Sport science 2016 - 2017

1) At which university did you follow your minor?

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

2) How much effort did it take to set up the minor? (In case of a minor in a foreign country, also think about factors like getting a scholarship, finding a room and signing up for courses)

Florien: not much effort. I spent most time reading articles. There weren’t many contact hours and it was not very difficult in comparison with the major.
Anonymous: I went to the information day and got enthusiastic.
Gwen: not much, not more than my regular study with signing up for courses.

3) What is your general impression of the minor?

Florien: very broad minor, not detailed.
Anonymous: It was a diverse minor, with different views on sport science. I think if you like to sport, this minor is great for you.
Gwen: it was nice to get insight into the subject. Besides that, the minor was very diverse.

4) How do your minor and your major connect? Did you choose a minor to broaden your view?

Florien: no, I just did the minor to do something else, but I found out that you can combine the two.
Anonymous: I chose a minor to broaden my view, not really related to my major.
Gwen: Minor was something totally different than my major. However they included some forms of genes.

5) What is the curriculum of the minor like? (Think about schedules, courses, lab work, etc.)

Florien: 2 hours a day lecture.
Anonymous: 6 different courses. Diverse curriculum with different approaches to sport. Some courses contain practicals, but they are fun to do. Most courses also contain extra assignments. So you are always busy.
Gwen: not so much contact hours. Also not a lot of practical work. We did have to do a lot of group projects.

6) What did you think about the way of teaching in the minor? (In case of a minor in a foreign country, also think about language skills)

Florien: the way of teaching was ok. But the teachers had less knowledge than teachers in the major.
Anonymous: Lectures and practicals were a good teaching style. No improvements needed.
Gwen: teaching is not different. They do have more different teachers. Within the major you usually have 2 or 3 teachers. With more teachers the risk of miscommunication is higher.

7) What are the exams like? Did the minor involve exam weeks and if so, what’s your opinion about this set up?

Florien: there were exam weeks. I wasn’t used to that set up, so in the beginning it was difficult.
Annika: minor involves exam week, I think this set up is fine.
Gwen: I like the way my own major organizes it, with every month an exam. The minor did have exam weeks, but I prefer to focus on one course instead of three.

8) How much time did you spent on the minor (per week) compared to Biology/LS&T?

Florien: approximately the same.
Anonymous: I spent less time on the minor. I think because of the set-up, which involves exam weeks. Biology/LST has an exam every month. So you need to study earlier for exams. I prefer the biology /LST set up.
Gwen: Time spend was equal in general. However, with the major you spent more hours because of practical work.

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