

1.Jen-Ling Shang,P2, P3, P4 –free linear forests are antimagic, Utilitas Mathematica, accepted. (SCI)

2.Chiang Lin, Wei-Han Tsai, Jen-Ling Shang and Ming-Ju Lee, Maximumvariances and minimum statuses ofconnected weighted graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, accepted. (SCI)

3.Jen-Ling Shang,Chiang Lin and Sheng-Chyang Liaw, On the antimagic labeling of star forests, Utilitas Mathematica vol. 97 (2015)373-385. (SCI)

4.Jen-Ling Shang,Spiders are antimagic, Ars Combinatoria, , vol. 118 (2015) 367-372. (SCI)

5.Jen-Ling Shang, On constructing graphs with the same status sequence, Ars Combinatoria, vol. 113 (2014) 429-433. (SCI)

6.Chiang Lin, Wei-Han Tsai, Jen-Ling Shang and Yuan-Jen Zhang, Minimum statuses of connected graphs with fixed maximum degree and order, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, vol. 24 (2012) 147-161. (SCI)

7.Jen-Ling Shang and Chiang Lin, Spiders are status unique in trees, Discrete Mathematics, vol. 311 (2011) 785-791. (SCI)

8.Chiang Lin and Jen-Ling Shang,Statuses and branch-weights of weighted trees, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, vol. 59, no. 4 (2009) 1019-1025.(SCI)

9.Jen-Ling Shang and Chiang Lin, An uniqueness result for the branch-weight sequences of spiders, The WHAMPOA-An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 54 (2008) 31-38.


  1. Jen-Ling Shang, On theantimagiclabeling of linear forests, The International Mathematical Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Mathematical Society (2015)(科技部計畫編號:MOST 104-2115-M-424-001)
  2. Jen-Ling Shang,Branch-weight unique spiders,Mathematical Conference and Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Mathematical Society(2012)(國科會計畫編號:NSC 101-2115-M-424-001)
  3. Jen-Ling Shang,Trees of the same status sequence,Proceedings of the 29th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory (2012)264-266
  4. Jen-Ling Shang, Chiang Lin and Sheng-Chyang Liaw,On the antimagic labeling of star forests, Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory (2011)260-266(國科會計畫編號:NSC 99-2115-M-008-003-MY2)
  5. Chiang Lin and Jen-Ling Shang,Displacements of weighted graphs, Proceedings of the 27th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory (2010) 96-101.(國科會計畫編號:NSC 98-2115-M-008-004)
  6. Chiang Lin, Yuan-Jen Zhang and Jen-Ling Shang,Statuses of graphs, Proceedings of the 26th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory (2009) 282-287.(國科會計畫編號:NSC 97-2119-M-008-001)
  7. Chiang Lin and Jen-Ling Shang, Second medians and second centroids of weighted trees, Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory (2008) 251-254.(國科會計畫編號:NSC 95-2115-M-008-009)


  1. 科計部計畫:相同距離和數列的非同構樹之研究,主持人:商珍綾,計畫編號:MOST 105-2115-M-424-001。
  2. 科計部計畫:非連通反魔圖之研究,主持人:商珍綾,計畫編號:MOST 104-2115-M-424-001。
  3. 國立中央大學磨課師課程推動計畫-課程應用模式發展計畫,委託單位:教育部,主持人:單維彰,協同主持人:商珍綾等。
  4. 國科會計畫:圖之同構分割,主持人:林強,共同主持人:商珍綾,計畫編號:NSC 102-2115-M-008-010。
  5. 國科會計畫:樹的距離和數列與分支量數列,主持人:商珍綾,計畫編號:NSC 101-2115-M-424-001。
  6. 國科會計畫:圖的距離和與變量之研究,主持人:林強,共同主持人:商珍綾,計畫編號:NSC 101-2115-M-008-003。
  7. 國科會計畫:反魔圖,主持人:林強,共同主持人:商珍綾,計畫編號:NSC 99-2115-M-008-003-MY2。
  8. 國科會計畫:與圖的距離相關的唯一性問題、嵌入問題及位移問題,主持人:林強,共同主持人:商珍綾,計畫編號:NSC 98-2115-M-008-004。
  9. 國科會計畫:圖之距離和,主持人:林強,共同主持人:商珍綾,計畫編號:NSC 97-2119-M-008-001。