Final Review
Short Answer
1.Congressional whips serve what main function?
2.A member of Congress helping a constituent gain citizenship is an example of what type of action?
3.“That the legislative, executive, and judiciary department shall be separate and distinct...”can be attributed to which political theorist?
4.How does debate in the Senate differ from debate in the House?
5.What power is being described..."Even if the president stops a bill, Congress can still have its way if two-thirds of the members are willing to vote for it."
a) A majority of Americans consider themselves to be conservative-liberals.
b) A majority of Americans place themselves in the middle, between extreme liberal or conservative views.
c) Most Americans are extremely conservative.
d) Most Americans are extremely liberal.
7.Anti-Federalists feared the gov’t would abuse its citizens without what being added to the Constitution?
8.A congressional committee established to rework different versions of a bill is called a
9.The Brown v. Board of Education decision reversed “______,” as established by the Supreme Court’s 1896 ruling in ______.
10.In which part of the U.S. Constitution can we find the goals for the American government?
11.Describe the relationship between education and voter participation.
12.When it comes to classifications on the basis of race, the Supreme Court applies the ______standard of review
13.Which linkage institution would more likely support free-market solutions, increased military spending, & low taxes?
14.What name is given to the corrupt political organization that uses specific and material inducements to win party loyalty and power?
15.What functions do political parties fulfill?
16.For each of the following rights, provide an example of an action that would NOT be protected by the First Amendment
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Press
Freedom of Assembly
17.Power shared by the national gov’t and the several state governments describes which principle?
18.What name is given to groups that translate inputs from citizens into outputs from the policymakers?
19.What is a writ of certiorari?
20.Associated with Judicial Restraint or Judicial Activism?
a) Federal courts are the least democratic branch of government.
b) Judges should chart new constitutional ground given their power of judicial review.
c) Observers question the qualifications of judges for making policy decisions and balancing interests.
d) Policymaking should be left strictly to the legislature
21.The Senate giving its consent to a peace treaty is an example of what principle of American gov’t?
22.Which principle of US gov’t is illustrated by the phrase “consent of the governed?”
a) Donating money is the most frequent form of political participation regardless of income.
b) People at higher income levels are more likely to sign petitions and attend meetings than to contact politicians or donate money to campaigns.
c) People with higher incomes are more likely to donate money to campaigns, to contact politicians, to attend public meetings, and to sign petitions than individuals at lower income levels
24.How is judicial review related to checks and balances?
25.Who stated, “The existence of political factions should be legal to protect against the tyranny of majority rule”? Where is it found?
26.What power is being described..."Congress may get its way, but the president is confident when a challenge to the law is heard by the Supreme Court, it will be declared unconstitutional."
27.What is political efficacy?
28.According to the Declaration of Independence life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are...
29.Why would it be difficult to settle a dispute between two states under the Articles of Confederation?
30.What name is given to the informal groups that have evolved in Congress that attract people with common interests or ideologies?
31.Congress passes a law drastically changing the focus of the American education system with an estimated cost of almost $1 billion but only appropriates $100 million total in lump sum to the states for implementation. What do we call this?
32.It is clear the American government is most closely associated with what form of gov’t, based upon institutions like the Electoral College and the House of Representatives?
33.The Supreme Court’s unwillingness to settle disputes about the constitutionality of the War Powers Act is an example of the doctrine of ______, used as a means to decide cases involving conflict between the president and Congress.
a) A majority of Americans with high income identify with the Democratic Party.
b) African Americans identify overwhelmingly with the Democratic Party.
c) Jews identify overwhelmingly with the Republican Party.
d) Most white evangelicals identify with the Republican Party.
35.Under current campaign finance regulations, is it permissable for...
a. An individual contribution to a congressional candidate in the amount of $5,000 in the 2008 elections.
b. A soft-money contribution to a political party in the amount of $10,000 in the presidential election of 2000.
c. Mitt Romney’s spending of $44 million out of his own pocket in pursuit of the Republican presidential nomination in 2008
36.What does it mean to “pigeonhole” a bill?
37.What is the only formal method for ending a filibuster?
38.The tendency of states to hold primaries earlier in the calendar to capitalize on media attention is called....
39.What clause in the 14th amendment means that laws cannot establish different standards for the treatment of different groups?
40.In what document did the Pilgrims promise to work together to preserve order and pass laws to protect the common good?
41.Why is the House Rules Committee so powerful?
42.Describe the relationship between age and voter participation.
43.Why did Jefferson begin his case for autonomy in the Declaration of Independence with a statement of “natural rights?”
44.Legal and constitutional protections against the government describe our...
45.Which amendment protects one’s right to burn the U.S. flag? What Supreme Court decision protected this right?
46.Liberal or Conservative...
a) Which group is most closely linked to using the gov’t to help promote social progress?
b) Which group is linked to the desire to decrease gov’t power and spending?
c) Which group tends to favor stricter gun control laws?
d) Which group tends to favor a woman’s choice to have an abortion?
a) Among people under the age of 30, there are just as many liberals as conservatives.
b) Groups with political clout tend to be more conservative than those who lack access to political power.
c) More Americans choose the ideological label of conservative over liberal.
d) The younger the individual, the more likely that person is to be conservative.
48.What made racial discrimination illegal in places of public accommodation?
49.Members of Congress spend most of their time in office occupied by ‘casework’ - what is casework?
50.Identify and describe two types of primary elections.
51.What occurs when Congress adjourns within 10 days of submitting a bill and the president simply lets the bill die by neither signing it nor sending it back?
52.Whereas interest groups tend to be ______, political parties are ______
53.Define Civil Disobedience and explain what makes it effective.
54.What power is being described..."The president rejects the bill Congress is voting on; he does not think it is the right thing for the government to do."
55.What is a discharge petition?
a) Incumbents usually face very tough challengers, especially in races for the House.
b) Incumbents usually have more money than their challengers.
c) Incumbents usually have their party’s endorsement.
d) Incumbents usually win elections
57.Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
58.The creation of the FDA is an example of the gov’t addressing which goal of the Preamble?
59.What term refers to an alliance of various interest groups and individuals who unite in order to promote a single issue in government policy?
60.The Three-Fifths Compromise—the infamous agreement which counted Southern slaves as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of elevating population and, therefore, representation in the House of Representatives—disappeared from the Constitution with the passage of which amendment?
61.Reserved powers are guaranteed by which amendment?
62.A ______is a group of members of Congress who share some interest or characteristic; their goal is to promote the interests around which they are formed.
63.A network comprised by the Retail Tobacco Distributors of America, the Department of Agriculture, and the House Tobacco Subcommittee is an example of
64.What term refers to the constitutional power of the president to send a bill back to Congress with reasons for rejecting it?
65.What is the most common form of political participation in the U.S.?
66.People with (higher/lower) incomes are more likely to donate money to campaigns, to contact politicians, to attend public meetings, and to sign petitions than individuals at (higher/lower) income levels
67.Most of the real work of Congress goes on in ______, which dominate congressional
policymaking in all its stages.
68.How does a constitution limit the power of the government?
Final Review
Answer Section
1.persuade party members to toe the party line
4.debate in the Senate is virtually unlimited
7.Bill of Rights
8.conference committee
9.separate but equal
Plessy v Ferguson
11.moreeduc more likely to participate
12.inherently suspect
13.Republican Party
14.Local Political Maching candidates
run campaigns
cue voters
articulate policies
coordinate policymaking
18.Linkage institutions
19.what’s issued by the Supreme Court when they decide to hear a case
21.Checks & Balances
22.popular sovereignty
24.allows S.C. to prevent abuse of power by other 2 branches
25.James Madison in Federalist #10
26.Judicial review
27.This is how much an individual feels he or she can affect political events
28.Unalienable Rights
29.There was no national court system.
30.Caucus unfunded mandate
33.Political Questions
36.bury it in committee
39.Equal Protection
40.Mayflower Compact
41.It decides whether or not a bill will get a vote by the full House.
42.increase in age equals increase in participation
43.He wanted to establish a philosophical foundation for the colonies right to sever ties with England and enlightenment era thinkers were influential and respected
44.Civil Liberties
45.1st; Texas v Johnson
48.Civil rights Act of 1964
49.Activities performed by members of Congress that help constituents as individuals, particularly by cutting through bureaucratic red tape to get people what they think they have a right to get.
50.Closed - only registered party member may participate
Open - all registered voters may participate
51.Pocket Veto
52.policy specialist
policy generalist
53.breaking laws that one feels are unjust
55.a formal vote to get a bill out of committee
58.promote the general welfare
59.Issue networks
60.13th Amendment
63.Iron Triangle
67.committees is written so everyone can see what the govt can/can’t do