Marine Invertebrates

1. How old is the Earth?

2. How long has life on Earth existed?

3. Where do we believe life on Earth originated?

4. Briefly explain one theory of how scientists believe life on Earth may have developed.

5. In what kingdom are marine invertebrates found?

6. What is an invertebrate?

7. Are invertebrates more or less diverse than vertebrates? More or less common?

8. Name 5 different phyla of marine invertebrates.

9. What is body symmetry? What are the two major types of body symmetry?

10. What is segmentation? Name one type of marine invertebrate that exhibits body segmentation.

11. Identify two marine invertebrates that are important for human consumption.

12. What is the most intelligent marine invertebrate?

13.What is the largest marine invertebrate? How large do these organisms grow?

14. Which invertebrates exhibit 5-way symmetry and can regenerate lost limbs?

15. What is broadcast spawning? Which marine invertebrates use broadcast spawning?

16. Identify two marine invertebrates that are medically important for humans.

17. What invertebrate can change color more quickly than any other animal in existence?

1. What organisms are members of the phylum Porifera?

2. Define sessile.

3. How do sponges feed?

4. What is this method of feeding called?

5. Describe the body structure of a sponge.

6. What is a choanocyte?

7. Draw a choanocyte.

8. What is broadcast spawning?

9. Identify 3 different species of sponges.

10. Choose one sponge to draw.

11. In what phylum would you find jellyfish?

12. What are some other members of the same phylum as jellyfish?

13. What are the two common life stages of a jellyfish?

14. Describe the type of symmetry exhibited by jellyfish.

15. How do jellyfish move?

16. Describe the feeding method employed by jellyfish.

17. Why/how can jellyfish be harmful to humans?

18. Identify three various species of jellyfish.

19. Draw and label a common jellyfish.

20. Why are jellyfish (and other cnidarians) important to the marine environment?