Data Analysis Protocol:

1.  Extract/import raw signals and save as EXCEL files (.xls)

a.  Conductance Catheter (CC), Flow Probe (TFP), Esophageal Doppler Monitor (EDM)

i.  Extract signals from WINDAQ (.dat)

b.  Continuous Pulse Contour (PCCO)

i.  Import signal (.pk2) using EXCEL Text Import Wizard (fixed width)

2.  All EXCEL files should be indexed and organized in the following manner:

a.  Title Page (contains file information and legend)

b.  page 1: raw and computed data (excluding PCCO data)

c.  page 2: PCCO raw and computed data

d.  page 3: raw data plots

e.  page 4: correlation plots

f.  page 5: Bland-Altman plots

3.  Add time column to raw data

a.  CC, TFP, and EDM data were recorded at 153.6098 Hz, therefore, each row represents 0.00651 seconds of data

b.  A time column is not necessary for PCCO data, as each event is one cardiac cycle

4.  Plot raw data (4 plots: CC, TFP, EDM, PCCO)

a.  Visually inspect and rate volume signals

i.  Are the signals noisy?

ii. Do the signals clearly display a change in volume during the IVCO?

b.  Define the beginning and end of the IVCO

i.  Only the defined IVCO beats are to be considered for all following steps.

5.  Mathematically manipulate timing of raw data to find corresponding beat-to-beat stroke volumes: (note that if TFP data is available, CC data is not to be used)

a.  Conductance Catheter (CC)

i.  (Raw Data)=(VolumeLV), units=ml

ii. (Stroke Volume/beat)=(End Diastolic Volume)-(End Systolic Volume)

iii.  (Stroke Volume/beat)=(Peak)-(Trough)

iv.  Identify peaks and troughs, and perform an EXCEL cell subtraction.

1.  Place yield in a new column, as indicated on the Title Page

b.  Deltex Esophageal Doppler Monitor (EDM)

i.  (Raw Data)=(VelocityAO), units=cm/sec

ii. (Stroke Distance/beat)=[Integral(VelocityAO)] over beat time interval

1.  End units=cm

iii.  MATLAB can be used to facilitate this calculation

1.  EDM data and time column are copied and saved as a .csv file

a.  Filename format example: 420BASV1EDM.csv

i.  Test Date, State, Test Code (with run#), EDM

ii. Filename format adapted from Dr. Gunn’s protocol

2.  Initialize MATLAB

a.  Check directories

i.  Calling: calledm.m and .csv file?

b.  “edit calledm”

i.  change .csv filename

ii. change row numbers which denote the beginning and end of each beat (0,0: use .csv file as a reference)

iii.  save

c.  “calledm”

i.  program uses trapezoidal method to calculate the integral over the corresponding time interval

ii. yield appears: “integral_edm=#####”

iii.  Place yield in EXCEL, in a new column, as indicated on the Title Page

c.  Transonics Flow Probe (TFP)

i.  (Raw Data)=(FlowAO), units=L/min or ml/min

1.  unit conversion to ml/sec

a.  data with new units is placed in a new column, as indicated on the Title Page

ii. (Stroke Volume/beat)=[Integral (FlowAO)] over beat time interval

1.  End units=ml

iii.  MATLAB can be used to facilitate this calculation

1.  TFP data and time column are copied and saved as a .csv file

a.  Filename format example: 420BASV1TFP.csv

i.  Test Date, State, Test Code (with run#), TFP

ii. Filename format adapted from Dr. Gunn’s protocol

2.  Initialize MATLAB

a.  Check directories

i.  Calling: calltfp.m and .csv file?

b.  “edit calltfp”

i.  change .csv filename

ii. change row numbers which denote the beginning and end of each beat (baseline, baseline: use .csv file as a reference)

iii.  save

c.  “calltfp”

i.  program uses trapezoidal method to calculate the integral over the corresponding time interval

ii. yield appears: “integral_tfp=###”

iii.  Place yield in EXCEL, in a new column, as indicated on the Title Page

d.  Pulsion Continuous Pulse Contour (PCCO)

i.  (Raw Data)= (Continuous string of numbers describing Stroke Volume)

ii. Identify each beat and extract its corresponding number from the string

iii.  Place yield in a new column, as indicated on the Title Page

6.  Plot stroke volume data

a.  XY scatter plots (TFP or CC vs. EDM, TFP or CC vs. PCCO)

i.  X: TFP or CC, Y: EDM or PCCO

ii. Include trendline with equation of the line and correlation coefficient

b.  Bland-Altman Analysis plots

i.  X: A-B, Y: (A+B)/2

1.  Calculate for each two measurements to be compared

2.  Place yield in a new column as indicated on Title Page

7.  Create Summary Files

a.  Include XY scatter and Bland-Altman plots with selected runs representing each state

i.  Plot all on same axis

ii. Include detailed legend for each plot