1. ARROGANT: adj. exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities

·  “He would have been saved if in his mad folly he had not cried out that he was one that the sea could not drown. Such arrogance always aroused the anger of the gods” (Hamilton 292).

·  My brother was arrogant after he was promoted in his new job and kept rubbing his achievement in my face by saying that he was the most successful child in the family.

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2. WRATHFUL: adj. full of intense anger

·  “After Troy fell she included him with the others in her wrathful displeasure and he too was caught by the storm when he set sail and driven so completely off his course that he never found it again” (Hamilton 294).

·  The angry neighbor’s wrathful yelling could be heard across the street: “If you ever step on my lawn again I will call the cops!”

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3. SUMMONED: v. to order someone or something to go to a specific place

·  “With that he summoned all the violent winds and let them loose, blinding sea and land with storm clouds” (Hamilton 301).

·  Katniss summoned all of her strength into her arms as she pulled back the bow and gazed at the target.

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4. CUNNING: n., adj. skillful; crafty; sly

·  “She was delighted in his wily mind, his shrewdness and his cunning; she was always forward to help him” (Hamilton 294).

·  Wile E. Coyote always tries to catch the Road Runner, but he never can due to the Road Runner’s quick speed and cunning nature.

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5. ALOOF: adj. at a distance; unfriendly

·  “What other woman would hold herself aloof when her man came home after twenty years?” (Hamilton 318).

·  The new student seemed a bit aloof when he joined our class because he wouldn’t participate in the discussion, but he really was just painfully shy.

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6. ADVERSITY: n. hardship; great misfortune

·  “If you could see it all, before you go— all the adversity you face at sea” (Homer 654).

·  My sister showed strength in the face of adversity when she sprained her ankle a few weeks before basketball season, but she healed in time for try-outs.

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7. ARDOR: n. passion; enthusiasm

·  “The lovely voices in ardor appealing over the water made me crave to listen” (Homer 681).

·  The candidates for citizenship recited their oath of allegiance to their country with much ardor and enthusiasm.

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8. TUMULT: n. commotion; uproar; confusion

·  “But scarcely had that island faded in blue air when I saw smoke and white water, with the sound of waves in tumult” (Homer 681).

·  We had to shout to be heard over the tumult of screams at the carnival on the Tilt-a-Whirl ride.

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9. CANDOR: n. honesty; frankness

·  “Telemachus with his clear candor said…” (Homer 692).

·  I was surprised by the candor of his statement when he bluntly admitted to stealing the car.

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10. DISDAINFUL: adj. scornful; regarding someone as beneath you

·  And one disdainful suitor added this: ‘May his fortune grow an inch for every inch he bends it!’” (Homer 701).

·  He looked at the waiter with a disdainful glare as he complained that his food was cold.

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