1. Jim Was Thinking That He Must Have Many Feelings, Memories, and Ideas That Go Through

1. Jim Was Thinking That He Must Have Many Feelings, Memories, and Ideas That Go Through


1. Jim was thinking that he must have many feelings, memories, and ideas that go through his mind that he is basically unaware of. From Freud’s viewpoint, Jim is referring to his ______.

2. The psychologist gave Shirley a series of ambiguous picture drawings and ask her to tell him what is happening in the picture. The psychologist is administering the ______test.

3. You are a Freudian psychotherapist, and believe parents who reward their children for good behavior and punish them for bad behavior help the children develop their ______.

4. Mildred, who have witnessed her parent’s murder and report memories of the event most clearly challenge Sigmund Freud’s concept of:______.

5. A parent says that his abusive punishment of his child is "for the child's own good," though it is really because the parent cannot control his aggressive impulses. Freud would be most likely to say that this illustrates the defense mechanism called


6. Dr. Jacobson, following Abraham Maslow’s ideas, encouraged his patient to fulfill his potential through ______.

7. As a cognitive therapist, you want to want to assess your patient’s abnormalities in personality, and possible mental illness. Which test will you use?


8. Following Bandura’s concept of reciprocal determination, Dr. Houser would consider her patient’s ______, ______, and ______.

9. Tony invests in individual stocks, feeling his efforts will make him more money. Donna, on the other hand, buys a large inexpensive fund without picking individual stocks. Tony’s behavior most clearly illustrates ______.

10. After experiencing prolonged and seemingly inescapable physical abuse from her husband, Kayla became increasingly depressed and hopelessly resigned to her suffering. Her reaction best illustrates ______.

11. Ron was turned down from attending Harvard University and said, “I was obviously rejected because they didn’t like some physical characteristic I have, not my ability.” This would be an example of ______on Ron’s part.

12. El Salvadorans have a saying: “The thief thinks everyone else is a thief.” This most clearly relates to the defense mechanism of: ______.

13. Bryce often acts so daring and overly confident that few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Bryce best illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as ______.

14. In a job interview for a position as an elementary school teacher, you are asked to take a Rorschach test. How would you respond to this request?

A. Take the test; after all, it is a well-known psychological tool.

B. Take the test, because it has been successfully used to predict emotional disorders.

C. Decline to take the test, because it is illegal to administer in this situation.

D. Decline to take the test, because it has questionable reliability and validity and can lead to inaccurate evaluation.