How to Host a Successful Open House

****GOAL: Make Families Feel Welcome*****

1)Advertise the event in the bulletin 2-3 weeks prior

2)Have a large sign out front of church/school advertising OPEN HOUSE

a)Specify age range (ex: 3K-8 with after school care)

b)Sign should preferably be displayed by main street/busiest intersections

c)If able attach colorful balloons to the sign (maybe your school colors) the day of

3)Have signs on all the doors guiding visitors to the correct entrance

a)Easy to Read


4)Have lights on in all of the classrooms

5)Have teachers available in classrooms to explain curriculum & answer questions

6)Have snacks and refreshments available

a)Could send home a note in newsletter asking for snack donations (hot chocolate, cider, coffee, cookies)

7)Have a greeter at the door to welcome all visitors

a)Greeters should open door , welcome visitors

b)Direct visitors to “Welcome” Registration table

c)Staff and Volunteers should be wearing nametags

d)Offer name tags to parents and children

8)Have 2-3 people at a table in entryway with a sign in sheet to gather visitor information. Volunteers/parents should explain paperwork and direct or walk prospect into appropriate classroom.

a)Prospect Sheet- have them complete the entry drawing form

b)A 1-2 page handout of FAQ, student Achievement, afterschool programs, tuition breakdowns, community involvement.

i)This is your take away sales pitch. Put anything on here that you would want to know /remember as a parent.

ii)Make it attractive, well organized and fun!

c)If possible provide a little bag to carry take aways in.

d)A fun item for the Children to take with them….pencils, erasers, rulers, balloon, folders

9)Interact with Children if parents bring them

a)Most parents want to see how teachers interact with their children. Ask them questions, let them play, get to know them.

10)Pre-School/Kindergarten: new school parents may ask take more time to ask questions

a)Have snacks (ex: goldfish) out for kids to snack on

b)Have toys out/ Plan an activity that the kiddos can work on and take with them

11)If possible have school parents available to talk about the school from their perspective

12)Make sure visitors leave with information on your school, and your school’s contact information

13)Thank visitors for coming

14)****Follow up with every contact, thanking them again for coming, and checking to see if they have any questions via a phone call, postcard, personal note etc.****

Successful suggestions:

Create a theme for your OPEN House.

  • Each class is a different city in the state
  • Parent or child talent show in gym
  • Forensics in gym
  • Art/Science Exhibit in hallways
  • Kids games in gym/auditorium

Please feel free to share any additional best practices with all the FVL Schools

Notes: ______



FVL Schools Joint Open House