Staff Alliance

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

10:00 a.m.-Noon

Via Google Hangout

1.Call to Order and Roll Call

Voting Members Present:

Monique Musick, Chair, Staff Alliance 2014-2015; Vice President, SAA 2014-2015

Kathleen McCoy, Vice Chair, Staff Alliance 2014-2015; UAA APT Council President 2014-2015

Faye Gallant, Treasurer, Staff Alliance 2014-2015; Vice President, UAF Staff Council 2014-2015

Chris Beks, President, UAF Staff Council 2014-2015

Tom Langdon, Representative, SAA 2014-2015

Liz Winfree, President, UAA Classified Council 2013-2015
Marianne Ledford, President, UAS Staff Council 2014-2016


Joseph Altman, Coordinator, System Governance

Voting Members Not Present:

Dayna Mackey, Secretary, Staff Alliance 2014-2015; Vice President, UAS Staff Council 2013-2015


Erik Seastedt, Chief Human Resources Officer

Erika Van Flein, Director of Benefits

Monique called the meeting to order at 10:04AM and called roll.

2. Adopt Agenda

The agenda was motioned to adopt by Faye and seconded by Marianne.

3. Approve Minutes

The March 10, 2015 minutes were motioned by Faye and seconded by Monique.

4. Public and Guests Comments

No public or guest comments

5. Chair’s Report

Monique provided a recap of her recent meeting with President Gamble. Topics included the freezing of wages and possible non-monetary compensation, how furloughs would be implemented, staff survey on voluntary furloughs, layoffs, the Statewide review, Governance representation at Regent meetings and ways to improve the governance process.

There hasn’t been any work yet regarding non-monetary compensation. Furloughs are likely to begin with executives first, then senior administrationand on down the chain of command. The university plans to eliminate reserve positions and return them to the state.

The president search committee has forwarded names to the Board of Regents, who are proceeding with the vetting process. No names or further information is available yet.

Governance did not travel to the Board of Regents meeting in Bethel due to the cost of travel. A written report was provided to BOR and testimony made via video conferencing.

For employees who are interested in taking voluntary furloughs or work reduction or modifying their schedules in some way, there is a need to provide full details and ramifications to them as there could be significant impact to their retirement plans, etc.

BOR approved suspension of the Optional Retirement Plan for new employees. It is still available to faculty and executives, as it was originally.

While there is a need to “right-size” the university, we are currently under the national average of a 3:1 ratio of staff to faculty. UA currently has a 2:1 ratio of full-time staff to faculty. President Gamble intends to focus on reducing the use of temporary employees and student workers first, in order to retain as many full-time staff as possible with a “save the body, find the right place” approach: if someone’s job is eliminated, the university should try to move that person to a different position that they are qualified for.

Chancellor Pugh and Chancellor Rogers gave presentations to the Board of Regents on their programs that are currently undergoing reviews.

6. Staff Alliance Committee Reports

6.1 SHCC: FY16 health care rates going up an average of $5 - $8. Open enrollment runs April 15 – May 15. Forms are changing this year; there will be a separate form for dependents. If employees do nothing, they will remain on the same plan they were on during FY15. Packets will not be mailed out this year as everything will be on the benefit site, which will be updated by April 15. Erika Van Flein is sending out an informational letter and e-mail.

Employees have until April 30 to qualify for the health care rebate. The incentive plan will be different for FY17. The target rate for the incentive discount is 50%. If anyone has concerns or ideas for the FY17 incentive plan, send them to Monique prior to the May JHCC meeting.

Rates for spouses will be increasing as they will be subsidized at a somewhat lesser rate. Need a way to promote the employee assistance plan, which is a very highly-rated, but underutilized, program.

6.2 Compensation Working Group: working on proposals for FY17. There was a suggested COLA or step increase, which will not likely happen now. However, there is a need to at least document the inflationary impact of the current compensation situation and prepare for future years. Still considering non-monetary compensation such as extra personal days, etc. The extra personal day(s) in FY15 were a one-year thing; they could be renewed for FY16. There was a suggestion that the university explore ways to make things less expensive, such as developing discount programs for university employees.

6.3 UA Core Values: no report. Seeking additional guidance.

7. External Committees

7.1 System Governance: there is a need to diversify and grow university revenue. Discussed ideas and options. Fees are not covered by financial aid, so in that respect it is better to have an increase in tuition instead of an increase in fees, as the increased tuition is covered by financial aid.

Decisions about layoffs, furloughs, etc. will likely be made between the end of April and July 1. The university needs to find ways to retain employees and remain competitive.

Travel reductions are impacting athletics and could threaten NCAA ranking.

Supervisors should encourage using annual leave, both for financial / budget reasons, but also to reduce employee stress. Many employees are concerned about taking annual leave in the current layoff climate.

7.2 Student Services Council: no report.

7.3 Tuition Task Force: no report.

7.4 JHCC: next meeting is in May, where they will discuss the new health plan design and review utilization rates.

7.5 Common calendar:work on the common calendar continues. The first alignment, ofwithdrawal dates, will be put in place in Spring 2016, with greater implementation in Fall 2016.

8. SA Blog

Monique has received several responses to her blog posting regarding the BOR testimony. SA members should watch for responses.

9. New Business

9.1 UAS Staff Council Resolution

UAF Staff Council Resolution to Oppose Emergency Revisions to the UA System Layoff, Recall, and Release Regulations

This was a discussion by Staff Alliance of the UAF resolution. Faye stated that UAF Staff Council feels that doing all the changes at once as “emergency changes” bypassed the normal governance process. The intent of the resolution is to reinstate the policies and review as normal and to note that there is opposition to the way the changes were made and to the elimination of the grievance process. Erik Seastedt stated that what has changed is that the review process has replaced the old, longer grievance process, while remaining fundamentally the same and that employees still have the same rights. The old process was directed at individuals, while the new process is primarily aimed at larger groups that are downsized by the elimination of a department, etc. Staff can still grieve termination for reasons other than less work, less money or department organization circumstances.Formerly staff were able to file a grievance for a layoff due to those stated reasons; the new process is a review, rather than a full grievance procedure that entails calling witnesses, etc. Staff Alliance suggested that Erik could put together a report to governance of layoffs and review requests. Monique suggested that Staff Alliance could put together a working group to look at the process. Send names of interested parties and a suggested chair for the working group to Monique.

9.2 SA Calendar: Annual meeting is usually in June. Need to set up elections. Monique will follow up with LaNora.

9.3 SW Transition Team: Staff Alliance would like to have a governance representative on the review team. Currently there are 2 administrators from each university.

10. Ongoing Business Topics

10.1 Leave share motion update: This motion was written up, but stalled and was never formalized. Monique will follow up.

10.2 Constitution / By-Laws: Dayna and LaNora have put in a lot of time clarifying and reorganizing these documents and have made significant revisions. The discussion at this meeting served as the first formal review of the changes to the constitution and by-laws. Will vote on this at the May meeting.

10.3 SMSC: Recipients will be honored at the June BOR meeting. Staff would like to highlight this award a little more.

10.4 Employee survey – voluntary reductions: There are 39 printed pages of comments from the 404 employees who commented on this survey. It is good to see so many people willing to step up and help in the current budget situation. The survey is now in the hands of the Summit Team. Furloughs won’t provide the permanent, long-term solutions that the university is looking for.

11. Agenda Items for May 12, 2015 Meeting

Members can work on agenda items via e-mail.

12. Adjourn

Meeting adjournment motioned by Kathleen and seconded by Liz at 12:17 PM.

Notes taken by Marianne Ledford for Dayna Mackey, Secretary, Staff Alliance.