Board of Directors
January 4, 2012
1)Called to Order by President Robby Storton at 7:05 P.M.
2)Flag Salute
3)Roll Call of Directors
a)Directors Present: Robby Storton, Mary Martineau, Curtis Martineau, Cheryl Brean, Jon Donais, Amanda Garner, Gretchen Donais, Carol Canfield, Andy Robinson, Crissy Tobiason, Megan Storton.
b)Directors Excused : Gwen Alexander
4)Andy Robinson states letter B for Parks Board in Ad-Hoc committee reports should be changed to state Ramona Jr. Fair Bi-laws instead of 4-H Bi-laws. A motion was made to approve December minutes as read. Motion/Second: Crissy Tobiason/Cheryl Brean. No Discussion. Motion passes unanimously.
5)Open Forum: Chad Lambirth states some of the 4-H kids were wondering why Primary’s can’t show Nigerian Dwarfs instead of Pygmies and states he will check with 4-H and see if the kids can show Nigerian’s. Chad also states the dairy goat judge suggested having one sheet to sign stating that they judged “x” amount at the end of the show versus having to sign a sheet for every class. He also stated that he will put out the word re: RJF opening up the Boer Goat show. Robin Evans-Becker wants to know if the Stars 4-H group can use the building for February 23rd for a presentation they are doing.
6)Officer Reports
a)President: No Report
b)Vice President: No Report
c)Secretary: No Report
d)Treasurer: Cheryl Brean states she closed out the CD account and moved it into a money market. She also went over The Net Income Detail Fair balance sheet as of January 4, 2012 as follows: Total Current Assets: $86,127.90; Total General Checking: $43,759.54; Total Scholarship: $11,519.15; and Total Steering Committee: $1,102.49. Motion/second: Crissy Tobiason/Mary Martineau. No discussion. Motion passes unanimously.
e)Fair Administrator: Mary Martineau states she spoke with Chad and decided to do away with the Feature Breed for the dairy goat show and add the Breeding Boer Goat show.
f)Livestock Superintendent: Curtis Martineau states that he is contacting all the previous superintendents to see who is still staying in those positions. So far he had heard back and received a yes from the following: Ruthanne for sheep, Justin for beef, Brittany for horse, Chad for goats, and Judie for pigs. He is still waiting for the rest to answer. He also states that he will bring the price of ear tags to the next meeting and let us know.
7)Standing Committee Reports
a)Scholarship Committee:No Report
b)Budget Committee: No Report
c)Steering Committee:No Report
d)Premium Book Committee: No Report
e)After Auction Committee: No Report
f)Auction Committee:No Report
8)Ad-Hoc Committee Reports
a)Chamber of Commerce Committee:Andy Robinson states he still has not received any information on if the fair and the carnival will be back together. Crissy Tobiason states that Mac, the previous director of the Chamber of Commerce, passes away the weekend before Christmas in a car accident on Wild Cat Canyon.
b)Parks Board Committee:No Report.
c)Construction & Grounds Development Committee: Jim Robinson states noticed that the piping in the wash rack area is going bad and we need to look into replacing them before they get worse. He also states we need to look into replacing the lights in some of the barns.
d)Computer Committee:No Report
e)Food Booth Committee: No Report
f)Camping & Security Committee:No Report
g)Bred and Fed Committee:Judie states they need to have a meeting and get together with the awards person to come up with belt buckles.
h)Round Robin Committee: No Report.
i)Judging Committee: Mary states Lorrie Scott will start as soon as possible finding judges.
j)Fair Marketing, Education, & Fundraising Committee: Carol Canfield states Robby and she are still working on the fair website to get it up and running.
k)Awards Committee:No Report. We are still looking for someone to do awards.
l)Pie Auction & BBQ Committee: Crissy Tobiason states she wants ideas for the celebrity pie in the face for the pie auction and BBQ. Cami Brewer suggested Anna B. Good.
9)Old Business:
A)Fair Theme: There has been no ideas come in for the fair theme. It was suggested to make our theme similar to Del Mar’s of “Shoot for the Stars”. Also suggested to table this topic until next meeting. Crissy Tobiason states that she will try and get the steering committee to come up with ideas.
B)Bank Changes: Cheryl Brean states she has not looked into any banks or received any information at this time, but will bring information to the next meeting.
C)Committees: Committees that were suggested to be taken off of the Agenda were: Food Booth, Round Robin and Rules/Grants Committee.
10)New Business:
A)Andy Robinson suggested we discuss how to invest the money.
B)Schedule work days
11) Meeting Adjourned at 7:44P.M. Motion/Second: Crissy Tobiason/Mary Martineau. Discussion: None. Motion passes unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Amanda Garner; RJF Secretary