1. Describe the “Flat Hat Club”: Who is believed to be its founder? Where (college or

meeting place) was it formed? What is its significance?

2. What was the first “modern-day fraternity” – the first group to use Greek letters in its

name, have a secret meaning, grip, and Ritual of Initiation? When was this group formed?

Who was this group’s founder? And, what was the group’s secret meaning?

3. Which of the following is NOT a member of the “Miami Triad”?

A. Beta Theta Pi C. Phi Delta Theta

B. Alpha Delta Phi D. Sigma Chi

4. Which of the following was the first recognized women’s Greek-letter fraternity, formed

in 1870 at DePauw University?

A. Phi Mu C. Alpha Delta Pi

B. Gamma Phi Beta D. Kappa Alpha Theta

5. In 1854, which of the following fraternities built the first “fraternity house” at the

University of Michigan?

A. Chi Psi C. Theta Xi

B. Alpha Tau Omega D. Pi Kappa Alpha

6. Please write the Greek Alphabet, in order, by first writing the Greek Letter and then the

English translation (i.e. F - Phi):

The Founding

7. What was the Greek-letter name of the group that later evolved into Pi Kappa Phi?

What did the letters stand for? For what purpose did this group form?

8. Where and when was Pi Kappa Phi founded? List the seven men at the first meeting.

Who is the “Honorary 4th Founder” (name, chapter and school) of Pi Kappa Phi?

9. What is the motto of Pi Kappa Phi? Write in both Greek and English. BONUS: What

was the original motto in Latin and what was its translation?

10. Please write the Student Creed:

12. Please draw and describe the coloring for the following Pi Kappa Phi symbols:


Coat of Arms

Star Shield

The Fraternity Today

13. Where is the National Office of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity? (City and state)

14. There are four separate entities of Pi Kappa Phi. The Fraternity is one of them, what

are the other three?

15. Who is the CEO of Pi Kappa Phi? Include chapter and school.

16. Please list the members of the National Council by writing their name, chapter, school,

and position:

17. In 1965, who was the first man to be named Mr. Pi Kapp Phi? Include chapter and


18. What is the Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi? Include a brief description, the event’s

purpose, and when it is held.

19. What is Pi Kapp College? Include a brief description, the event’s purpose, and when it

is held.

20. What is a Mid Year Leadership Conference? Include a brief description, the event’s

purpose, and when it is held.

21. Pi Kappa Phi has a Volunteer Structure that includes Regional Governors, District

Counselors, Chapter Advisors, and Board of Alumni Advisors. List the men that fill each of

these volunteer positions for your chapter?

22. Pi Kappa Phi belongs to a group of national fraternities that purchase their insurance

through a provider known as FRMT Limited. FRMT Limited is governed by a Risk

Management Policy (commonly referred to as FIPG) that we must follow in order to

maintain this coverage. Put an “X” next to the five area’s that this Risk Management Policy


_____ Hazing _____ Education

_____ Fire, Health and Safety _____ Chapter House Construction

_____ Election of Officers _____ Sexual Abuse and Discrimination

_____ Alcohol and Drugs _____ T-shirt Design

23. If you were organizing a social event there are several guidelines within the Risk

Management Policy that you would have to follow in order to be in compliance with FIPG,

Inc. Name five:

Push America

24. What is the name of the artist and architect that provided Pi Kappa Phi with the

framework to develop Push America in 1977? Include chapter and school.

25. What are the three areas of service that characterize a balanced Push America


26. Name and briefly describe the two cycling events of Push America:

27. What are Push Camp and Give-a-Push Weekends?

Your Chapter

28. List each position of the Executive Council and who currently serves in this role for

your chapter:

29. Each chapter has a board of alumni advisors, chapter advisors, regional governor. Name them.

30. Name the schools in your region and their Greek chapter name, do not forgot your home chapter.

31. Extra Credit: Define brotherhood.