Duluth Warriors
Board Meeting
1) Call to order 18:50 by Matt Caple
2) Approval of last month’s meeting minutes Approved
3) Treasures report $6,338.24 in budget with $1900 allocated to Hermantown League fee. Not discussed at meeting but likely we will have a couple of practices that have not yet been invoiced and still need to be paid. Approved
4) Dustin - 501c3 application update Buffy will be procuring a PO box at the federal building and coordinating with Loretta to have a recurring monthly payment set up. Once secured, Dustin will create and submit a 501c3 application for the “Duluth Warriors Ice Hockey” organization. Application fee will be submitted through Buffy/Loretta
5) Caple/Buffy - Jersey Update, Assuming the order is put in by Monday, Matt will hopefully have a breakdown on costs and total sponsorship amounts to report. Jersey total cost breakdown is still TBD but likely less than the current budget of $2,450. DHC has also offered practice jerseys and socks (blue and white) at a rate of $42 per set (includes two jerseys and two pairs of socks) per player for a total cost of $1,680. Board approved.
6) Caple/Benjamin - Winter Practice update: Andy to consider purchasing ice at Fryberger for winter practice commitment at a rate of $100 for prime ice times on Wednesday nights. Nick Benjamin still looking at a possible discounted/sponsored ice at SAHA like last year.
7) Jelly – Equipment Coordinator: Equipment and hardware storage/Equipment requests/United Heroes League Trip:
Brett to work with Mike in creating an online inventory of equipment. Also looking to host a team trip to United Heroes League to procure needed equipment for current players for upcoming season. John will talk with Heritage to look for space for trophy case and storage. Currently equipment will be stored at Cirrus.
8) Newberry – Fundraising Coordinator: Merch update, Absent, the allotment from the 2017 budget for Apparel will be asked for by Buffy to proceed with getting merchandise to sell.
9) Jeff – Volunteer Coordinator, Absent, some discussion as to how to proceed with our organization interacting with the community. John stated that the organization needs to be cautious and not over extend our selves to where we have trouble supporting all that is being requested. All volunteer actions need to be run through the board before any commitment is made.
10) Andy – Recruiting Coordinator: Updates on applicants, checking listings and applications. All applications will come to John for processing. John will send listing to Andy to review and monitor.
11) Keller/LaValley - Discussion of production of formal thank you letter and frame: A thankyou certificate and letter will be drawn up by JK for review
12) New items: Jim Rich voluntary resignation from Captain position. Nate Miller to take on role as acting Captain. Board to convene to work on a replacement.