Impact of Sport Premium 2015-2016
Where has the money been spent?1. Additional funding for longer swimming sessions and swimming for Y4-Y6.
2. Sports coach to increase involvement in extra-curricular activities with a focus on pupil premium.
3. Sports coach to work with the PEN (Physical educational needs) and G+T.
4. Sports specialist to work alongside staff to raise standards in teaching and learning.
1. Impact of additional swimming and introducing swimming to year 4 and 5.
Swimming audit of PP children Y4-Y6
29 children / Baseline / End of Year1. Do you like swimming? / Yes:-10 children
No:- 17 children
Never been:-2 children / Yes:- 29 children
2. Can you swim without wearing armbands or using a float? / Yes:-13 children
No:-15 children / Yes:- 18
No:- 10
3. Do you go swimming outside of school? (Recreational) / Yes: 11 children
No:- 17 children. / Yes: 15
No: 13
4. Do your parents/carers take you to swimming lessons outside of school? / Yes:-4 children
No:- 25 children / Yes:- 6
No:- 23
5. Do you have any swimming badges? If yes what is the most recent badge you have achieved? / Yes:-3 (100m 25m and 5m)
No:-26 children. / Yes:- 27 (Achieved at school)
No:- 2
6. Can you swim 25m? / Yes:- 2
No:- 27 / Yes:-4/7 Y6
No:- 25 (A further 14 PP children from Yr 4 and 5 are on track to swim 25 metres by the end of Y6.)
· By increasing the amount of time in the pool there has been an increase in children leaving Y6 being able to swim 25m.
· Attitudes to swimming have improved .
· More children on track to attain the KS2 swimming target.
57% of Y6 PP children left Y6 being to swim 25m. é
69% of Y5 PP are now on track to swim 25m. é
67% of Y4 PP are now on track to leave KS2 being able to swim at least 25m. é
Overall cohort impact:-
At the end of Year - 23 children were still unable to swim 25m.
In 2015 16 /39 children did not meet the 25m standard.
2. Extra-curricular
See the audit below:-
An audit of the PE/Sport clubs that children attend outside of school has taken place:-
Outside of School / School Clubs· Athletics
· Boxing
· Cricket
· Cycling
· Dancing
· Football
· Gymnastics
· Jujitsu
· Karate
· Kickboxing
· Kuk Sool
· Rugby
· Street Dancing
· Swimming
· Tennis
· Trampolining
· Triathlon / · Athletics
· Basketball
· Cricket
· Dancing
· Dodgeball
· Fencing
· Football
· Gymnastics
· Hockey
· Multi-Skills
· Netball
· Orienteering
· Running
· Skipping
· Story Sports
· Tag-Rugby
· Tri-Golf
· X-Country
Baseline Findings:-
· 33% of the whole school access a club outside of school. (Only a small number of children compete in these sports)
· 47% of the whole school access a PE/sports club at school in 2014.
· Based on the audit of PE/Sport we are offering a wide range of after school clubs. There are many sports offered by the Woodlands that are not being accessed outside of school. Therefore there is currently no requirement to change the types of clubs we offer.
· As part of my analysis I looked at the access of pupil premium children. 49% of children receiving pupil premium have accessed at least one after school club for PE/school sport in the Autumn term. There is a register of which pupil premium are accessing after school clubs which is updated each half term. These children are given priority access as some funding is used for the outside provider. The outside provider is able to offer sports which we are not equipped to provide. E.g. Fencing.
· Only 9% of our pupils access swimming lessons outside of school. As a result we use part of the pupil premium funding to extend the length of the swimming lessons to try to help more pupil attain the 25m goal by the time they leave Y6. The impact of this can be reviewed at the end of each term.
Impact End of Year :-
Pupil premium
An increase in pupil participation.
2014-49% 2015-68% 2016- Pupil premium accessing at least one extra-curricular sports club.
37% PP accessing 2+ extra-curricular sports clubs.
Whole School
2014- 43% 2015-53% non PP accessing school sport.
27% Accessing 2+ extra curricular sports clubs.
Further to this the sports coach has supported an increase in intra-school competition with 5 competitions in 2015-2016
Yr 1-6 all took part in intra school competition.
All classes in KS2 took part in at least 2 intra school competition. (Dodgeball, athletics and x-country)
The sports coach and school staff worked together to try to increase pupil participation in inter school competition. There were 19 opportunities to take part in inter school competition over the year. We attended 10 in total.
We will be focussing on increasing the number of inter school competitions attended during 2016 2017 by looking at barriers to pupil involvement in competition away from school.
3. Impact of funding sports coach to work with the PEN (Disengaged pupils).
Improvement in attitudes to PE and school sport.
Woodlands PEN Pupil Voice KS1 (6 children) (10 Spring/Summer)
Question / Pre-PEN Group Response / Post Pen group responseNone / Once / 2+ / None / Once / 2+
1. On average, how many times a week do you do PE in school? / 0 / 2 / 4 / 2 / 8
Yes / No / Sometimes / Yes / No / Sometimes
2. Do you enjoy PE activities at school? / 2 / 3 / 1 / 10
3. Do you always bring your PE kit for lessons? / 2 / 0 / 4 / 7 / 3
4. Do you take part in ALL PE activities willingly and get involved with others in games? / 1 / 5 / 0 / 9 / 1
5. Do you understand that PE and school sport helps to keep you fit through a balanced healthy and active lifestyle? / 1 / 5 / 0 / 9 / 1
6a.Do you take part in a lunchtime or after school club in school? / 2 / 4 / 0 / 10
6b) If no give reasons why… / AW-Don’t like them.
MB-I want to go home.
OB-Don’t want to, I never do it.
HS- I want to do it but my Mum said I can’t.
7. Do you get regular opportunities to reflect on your learning and improve your skills? / 2 / 1 / 3 / 8 / 1 / 1
8.Are you given opportunities to learn new skills and techniques from other people? / 4 / 1 / 1 / 10
9. Have you enjoyed P.E more now coaches work alongside teachers? / 5 / 1 / 0 / 10
10. How would you improve PE at the Woodlands? / AW-Practise more with a ball instead of waiting.
MD-Do lots of games.
MB-More football.
OB-More football.
HS-Dancing to music more.
JM-Play more team games. / AS-Children to listen more.
JC-More football and football club for KS1.
MV-Improve myself.
HS-Gymnastics-more equipment
AW-Learning how to do gambols.
MD-Add more stuff-going to other schools.
OB-More activities-ball games
MB-Football with Bob again.
KS2 (12 children)
Question / Pre-PEN Group Response / Post Pen group responseNone / Once / 2+ / None / Once / 2+
2. On average, how many times a week do you do PE in school? / 1 / 0 / 11 / 12
Yes / No / Sometimes / Yes / No / Sometimes
2. Do you enjoy PE activities at school? / 6 / 3 / 3 / 7 / 1 / 4
3. Do you always bring your PE kit for lessons? / 7 / 1 / 4 / 6 / 1 / 5
4. Do you take part in ALL PE activities willingly and get involved with others in games? / 10 / 2 / 0 / 11 / 1
5. Do you understand that PE and school sport helps to keep you fit through a balanced healthy and active lifestyle? / 8 / 1 / 3 / 12
6a.Do you take part in a lunchtime or after school club in school? / 5 / 6 / 1 / 9 / 3
6b) If no give reasons why… / DA-Not allowed to because Mum says.
VW-Because only sometimes they sound interesting.
HH-Don’t want to.
AS- No because I have an X-box.
MTB-No point I already do clubs like running home.
KB-Mum won’t let me! I would like to though.
JW-No because I forgot to hand my sheet in. / LH-Don’t have time
HH-Don’t know
ERGH-Don’t know.
7. Do you get regular opportunities to reflect on your learning and improve your skills? / 3 / 2 / 7 / 3 / 9
8. Are you given opportunities to learn new skills and techniques from other people? / 6 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 2 / 7
9. Have you enjoyed P.E more now coaches work alongside teachers? / 5 / 1 / 6 / 10 / 1 / 1
10. How would you improve PE at the Woodlands? / GF-Having more equipment.
DA- Having more equipment.
VW- Having more equipment.
HH-More sporty games.
ML-Football (Bob from Aston Villa) Gym is for girls.
AS-Tag Rugby & normal rugby.
MTB-More boy sports.
JC-Team games and competition.
KB-Don’t know.
ERGH-Tig and painting!
RH-Girls having rugby and racing.
JW-Don’t know. / GF-More chance to work with Miss Lord.
DA-Using the hall equipment.
VW-A bigger choice of sports.
HH-More challenges
ML-Too much cricket-can we do football in the Summer term.
AS-More running.
MTB-More outdoor games even if it raining.
JC-I do not know.
KB-Don’t know.
ERGH-Don’t know.
RH-More sports days.
Woodlands G+T Pupil Voice Yr3/4
Question / Pre-G+T Group Response / Post G+T group responseNone / Once / 2+ / None / Once / 2+
3. On average, how many times a week do you do PE in school? / 7 / 7
Yes / No / Sometimes / Yes / No / Sometimes
2. Do you enjoy PE activities at school? / 7 / 4 / 3
3. Do you always bring your PE kit for lessons? / 7 / 7
4. Do you take part in ALL PE activities willingly and get involved with others in games? / 6 / 1 / 7
5. Do you understand that PE and school sport helps to keep you fit through a balanced healthy and active lifestyle? / 7 / 7
6a.Do you take part in a lunchtime or after school club in school? / 5 / 2 / 7
6b) If no give reasons why… / Libby – not much choice for y 4
Keeley – don't like the choices
7. Do you get regular opportunities to reflect on your learning and improve your skills? / 5 / 2 / 7
8.Are you given opportunities to learn new skills and techniques from other people? / 5 / 2 / 7
9. Have you enjoyed P.E more now coaches work alongside teachers? / 7 / 7
10. How would you improve PE at the Woodlands? / Kolbein –longer in actual games
Keeley –feels like it's a repeat each year – do same
Corbin –Warm up games are too long – never much time spent in main activity
Zak – wants to have personal objectives as all abilities have same
Cameron –organise groups differently
Libby – more on student led sessions – split groups within lessons on ability / Kolbein-More outdoor games than indoor, E.g. basketball, football, hockey etc.
Keeley-PE is good enough already.
Corbin-Different activities to football.
Zak-Different things not too repetitive.
Cameron-Different sports. Disappointed that the rain stopped sports day.
Libby-New things e.g. cricket-too much rounders.
Woodlands G+T Pupil Voice Yr 5/6
Question / Pre-G+T Group Response / Post G+T group responseNone / Once / 2+ / None / Once / 2+
4. On average, how many times a week do you do PE in school? / 11 / 11
Yes / No / Sometimes / Yes / No / Sometimes
2. Do you enjoy PE activities at school? / 3 / 8 / 8 / 3
3. Do you always bring your PE kit for lessons? / 11 / 10 / 1
4. Do you take part in ALL PE activities willingly and get involved with others in games? / 11 / 11
5. Do you understand that PE and school sport helps to keep you fit through a balanced healthy and active lifestyle? / 10 / 1 / 11
6a.Do you take part in a lunchtime or after school club in school? / 11 / 11
6b) If no give reasons why…
7. Do you get regular opportunities to reflect on your learning and improve your skills? / 11 / 11
8.Are you given opportunities to learn new skills and techniques from other people? / 10 / 1 / 11
9. Have you enjoyed P.E more now coaches work alongside teachers? / 9 / 2 / 10 (Miss Lord) / 1(BF) / 1 (Miss Lord)
10 (BF)
10. How would you improve PE at the Woodlands? / Keiron -use more equipment – more fun games
Scarlett- Use different coaches, use more equipment ie gym wall bars etc
Patti – indoors is too much gym dance , do more variety indoors and have options so can choose sport we like more
Rebecca – use gym equipment all of it
Katie – do more PE lessons, change indoor options too repetitive gym dance gym dance!
Caiden – different sports / activities
Kai – doesn't like one coach!! – change coaches
Henry – wants more opportunity to practise sequences in gym and dance – doesn't feel gets enough time
Celeb – get everyone involved- , make it fairer
Rosie – would like options so can choose – maybe split boys and girls / Keiron-More variety for indoor PE.
Scarlett:-More opportunity to use the apparatus.
Patti-Have longer lessons as they finish really quickly.
Rebecca-Dance competition in school.
Katie-Have longer time in lessons to get more done.
Caden-different sports that we don’t get to do normally.
Kai-Work with Miss Lord more.
Henry-More opportunities for working as a group in dance and gym.
Caleb-Have personal targets to get better.
Rosie-More chance to do dance.
Impact rise in staff confidence to deliver PE.
Raising standards in teaching using a sports coach to model good practice.