1. Course Description
Course Name: _____Biology 1______Course No.: ____0421______
Required Course or Elective: Required _x__Elective ___
Course Length: One Semester: ___ Two Semester: _x__ Other: ___
Required Prerequisite to course: _____N/A______
Prerequisite for what other courses: _Chemistry, Physics, Aquatic Science, Anatomy & Physiology, Biology AP, Earth & Space Science__
Textbook, Readings, Materials: _Pearson, Biology
Required Research: ______N/A______
School Catalog description and Course Content (topics covered): ___ Students in Biology study a variety of topics that include: structures and functions of cells and viruses; growth and development of organisms; cells, tissues, and organs; nucleic acids and genetics; biological evolution; taxonomy; metabolism and energy transfers in living organisms; living systems; homeostasis; ecosystems; and plants and the environment. .
Instructional Delivery Methods: __Student-centered inquiry-based instruction including laboratory investigations, manipulatives, and technology applications.______
2. Course Goals
The student will be able to know and apply the following:
1 . …the scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations.
2. …critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions.
3. …cells are the basic structure of all living things and have specialized parts that perform specific
functions, and that viruses are different from cells and have different properties and functions.
4. …the structure and functions of nucleic acids in the mechanisms of genetics.
5. …applications of taxonomy and can identify its limitations
6. …all levels of nature, living systems are found within other living systems, each with its own
boundary and limits
7. …the theory of biological evolution.
8. …that interdependence and interactions occur within an ecosystem.
9. …the significance of plants in the environment
10. …metabolic processes and energy transfers that occur in living organisms.
3. Instructional Philosophy
Golden Eagles soar to achieve excellence in academics and character.
4. Course Outline( Some changes may be necessary due to the Hurricane)
1st Grading Period / Levels of Organization, Biomolecules, Enzymes, Prokaryote vs. EukaryoteCell Transport, Energy Conversions, Photosynthesis/Respiration,
2nd Grading Period / DNA, RNA ,Cell Cycle, DNA replication, Mitosis, Mutations, Meiosis, Protein Synthesis, Gene Expression, Mendelian genetics, Non-Mendelian Genetics, Pedigrees, Karyotyping,
3rd Grading Period / Classification, Taxonomy, Mechanisms of Evolution, Evidences of Evolution, Dichotomous Keys, Ecology, Plants, Bacteria, Oparin-Haldane Theory, Cell differentiation,
4th Grading Period / Viruses and bacteria,Interactions of Human Body Systems, Specialized Cells, Plant systems,
5. Projects and Required or Recommended Readings
Assignments: Assigned classwork and homework, Cornell Notes
Test/Quiz Dates: There will be a minimum of 3 tests per grading period
6. Grading Scale and Assessment Plan
All grades are numerical. The grade breakdown is as follows:
Test & projects 60%
Lab, Daily Work, Quizzes 30%
Homework and participation 10%
Total 100%
A= 100-90% B= 89-80%C= 70-79% F= 69-below
7. Student Expectations (expectations for student work habits, routines, etc.)
A. Respect others space, school property, and personal property
B. Be on time, prepared & in your chair before the bells rings. (Use restrooms during passing).
C. NO FOOD, GUM, or DRINKS are allowed in class or in the lab
D. Be respectful to the speaker
E. Be responsive
F. Students should keep personal belongs put away- no photographs, cosmetics, letters or other class work should be out on your desk. Hats, sunglasses, ipods, phones and other musical & game devices are NOT allowed in class EVER; they should be put away so they are not visible and silenced.
G. Turn in all work on time. Late work will be penalized- 10% off the top score for each day it is late, and after the 4th day, a completed assignment will receive a grade no higher than 50. This applies to group work.
H. Talking or cheating during tests are not allowed. All parties engaged in this behavior will receive a zero for that respective assignment, and test will NOT be allowed to be made up under these circumstances.
I. Students are expected to adhere to student regulations, attendance, and tardy policies. Refer to the Student Handbook and KISD Student Code of Conduct.
8. Make-Up Policy
Students who have been absent are responsible for their missed assignments. Additional time will be given according to how many days they were absent; one additional day per day absent before late penalties apply.Make up tests will be provided.
9. Teacher Provided Extra time/Extra Help (Teacher Tutorial Weekly Schedule):
Each teacher will have a minimum of one tutorial day per week. Tutorials times are as follows:
Briggs (rm323 )– Monday 2:50-3:30p
Chun (rm327 ) – Tuesday 2:50-3:30p
Chirdo (rm336 ) - Tuesday 2:50-3:30p
Evans (rm326 ) - Thursday 2:50-3:30p
Greer-Harrison (rm 329)- Tuesday 2:50-3:30p
Hinton (rm330 ) - Tuesday 2:50-3:30p
Higgins (rm334 )– Thursday 2:50-3:30p
Morales (rm337 ) - Thursday 2:50-3:30p
Rains (rm227 ) - Thursday 2:50-3:30p
10. Student Evaluation
Assessment will be both formal and informal. Students will be required to pass the Biology EOC Test in May in order to graduate.
This syllabus is subject to change based on district and school policy.