (9; 1 Co 6:20; 2 Co 5:15; He 9:12; 1 Pe 1:18-19)
- His creation of us as kings & priests (10; 1:6)
2. By elders with (8)
- Harps (14:2; 15:2; Ps 33:2)
- Bowls of incense--prayers (8:3-4; Ps 141:2)
• Angels worship Jesus (11-12; Da 7:10; He 12:22; 1 Pe 1:12; Ju 14)
• Creatures worship Father & Son (13-14; Ps 148; Jn 5:23; Ro 8:20-21; Ep 1:22-23)
• 7 Seals:1-4--New Testament Age; 5--Age of Tribulation; 6--Age of Vengeance (1-17)
1.White Horse (1-20 [horse--warfare and conquest (Is 30:16; 31:1; Jb 39:19-25; Zc 6:1-8)]
- Christ (5:5; 14:14; 19:11-16; Ps 45:3-5; Is 41:2; Mt 10:34; Jn 16:33) or
- False Christ (Mt 24:4-5; 2 Co 11:13-15)
2. Red Horse (3-4)
- Persecution (5:6, 9, 12; 6:9; 13:8; 18:24; Mt 5:10, 11; Lk 21:12; Ac 4:1; 5:17;1 Jn 3:12) or
- Warfare (Mt 24:6-7)
3. Black Horse (5-6)
- Economic hardship (13:17) or
- Famine (Mt 24:7)
4. Pale Horse--death (7-8; Je 24:10; Ez 5:12, 17; 14:21)
- Hades--place for unbelievers after death & before hell (1:18; 20:13-14; Ho 13:14; Mt 18:16)
5. Martyrs (9-11; Mt 24:9-13; Ac 14:21, 22; 2 Ti 3:12)
- When will You avenge? (8:3-5; 16:6; 18:20; 19:2; Dt 32:43; Ps 79:10; 94:3; 119:84; Lk 18:7)
- More to die yet (11)
6. Disasters (12-17; 8:6-12; 16:1-9; Is 34:4; Ez 38:19-20; Jl 2:31; Zp 1:14-18; Mt 24:29)
- Unbelievers fearful (15-17; Is 2:10, 19-21; Ho 10:8; Lk 23:30)
• Church Militant & Church Triumphant (1-10)
1. Protected from Age of Vengeance (1-3)
2. 144,000 sealed--complete Church Militant--12x12x10x10x10 (4-8; 9:4; 14:1,3; 22:4; Ez 9)
- Protects & marks ownership (Es 3:12; SS 8:6; Mt 27:66; Ep 1:13; 2 Co 1:21-22)
3. Countless multitude--Church Triumphant (9-10)
- From all people (9; 5:9; 10:11; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15)
- Wearing white robes--righteousness (9; 3:5)
- Holding palm branches--victory celebration (9; Le 23:33-36; 39-43; Mt 21:8; Mk 11:8; Jn 12:13)
• Angels worship Father & Son (11-12)
• Church Triumphant in heaven (13-17)
1. From tribulation (14; 5:9-11; Da 12:3; Mt 24:21-22; 2 Ti 3:1-5)
2. Cleansed by Jesus' blood (14; He 9:14; 1 Jn 1:7)
3. Serving God (15; 22:3)
4. Protected by God (15; Is 4:2-6)
5. Provided for by God (16; Is 49:10)
6. Led by Jesus (17; Ps 23; Jn 10:11)
7. Comforted by God (17; 21:4; Is 25:6-9; 35:8-10; 65:17-19)
• 7th seal--silence before judgment (8:1; Zp 1:7; Zc 2:13)
• Incense offered--prayers of the saints (8:3-4; 6:10; Ps 141:2)
• God's response--Age of Vengeance (8:5; Ps 66:1-7; Ez 10:2, 6-7)
• Trumpets--important event or wartime signal (8:2, 6; Nu 10:1-10; Ez 33:3)
[1-4--natural occurrences (Lk 21:25-28); 5-7--supernatural occurrences]
1. Hail & fire with blood--storms (8:7; Ex 9:18-25)
- 1/3--partial devastation
2. Burning mountain into sea--volcano (8:8-9; Ex 7:20, 21)
3. Falling star turns water bitter--meteorite (8:10-11; Ex 15:25)
4. Darkening of sun, moon, stars--dust & ash (8:12; Ex 10:21-23)
5. Locust--demons (9:1-12; Ex 10:1-20; Jl 1:1-2:11)
- From the Abyss or immeasurably deep pit--demonic prison (9:1-3; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1; Lk 8:31)
- Attack only unbelievers (9:4-6; Mk 5:1-20; 9:14-29)
- Grotesque (9:7-10)
- Led by Destroyer (9:11; Is 14:12)
6. 4 angels with 200 million soldiers--demonic influence on war (9:13-19; 1 Ki 22:19-28; 1 Ti 4:1)
- Released from Euphrates--barrier removed (9:14; 16:12)
- Devastating (9:17-19)
• No repentance (9:20-21)
• Angel and Little Scroll
1. Mighty angel (1-3)
- Robed in cloud--judgment (1; Ps 97:2; Zp 1:15)
- Rainbow above head--promise (1; Ge 9:9-16)
- Face like sun--glory (1; Mt 17:2)
- Legs like fiery pillars--God's presence (1; Ex 13:21-22)
- Standing on sea & land with open scroll--message for all (2)
2. 7 thunders' message sealed (3-4; Da 8:26; 12:4, 9)
3. Angel's oath (5-7; Da 12:7)
- No more waiting (6; 6:11; Da 12:1)
- 7th trumpet will reveal mystery of God (7; 11:15; Ro 16:25)
4. John eats scroll (8-11; Ps 34:8; Ez 2:8-3:3)
- Sweet in mouth--goodness of gospel, Word (10; Ps 119:103; Je 15:16)
- Bitter in stomach--rejection of you, gospel, Word (10-11; Jn 15:18-27)
• Temple & outer court--believers & unbelievers (1-2; Ez 40; 1 Co 3:16-17; 2 Co 6:16; Ep 2:21)
• 3 1/2 years=42 months=1260 days=a time, times, and half-a-time--NT Age (2-3; Lk 21:24)
• 2 witnesses--Church (3-12; Dt 17:6; 19:15; Ps 79; Mt 18:16, 19-20; Lk 10:1)
1. Prophesying--telling God's will (3; Je 26:2)
- 2 olive trees, 2 lampstands--service, witness (4; Zc 4:11-14; Mt 5:16; Lk 10:1; Ro 11:24)
2. Empowered (5-6)
- Like Moses & Elijah (Ex 7:14-17; 1 Ki 17; 18:36-39; 2 Ki 1:10-12)
3. Attacked--Age of Tribulation (7-10)
- By Satanic forces (7; 9:1; 17:8; 20:1)
- In great city, Babylon--hostile world (8; Mt 10:24, 25)
• Sodom--sin (Ge 19:4-11)
• Egypt--slavery (Ex 1:8-14)
• Jerusalem--rejection (Lk 19:41-44)
- For 3 1/2 days--short time; death celebrated (9-10; Jn 15:18-16:4)
4. Resurrected (11-12; 1 Th 4:13-18)
• Earthquake--Age of Vengeance (13-14; Ez 38:17-23; Ph 2:9-11)
• 7th trumpet--Second Coming & Judgment Day(15-19; Da 7:13-14; Lk 1:31-33; 2 Co 5:10)
1. Ark--presence of God (19; Ex 25:10-22)
• Woman & Dragon (1-6)
1. Woman--Church (1-2; Ge 37:9-10)
2. Dragon--Satan (3-4, 9)
- 7 heads with 7 crowns--total authority & craftiness (3; Mt 4:8-9)
- 10 horns--complete power (3; 1 Jn 5:19)
- Called
• Serpent--deceiver (9; Ge 3:1-7)
• Devil--accuser (9; Zc 3:1-6)
• Satan--adversary (9; 1 Pe 5:8)
3. 1/3 stars--fallen angels (4; Jb 38:7; 2 Pe 2:4; Ju 6)
4. Baby--Christ (5; 19:15; Ps 2:9; Ac 1:9-11)
• Dragon cast out of heaven (7-12; Is 14:11-15; Ez 28:12-17; Lk 10:18; Jn 12:31)
1. By Michael & angels (7; Da 10:13, 21; 12:1; Ju 9)
2. With fallen angels (8-9; 2 Pe 2:4; Ju 6)
3. So he can't accuse (10-12; Jb 1:9-11; Zc 3:1; Ro 8:1; 31-34)
• Dragon's assault on woman (13-17)
1. Woman with eagle's wings--God's protection (14; Ex 19:4)
- 1260 days or a time, times, and half a time in desert--New Testament Age (6; Mt 16:18)
2. Dragon tries to drown but is prevented (15-16; Ps 18:4, 16; Ps 124; Nu 16:30-33)
3. Dragon attacks woman's other children--believers (17)
• Beast from the Sea--Spirit of Antichrist (1-10; 1 Co 2:12; Ep 2:2; 2 Th 2:7; 1 Jn 4:3)
1. From sea-- nations; uses authorities (1; 17:15; Is 17:12)
2. With 7 heads--Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek, Roman (1; 17:9-10; Da 7:17)
3. With 10 crowns on 10 horns--10 kings (1; 17:12; Da 7:24)
4. Like leopard, bear, lion, & beast--earthly kingdoms (2; Da 7:1-7, 17)
5. Given dragon's power--Satanic authority (2; 12:3)
6. Has fatal head wound that heals--recovering after Christ's victory (3; Ge 3:15; Ac 8:1)
7. Has whole world following it & Satan (3-4, 7-8; Da 7:23; Lk 18:8)
8. Utters blasphemies for 42 months--opposed to God during New Testament Age (5-6)
• Beast from the Earth--Antichrist (11-18; 2 Th 2:1-12; 1 Jn 2:18-23)
1. From earth--not heaven-sent, but uses religion (11; 2 Th 2:3)
2. Looks like lamb, but speaks like dragon--Christ-like appearance, yet isn't (11; 2 Co 11:14; Mt 7:15)
3. Makes people worship Spirit of Antichrist (12; Da 7:8, 25; 2 Th 2:4)
4. Performs miracles (13; Mt 24:24; 2 Th 2:9)
5. Deceives (14; 2 Th 2:10-12)
6. Kills those who won't worship Spirit of Antichrist (15; Da 7:21, 25)
7. Institutes mark of the beast--cattle, slaves marked (16-18)
- Computer chip for purchases
- Name--letters of name given numerical value & added up (gematria)
• Roman Empire (in Greek Latineos)
• Domitian (in Greek his full title of 5 names abbreviated)
• Nero Caesar (in Hebrew Neron Caesar)
• Vicar of the Son of God--Pope (in Latin vicarius Filius Dei)
• Another leader?
- Number--symbolizes created thing (6), trying to be Trinity (3), falling short of God's perfection (7)
- Symbol for whom you worship (14:11; 20:4)
• Satan gives mark; God gives seal (7:4-8; Ep 1:13; 2 Co 1:21-22)
• Head (attitude) or hand (actions) reveals your focus (Dt 6:4-9)
• Triumph of sealed Church Militant--144, 000 with God’s name (1-5; 7:1-8)
1. With Lamb (Jesus) in heaven (1; He 12:22-24)
2. Singing loud, new song about redemption (2-3; 5:9, 10)
3. Followed Jesus in purity on earth (4-5; Ro 12:1-2)
- Firstfruits--giving some of first crops to God (Le 23:10; Ro 8:23; 1 Co 15:23)
• Messages from 3 angels (6-13)
1. Gospel's salvation (6-7; Mt 24:14; Lk 17:22-37; He 3:12-14)
2. Babylon's fall--seductive & oppressive world destroyed (8; 17-18)
3. God's wrath on unbelievers (9-13; Ps 75:8; Is 51:17; Je 25:15; Mt 10:28)
- Burning sulfur (10; Ge 19:23-28; Ps 11:6; Mk 9:44)
- Eternal torment (11; Mk 9:48; 2 Th 1:6-10)
- No rest (11-13; He 4:1-11)
• 2 harvests (14-20)
1. Believers gathered (14-16; Mt 13:24-30; 36-43)
2. Unbelievers punished (17-20; 19:15; Is 63:1-6; Jl 3:13)
• Prelude to 7 bowls of God's wrath--Age of Vengeance (15:1-4)
1. Sea of glass with fire (15:2; 4:6)
- God's omniscience & wrath (Ex 24:10; Ps 18:7-15; Ez 1:22) or
- Our cleansing & refining (1 Ki 7:23-25; 2 Ch 4:2-6; Ma 3:2-4)
2. Believers singing victory song about God--like Exodus (15:2-4; Ex 7:3-5; 15:1-18)
- Powerful & just (15:3; Ps 145; Je 6-10:10)
- Praiseworthy by all (15:4; Ps 86:8-10; Is 45:22-23; Ph 2:9-11)
• 7 bowls of God's wrath--like plagues in Egypt
(15:5-16:21; Ps 79:6; Je 7:20; 10:25; Ez 7:8; Zp 3:8)
1. Sores (16:2; 9:4-6; Dt 28:27; Ex 9:10; Ac 12:21-23)
2. Sea to blood (16:3; 8:8-9; Ex 7:17-21)
3. Fresh water to blood (16:4-7; 8:10-11; Ex 7:24; 1 Ki 17:1; 18:5, 40)
4. Scorching sun (16:8-9; 8:7; Dt 28:22)
5. Darkness (16:10-11; 8:12; Ex 10:22-23; Jn 3:19-21; Ps 105:28; 2 Th 2:10, 11)
6. Armageddon--"battle" of unbelievers against God (16:12-16; 9:13-21; 17:14; Ps 2)
- Euphrates dries up--barrier removed (16:12; 9:14; 2 Th 2:7)
- Demons gather kings against God (16:14; 17:14; 19:19-21; 20:7-10)
- Armageddon--Har-Mageddon or "mount of Meggido" (16:16)
• Megiddo--city where decisive battles were fought (Jg 5:19; 2 Ki 23:29; 2 Ch 35:22)
7. Judgment Day (16:17-21; 11:15-19)
- "It is done" (16:17; 21:6; Jn 19:30)
- Destruction (16:18-21; Ex 9:23-25; Is 24:19-20; Ez 13:13; 38:22)
• Babylon the Great, the Woman on the Beast
1. Prostitute leading others astray--materialism & worldliness
(1-6; Je 51:7; Mt 6:19-24; Lk 12:13-21; Ph 3:19; 1 Jn 2:16)
2. Beast--Spirit of Antichrist or Satan (7-14; 12:3; 13:1-10)
- Scarlet colored (3; 12:3)
- With blasphemous names (3; 13:1)
- Once "was, now is not, & yet will come" from Abyss to destruction (8; 20:1-3)
- 7 heads (9-11)
• 7 hills--Rome (9)
• 7 kings--Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek,
Roman, Antichrist, Spirit of Antichrist or Satan (10-11; Da 7) - 10 horns--10 kings (12-14; Da 7:24)
• Ruling for 1 hour--short time (12)
• Ruling with one purpose--oppose Christ (13-14; 19:19)
3. Waters--all nations deluded (15-18; Je 51:13)
• Fall of Babylon (1-3; Is 21, 47; Je 50-51)
1. Desolate & demon possessed (2; Is 13:19-22; 34:10-15; Je 50:39; 51:37; Zp 2:13-15)
2. Deceiver of nations, kings, & merchants (3)
• God's message about Babylon (4-8)
1. To Church--escape (4; Ge 19:15; Is 48:20; 52:11; Je 50:8, 16; 51:6, 9, 45; 2 Co 6:17)
- Her sins (Lk 21:34-36; 2 Ti 2:22)
- Her punishment (1 Th 5:9)
2. For her--pay back (6-8; Je 16:17-18; 50:15, 29)
- In full (6; Is 40:2)
- Unexpected (7; Is 47:7-8)
- With fire (8; 2 Pe 3:7, 10-13)
• Reaction to Babylon's fall (9-24; Ez 27)
1. Kings (9-10)
- See smoke (9)
- Weep & mourn (9)
- Stand far off in terror (10)
- "Woe in 1 hour" (10)
2. Merchants (11-17)
- Weep & mourn (11, 15)
- Stand far off in terror (15)
- "Woe in 1 hour" (16-17)
3. Sea captains (17-19)
- Stand far off (17)
- See smoke (18)
- Weep & mourn (19)
- "Woe in 1 hour" (19)
4. Church has (20)
- Joy
- Justice
5. Angel says no more (21-24; Is 24; Je 7:34; 16:9; 25:10; 51:59-64)
- Music (22)
- Work (22
- Light (23)
- Marriage (23)
• Wedding supper of Lamb (1-9)
1. 4 hallelujahs--praise the Lord (Ps 135:1)
- For Your judgment (1-2)
- For Your punishment (3)
- For Your worthiness (4-5)
- For Your wedding (6-9; 21:2, 9; 22:17; Is 54:5-7; Ho 2:19; Mt 22:1-14; 25:1-13)
• Bride--church (7; 2 Co 11:2; Ep 5:32)
• Fine linen--Christ's righteousness given to church (8; 3:5; Zc 3:1-5)
• Don't worship messenger (10)
1. Angels serve God like us (22:9; 4:7)
2. Worship God
3. Ultimate end of prophecy is Jesus
• Great supper of God (11-21)
1. Rider on White Horse--Jesus (11-16; Is 11:3-5)
- Faithful & True rider (11)
- Just judge (11; Ps 96 :13; Ac 17:31)
- Just warrior (11; Is 42:13; Ex 15:3)
- Blazing eyes--all seeing (12; 1:14)
- Many crowns--absolute ruler (12)
- Unknown name--beyond comprehension (12; Jg 13:18)
- Bloody robe--trampled enemies (13; Is 63:1-6)
- Called "Word of God" (13; Jn 1:1)
- Following army in white linen on white horses--believers (14; 3:5; 1 Th 4:13-18)
- Sword from mouth--God's word (15; 1:16; 2 Th 2:8;He 4:12)
- Iron scepter--ruling all (15; 12:5; Ps 2:9)
- King of kings & Lord of lords (16; 1 Ti 6:15)
2. Invitation to birds (17-18; Is 34:2-3; Ez 39:17-20)
3. Armageddon (19-21; 16:14-16)
- Spirit of Antichrist & kings versus Christ & believers (19; 17:14)
- Spirit of Antichrist & Antichrist thrown into lake of fire--hell (20; 13; 20:10, 14-15; 21:8; Da7:11)
- Unbelievers destroyed (21; Jl 3:2, 9-16; Zc 14; 2 Th 2:8)
• Millennium (1-6)
1. Satan bound--powerless to deceive (1-3; 2 Th 2:7)
- For 1000 years--NT Age--10x10x10 (2; Lk 10:18-20; Jn 12:30-32; Ro 8:28-39)
- In Abyss (3; 9:1)
- Later set free for short time--Age of Tribulation (3; 7-10)
2. Faithful souls (4-6; Lk 23:43)
- On thrones to judge (4; Mt 19:28; 1 Co 6:3; He 2:5)
- Endured 1st death--physical (4)
- In 1st resurrection--spiritual or faith (5; Jn 5:25; Ep 2:4-6)
- Will have 2nd resurrection--physical (Jn 5:28)
- Not touched by 2nd death--spiritual or hell (6; 19:20)
- As priests reigning with Christ (6; 1:6)
• Satan (7-10)
1. Released (7)
2. Deceives Gog and Magog--enemies of God & His people (7-9; Ez 38-39)
3. Gathers Gog and Magog for Armageddon--opposition to God (8; 16:14; 19:19)
- Destroyed with fire by God (9; Ps 11:6; Is 29:6)
4. Cast into hell forever (10; 19:20)
• Judgment Day for unbelievers (11-15; Da 7:9-10)
1. One book of life--"list"of believers (12; 3:5)
2. Many books of deeds--actions judged (12-13; Jb 34:11; Je 17:10; 2 Co 5:10; Jd 15)
3. Unbelievers, death & Hades thrown into hell (14-15; 6:7-8; 19:20; 1 Co 15:26; 2 Th 1:9)
• New heaven & earth (21:1; Is 65:17; 66:22; 2 Pe 3:13)
1. No sea--no evil or danger (13:1; 17:1, 15; Ps 32:6; Is 57:20)
• New Jerusalem--God's people (21:2-4)
1. HolyCity--perfect, permanent place with God (21:2; He 12:22)
2. Bride--loved by God (21:2; 19:7; 22:17)
- Living with God (21:3; Le 26:12; Je 32:38; Ez 37:27; 2 Co 6:16)
- Freed from old things--death, sorrow, crying, pain (21:4; 7:17)
• God's reliable & honest words (21:5-8; 22:6)
1. I make everything new (21:5; 2:17; Ro 6:4; 1 Co 15:42-44; 2 Co 5:17; Ep 4:22-24)
2. "It is done" (21:6; 16:7; Jn 19:30)
3. I am First & Last (21:6; 1:8)
4. Thirsty get water of life (21:6; 22:1, 17; Je 2:13; 17:13; Jn 4:10; 7:37)
5. Overcomers get God's inheritance & sonship (21:7; Ro 8:14-17)
6. Unbelievers go to hell (21:8; 19:20)
• Description of Bride or HolyCity--God's people (21:9-22:6; Ez 40-41)
1. God's glory--believer's light (21:11, 23-24; 22:5; Is 60:1-3, 19-20)
- Like jasper (21:11; 4:2-3)
2. High wall--believers protected (21:12, 17-18; Zc 2:1-5; Jn 10:28)
- 144 cubits thick--OT & NT chosen people--12x12 (21:17)
- Of jasper (21:18)
3. 12 gates--believers from all nations (21:12-13, 21, 25, 27; 22:14-15; Ge 28:14)
- With 12 angel guards--nothing unclean with believers (21:12, 27; Is 60:18, 21)
- With name of tribe--like chosen OT believers (21:12; 22:14-15; Ez 48:30-35; Ep 2:19-22)
- Of single pearl (21:21; Mt 13:45-46)
- Never shut because of no night--no fear for believers (21:25; 22:5; Is 60:11)
4. 12 foundations--believer's base (21:14)
- With names of apostles--from apostles' witness (21:14; Ep 2:19-22)
- Of precious stones (21:19-20; Is 54:11-12)
5. 12,000 stadia high, long, & wide--believers with God in perfect union--3x4x10x10x10 (21:15-16)
- A perfect cube--like Holy of Holies (1 Ki 6:19-20)
- Of pure gold (21:18, 21; 1 Ki 6:19-35)
6. With Father & Son--no temple necessary (21:22, 24, 26; 22:3-4; 7:15; Is 60:1-9)
- No curse--no sin (22:3; 2 Pe 3:13)
- With God's throne--His rule (22:3; 4:2)
- Seen face to face (22:4; Ps 17:15; 42:2; 1 Co 13:12)
- With God's name on forehead--ownership (22:4; 7:4-8)
7. River of water of life & trees of life--believer's eternal life (22:1-2; Ge 2:8-9; Ps 46:4; Ez 47:1-12)
- From God (22:1; Ro 6:23)
- Giving crops of fruit every month--abundant life (22:2; Jn 10:10)
- Leaves for healing (22:2; Ez 47:12)
• Conclusion (22:7-21)
1. Jesus is coming soon; blessings for knowing & watching future (22:7-11; 1:3)
- These prophecies (22:8-11)
• Testified by John (22:8; 1:2)
• Overwhelming to John (22:8-9; 19:10)
• To be shared (22:10; 10:4; Da 8:26; 12:4)
• Believed & rejected (22:11; Ez 3:27; Da 12:10; Mt 13:24-30, 36-43)