Name ______number ______
Copyright Scavenger Hunt - Answers
Website: Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright
1. Choose one date in the 1800s and tell why it was important for
Copyright Law.
Date: ______àcompare answer with website facts
Why it was important: ______
2. On what date was Copyright Law revised to include protection of musical compositions?
Date: February 3, 1831
3. Describe the most recent change in U.S. Copyright Law.
The TEACH Act of 2002 provided for the use of copyrighted works by accredited nonprofit educational institutions in distance education.
4. List three legal, valid reasons for using someone’s copyrighted work.
Any combination of parody, scholarly criticism, teaching, and news reporting.
5. What are the benefits of registering your copyright?
It establishes public record, which is necessary if there is ever a lawsuit.
Website: Cyberbee
6. When you use copyrighted material, what are the recommended amounts to use for motion media, text, and music?
Motion media 10% or up to 3 minutes
Text 10% or up to 1000 words
Music 10% but no more than 30 seconds
7: If you find something (text, image, recording) on a government website does that automatically mean it is public domain?
It’s probably public domain but you should read the copyright statements.
8. You find something online and you want to use for a project, but you can’t find copyright information on the page. What should you do?
Write to the author and ask for permission to use it.
9. If material is not copyrighted, do you still have to give credit to the person who created it?
Yes, you should always give credit to the person who created it.
Website: Copyright Kids!
10. When you find copyrighted information, that you didn’t create, which of the following are you allowed to do?
G) none of the above
11. List four examples of works that are protected by copyright law.
ANY FOUR: literary works (which includes computer software);
musical works, including any accompanying words;
dramatic works, including any accompanying music ;
pantomimes and choreographic works;
pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works;
motion pictures and other audiovisual works;
sound recordings; and
architectural works.
12. To determine “fair use” there are four factors to look at. For each factor, which is more likely to be considered fair use?
· Purpose and Character: educational purposes OR commercial use?
· Nature of the Work: less creative OR more creative?
· Amount Taken: more taken OR less taken?
· Effect on copyright owner: affects how much money copyright owner will make
OR does not affect how much money copyright owner will make.