Pharmacy Formula Price List (PFPL)Application Pharmacy Price List 4/14/2015

Store name / Telephone / Store or Corporate Email Address / County
Store Address / City / State / Zip Code
Manager name / Work Telephone
Name of person completing this Price List / Work Telephone


1)Enter the county in which your store resides. If already authorized enter your four digit Vendor Stamp number

County: / Vendor Stamp #:

Now save this document to your computer. Name it by the county, your four digit Vendor Stamp #, and the letter “PFPL” (Example: Allen0124 PFPL)

Applicants, (stores not currently authorized) name by county, store name and address. (Example: Low Price Drugs 123 Main St. Indianapolis PFPL)

You may encounter a message while in the process of saving the form that states there may be a minor loss of fidelity, if this occurs, click continue and save the form.

2) This FormulaPrice List must be completed on a computer. Phone 800 522.0874 if you are unable to do this.

3) Open the saved Formula PriceList from your computer. Tab to advance through the document. Incomplete Formula Price Lists cannot be processed and will be returned to the store.

4) If you have questions, explanations or comments, please enter them on the last page.

5) Save the completed FormulaPrice List with the correct name to your computer for your record.

6) Last step; e-mail the completed Formula Price List and Vendor Application to: with 2 attachments.


Reminder: Pharmacies must list prices for all formulas on this page. List per can prices except where 4 pack, 6 pack, 24 per case or 48 per case is indicated. Pharmacies must provide any prescribed formula to WIC participants within two working days of notification.

Powder Size as Specified / Ready to Feed / Liquid Concentrate / Case
Size Price / Size Price / Size Price / Size Price
Boost (any flavor) / 8 oz. 6 pack
Boost Kid Essentials 1.0 cal. (any flavor) / 8.25 oz. 4 pack
EleCare for Infants w/DHA& ARA / 14.1 oz.
Enfamil Nutramigen w/Enflora / 12.6 oz.
Enfamil Nutramigen / quart / 13 oz.
Enfamil EnfaCare / 12.8 oz. / quart / *2 oz. /48/case
Ensure / 8 oz. 6 pack
Gerber Good Start Gentle / 12.7 oz. / 8.45 oz. 4 pack / 12.1 oz.
Gerber Good Start Soy / 12.9 oz. / 8.45 oz. 4 pack
Gerber Good Start Soothe / 12.4 oz.
Neocate Infant w/DHA&ARA / 14.1 oz.
Neocate Junior / 14.1 oz.
Pediasure (any flavor) / 8 oz. 6 pack
Pediasure w/Fiber (any flavor) / 8 oz. 6 pack
Pediasure 1.5 cal (any flavor) / 8 oz. can/24/case
Pediasure Peptide 1.0 cal (any flavor) / 8 oz. can/24/case
Similac Expert Care Alimentum / 16 oz. / quart
Similac Expert Care NeoSure / 13.1 oz. / quart

*This is not a complete list of all prescription formulas. It includes the most commonly prescribed WIC formulas. See complete list at .

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Explanations and comments: