1. In the training design process, selection of training methods is the ______step.

a. first

b. third

c. final

d. next to final

2. Person and task analysis are part of which step of the training design process?

a. Ensuring transfer of training

b. Developing an evaluation plan

c. Conducting needs assessment

d. Monitoring and evaluating the program

3. The training design process selection of training methods should occur directly following:

a. development of an evaluation plan.

b. needs assessment.

c. ensuring transfer of training.

d. development of learning objectives.

4. The acronym ADDIE is most closely associated with:

a. high-leverage training.

b. ISD.

c. intellectual capital.

d. Six Sigma.

5. Which of the following is not a force discussed by Noe as influencing the workplace and


a. Economic cycles

b. New laws regulating allocation of training funds in the US

c. New technology

d. High-performance work systems

6. The process of moving jobs from the United States to other locations in the world is called:

a. outsourcing.

b. globalization.

c. offshoring.

d. virtual teams.

7. Noe argues that all but which of the following are reasons offshoring is occurring?

a. U.S. visa laws allow foreign worker in the U.S. for seven years.

b. The U.S. graduates fewer U.S. born engineers than China and Japan.

c. More talented employees may be available outside the U.S.

d. Some countries provide substantial incentives for workers to work in the U.S.

8. Companies report the most important talent management challenge they face is:

a. identifying and training employees with managerial talent.

b. getting more women and minorities into the company.

c. developing programs to retain older workers.

d. obtaining enough new workers with required skills.

9. Noe argues that providing ______training gives organizations a competitive advantage.

a. online

b. instructor-led

c. tacit knowledge

d. explicit knowledge

10. All of the following except ______is an implication of an emphasis on learning vs.

training as an event.

a. learning must be related to achieving business goals

b. companies need to support more informal learning

c. companies need to provide psychological support for learning

d. companies need to anticipate needs and plan more formal training

11. Which of the following are good metrics for demonstrating the strategic value of training?

a. Number of hours of training conducted in the past fiscal year

b. Training costs were within budgeted amount

c. Average cost per hour of training

d. Time spent filling management positions

12. A balanced scorecard considers four different perspectives:

a. customer, internal, innovation and learning, and financial.

b. metrics, measurement, SWOT, customers.

c. financial, physical, tacit, and explicit.

d. internal customers, management, government regulators, and shareholders.

13. ______has been shown to be related to managers’ failure to advance in their careers.

a. A lack of people skills

b. The inability to develop employees

c. The inability to think strategically

d. Poor problem solving

14. Studies suggest all but ______positively influence employee retention.

a. working with good colleagues

b. good insurance and retirement benefits

c. challenging job assignments

d. opportunities for growth and development

15. The customer model of training department organization:

a. involves customers delivering training.

b. requires trainers to report to two managers.

c. requires trainers to understand a functional area of the company as well as

understanding instruction.

d. requires no training director or administrator.

16. Disadvantages of the faculty model of organizing training include all except:

a. the training function does not fit the organization’s needs.

b. the content of training may lack meaning for trainees.

c. trainers may be unwilling to adapt program content.

d. it is difficult for the training department to plan content of programs.

17. ______analysis asks the questions, “Will employees perceive the training program

as an opportunity or waste of time? Which persons or groups (employees, managers, vendors,)

have an interest in seeing training succeed?”

a. Benchmark

b. Task

c. Person

d. Organizational

18. Research indicates that:

a. peer and manager support for training is critical to success.

b. peer and manager support has little influence on training outcomes.

c. managers have little or nothing to do with the transfer of training.

d. organizational analysis is actually often unnecessary.

19. Employees’ “readiness” for learning refers to all the following except whether they:

a. have completed orientation.

b. have the necessary knowledge and skills to learn.

c. whether the work environment will enhance learning.

d. whether they are motivated to learn.

20. Research shows that motivation to learn is related to all but which of the following?

a. Skill acquisition

b. Knowledge gained

c. The length of training

d. Behavior change

21. All of the following statements regarding cognitive ability are true except:

a. it is related to successful job performance in all jobs.

b. it includes verbal comprehension, quantitative and reasoning abilities.

c. cognitive ability influences learning.

d. cognitive ability is more important for lower-level than more complex jobs.

22. When trainees’ reading levels do not match the level needed for the training materials, which

of the following options is an organization least likely to choose to handle this mismatch?

a. Redesign the job

b. Use video or on-the-job training

c. Reassign employees with inadequate reading abilities

d. Provide employees with reading deficiencies with a remedial reading program

23. ______is employees’ belief that they can successfully perform their job or learn the

content of the training program.

a. Self-efficacy

b. Self-motivation

c. Cognitive ability

d. Task competence

24. Which one of the following management actions could least likely increase employees’

self-efficacy levels?

a. Letting employees know the purpose of the training programs

b. Providing as much information as possible about the training program and its purposes

prior to the actual training

c. Showing employees the training success of their peers who are now in similar jobs

d. Using off-site rather than on-site formal training programs

25. Which of the following is not an issue to determine whether training is the best solution?

a. Is the performance problem important?

b. Can employees demonstrate the correct behavior?

c. Were other solutions too expensive or unrealistic?

d. Are employees approaching retirement age?


Employee Training and Development

Fifth Edition, 2010

ISBN: 13: 978-0-07-353034-5

Raymond A. Noe
