
1. Chi-Chang Hu and Allen Bai, 2001, 2, “Composition Control of Electroplated Nickel-Phosphorus Deposits”, Surf. & Coatings Tech., (vol. 137) 181-187; SCI.

2. Chi-Chang Hu and Allen Bai, 2001, 3, “Optimization of Hydrogen Evolving Activity on Nickel-Phosphorus Deposits Using Experimental Strategies”, J. Appl. Electrochem., (vol. 31) 565-572; SCI .

3. Chi-Chang Hu and Allen Bai, “Electrodeposition of Nickel-Phosphorus Deposits with a Variable Magnetic Property”, Proceedings of The Electrochemical Society on “Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Magnetic Materials, Processes, and Devices”, Edited by S. Krongelb, (2001) p93-96 ; EI.

4. Allen Bai and Chi-Chang Hu, 2002, 09, "Effects of electroplating variables on the compositions and morphologies of nickel-cobalt deposits through means of cyclic voltammetry" , Electrochim. Acta., (Vol. 47) 3447-3456, SCI .

5. Chi-Chang Hu and Allen Bai, 2002, 11, "The Inhibition of Anomalous Codeposition of Iron-Group Alloys Using Cyclic Voltammetry", J. Electrochem. Soc., (Vol. 149) C492-C497; SCI .

6. Chi-Chang Hu and Allen Bai, 2003, 01, "Influences of the Phospforus Content on Physicochemical Properties of Nickel-Phosphorus Deposits", Mater. Chem.Phys., (vol.77) 215-225 ; SCI .

7. Allen Bai and Chi-Chang Hu, 2003, 01, “Iron-Cobalt and Iron-Cobalt-Nickel Nanowires Deposited by Means of Cyclic Vltammetry and Pulse-Reverse Electroplating”, Electrochem. Comm., (Vol. 5) 78-82; SCI .

8. Allen Bai and Chi-Chang Hu, 2003, 01 “ Effect of Annealing Temperatures on the Physicochemical Properties of Nickel-Phosphorus deposits”, Mater. Chem. Phys., (Vol 79) 49- 57 ; SCI.

9. Chi-Chang Hu, Cheng-Hsiang Tsay and Allen Bai, 2003, 07 “Optimization of Hydrogen Evolving Activity on Nickel-Zinc Deposits Using Experimental Strategies”, Electrochim. Acta, (vol. 48) 907-918; SCI.

10. Allen Bai, Po-Yao Chuang and Chi-Chang Hu , 2003, 07”The corrosion Behavior of Ni-P Deposits with High Phosphorous Contents in Brine Media”, Mater. Chem. Phys., (vol. 79) 49-57; SCI .

11. Allen Bai, Chi-Chang Hu and Ten-Chin Wen, 2003, 07”Composition Control of Ternary Fe-Co-Ni Deposits Using Cyclic Voltammetry”, Electrochim Acta, (vol. 48) 2425-2434; SCI.

12. Allen Bai and Chi-Chang Hu, 2003, 08,“Cyclic Voltammetric Deposition of Nanostructured Iron-Group Alloys in High-Aspect Ratios without Using Templates” Electrochim. Comm., (vol. 5) 619-624; SCI.

13. Allen Bai and Chi-Chang Hu, 2005, 01,“Composition Controlling of Co-Ni and Fe-Co Alloys Using Pulse-Reverse Electroplating Through Means of Experimental Strategies” Electrochim Acta,; (vol. 50) 1335-1345;SCI. [NSC 92-2622-E-224-008-CC3]

14. C-S Kuo, Allen Bai, C-M Huang, Y-Y Li, C-C Hu, C-C Chen, 2005,09,“Diameter control of multiwalled carbon nanotubes using experimental strategies” Carbon; (vol. 43) 2760-2768;SCI.

15. Allen Bai and Chi-Chang Hu, 2006, 03,“Preparation nanostructure deposits by means of cyclic voltammetry and pulse reverse plating” JCIChE (vol. 37) 269 ; SCI. [NSC 92-2622-E-224-008-CC3]

16. Chen-Un Yu, Chi-Chang Hu, Allen Bai, Yong-Feng Yang, 2007,” Pore-size dependence of AAO films on surface roughness of Al-1050 sheets controlled by electropolishing coupled with fractional factorial design” Surface and Coatings Technology (vol. 201) 7259; SCI.

17. Allen Bai, Chi-Chang Hu, Yon-Feng Yang and Chi-Cheng Lin, 2007,” Pore diameter control of anodic aluminum oxide with ordered array of nanopores”, Electrochimica Acta., reading proof.


1. 白育綸,王振慶,胡啟章:「奈米結構之合金與金屬氧化物材料之電化學製備」,化工,第五十卷,第二期,50 (2003) 54-60。

2. 白育綸,蔡品儀,胡啟章; 「鐵族合金鍍層之不尋常電鍍現象的成因與抑制」,化工,第五十卷,第四期,36(2003) 40。



1. Chi-Chang Hu and Allen Bai, “Electrodeposition of Nickel-Phosphorus Deposits with a Variable Magnetic Property”, the 198th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, Arizona, Oct. 22-27 (2000).

2. Allen Bai and Chi-Chang Hu ,"Effects of Deposition Variables on the Morphologies and Composition of Nickel-Cobalt Deposits Prepared by Cyclic Voltammetry",Joint meeting of the Electrochemical Society and the International Society of Electrochemistry,San Francisco,California,Nov.2-7(2001).


1.白育綸、胡啟章;"Hydrogen Evolving Activity on Nickel-Phosphorus Deposits",中國材料科學學會1999年年會會議,新竹,11月26至27日。

2.白育綸、胡啟章 ;"鍛燒溫度對鎳磷鍍層的材料性質之影響",中國材料科學學會2000年年會會議,高雄,11月24至25日。



5.白育綸、胡啟章 ;"雙成份鐵系合金的平衡電鍍",中國材料科學學會2001年年會會議,台中,11月23至24日。

6.白育綸、胡啟章 ;" Composition Control of Ternary Fe-Co-Ni Deposits Using Cyclic Voltammetry",中國材料學科學會2002年年會會議,台北,11 月。

7.白育綸、胡啟章 ;“以脈衝/脈衝反轉法控制鎳鈷、鐵鈷合金之組成",中國化學工程學會2002年年會會議,嘉義,12 月。

8.張嘉元、白育綸、胡啟章 ;“純鋅和鋅合金應用於一次電池的開發",中國化學工程學會2002年年會會議,嘉義,12 月。

9.白育綸、胡啟章; ”電沉積純鈷和鐵鈷鎳金屬奈米球” ,中國化學工程學會2003年年會會議,台北,11 月。

10.白育綸、胡啟章; ”循環伏安法和脈衝法製備奈米結構之鐵族合金”,中國材料學科學會2003年年會會議,台南,11 月。

11.白育綸、李東倫、顧哲榮;"循環伏安法、脈衝反轉法和直流電鍍法探討鎳鐵磷鍍層之氫產生與抗腐蝕研究"中國化學工程學會2004年年會會議,台南,11 月。

12.白育綸、盧冠文、曾弘毅、賴彥伯;" 實驗設計法探討鎳鐵磷合金鍍層之最佳氧氣產生條件 "中國化學工程學會2004年年會會議,台南,11 月。

13.白育綸、楊勇鋒;"奈米級銳鈦型二氧化鈦沉積於氧化鋁結構之抗菌研究(NSC 92-2622-E-244-008-CC3) "中國化學工程學會2004年年會會議,台南,11 月。

14.白育綸、魏大同、王盛世、蘇薇婷、官紫涵、施亞瓊;"四氧化三鐵磁性奈米顆粒與DNA 結合之探討 "中國化學工程學會2004年年會會議,台南,11 月。

15.白育綸、 楊勇鋒、 姚富翔;"氧化鋁快速成膜製備條件之研究",中國材料學科學會2004年年會會議,新竹,11 月。

16.白育綸、胡啟章;"循環伏安和脈衝反轉法製備鐵族奈米合金",中國材料學科學會2004年年會會議,新竹,11 月。

17.白育綸、盧冠文、曾弘毅、賴彥伯;"鎳鈷磷合金以實驗設計法探討氫氣、氧氣和抗腐蝕能力之研究",中國材料學科學會2004年年會會議,新竹,11 月。


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