Comprehension Questions

1.  Has Nauru always been a poor country?

2.  Why has Nauru decided to build a detention camp on the island?

3.  What are the citizens of Nauru doing to battle obesity and diabetes?

Discussion Questions

1.  What do you think of Nauru’s decision to house a detention camp? Is it a viable economic step for the country? Could you imagine other ways for Nauru to increase its economic standing?

2.  Nauru is an extreme example of the effects that a diet of fast food can have on the health of a nation. Has the introduction of fast food affected your country? How important is health and fitness where you come from?


Comprehension Questions

1.  How many islands make up the country of Malta?

2.  What are some of the historical sites to see on the islands?

3.  Name some of the reasons that Malta has become an important location for the film industry.

Discussion Questions

1.  Although Malta has sites that are older than the pyramids, it is not well-known outside of Europe. Why do you think this is?

2.  Malta is a prime location for the shooting of historical films – what kind of films would be best filmed in your city?


Comprehension Questions

1.  What issues is Singapore facing as a result of climate change?

2.  What are some of the ways that Singapore is confronting these issues?

3.  How has the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve changed in the past few hundred years?

Discussion Questions

1.  What effects (if any) of global warming and climate change have affected your area? Is your government proactive in its measures to protect vulnerable areas?

2.  Although Bukit Timah is now protected, tourism continues to have its affect on the Reserve. How has tourism affected your country or city?


Comprehension Questions

1.  What are some of the advantages of a Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship presented in the video?

2.  How did the Vervet monkeys get to the island?

3.  Do the monkeys show similar tendencies to humans concerning alcohol consumption?

Discussion Questions

1.  Saint Kitts and Nevis offers the opportunity to purchase citizenship to the country. What do you think of this practice? Is it ethical? Of you could have a second passport, which country would you choose?

2.  The video states that, based on research on the Verver monkeys, human tendency toward alcohol consumption is based on genetic factors rather than social ones. Do you agree?


Comprehension Questions

1.  What are some of the problems facing the Gambian education system?

2.  What were some of the pros presented in support of a four-day work week?

3.  What were some of the cons?

Discussion Questions

1.  The first video presented an idea of what the education system of the Gambia is like. What is the current state of education of your country? Do you share some of the same issues?

2.  The Gambia recently introduced a four-day work week for its public sector employees. What do you think of this? Is it feasible for you and your country?