EMT-B #10
1.A mother is delivering in her home. The baby's is crowning. You Should:
Your answer:
administer free-flow oxygen to the newborn at 10 to 15 liters per minute
apply gentle pressure to the mother's abdomen to assist with delivery of the body.
apply gentle pressure to the head with your fingers to prevent an explosive delivery
dry the newborn's head with a sterile dressing
2.Which of the following, combined with a breech birth, puts the delivery of a newborn at a higher risk?
Your answer:
prolapsed cord
short umbilical cord
rapid labor and delivery
face presentation
3.The hollow rogan in the female reproductive system where the fetus grows is called the:
Your answer:
fallopian tube
4.Why is delivery with a prolapsed cord considered a true emergency?
Your answer:
it may threaten the mother's life as the decrease in blood supply might lead to seizures
it is a sign that the baby is too large to be delivered outside the hospital
it is a sign of a possible miscarriage as the baby's blood supply is cut off
it may threaten the baby's life because the baby's blood supply is cut off
5.Why is it important to keep a newborn warm while providing treatment?
Your answer:
the warm enviornment will amke the newborn sleepy, making transport easier
oxygen will flow from an oxygen source with little difficulty in a warm environment
it is easier for you to provide treatment in a warm envoirnment
a newborn has difficulty regulating body temperature
6.A woman in labor tells you she is expecting twins. The first infant is born en route to the hospital. You should:
Your answer:
clamp and cut the umbilical cord of the first infant
apply gentle traction to the umbilical caor to assist with delivery of the second infant
leave the unbilical cord hanging free until the second infant is delivered
clamp, but not cut, the umbilical cord of the first infant
7.When treating a newborn with meconium staining, you should:
Your answer:
rapidly clapm and cut the cord
record the time of the birth
suction and manage the airway
administer free-flow oxygen
8.Once the baby's head has delivered, you should:
Your answer:
time and assess the mother's contractions to estimate the length of the delivery
massage the mother's uterus to stimulate contractions to deliver the baby's body
gentle pull on both sides of the head to assist with delivery of the body
clear the airway by suctioning the baby's mouth and nose
9.The part of the placenta that carries blood and nourishment to the fetus is the:
Your answer:
birth canal
umbilical cord
amniotic sac
10.Which of the following organs is responsible for labor and delivery of the baby?
Your answer:
11.After delivering a baby, you should dry the baby completely. What should you do next?
Your answer:
cool the baby to stimulate crying
wrap the baby in sterile saline sheets
cool the baby to increase its heart rate
wrap the baby in warm blankets
12.Afte delivery, you see that the infant's face and trunk are syanotic. The infant is crying and has a pulde of 158/min. You should:
Your answer:
dry the infant and provide free-flow oxygen
provide ventilations at a rate of 40 per minute
cool the infant to increase its circulation
calm the infant to slow down its respirations
13.How do placenta previa and abruptio placenta differ?
Your answer:
abruptio placenta is a reliable sign that the infant is at high risk for an explosive delivery. Placenta previa signals a slow, painful delivery
placenta previa occurs when the placenta is covering the ervical os. Abruptio placenta occurs when the placenta separates before delivery of the infant, no matter where it is located
abruptio placenta occurs in early pregnancy. Placenta previa occurs in late pregnancy
placenta previa is associated with severe abdominal pain. Abruptio placenta is associated with severe headaches
14.A woman loses approximately 500 mL of blood after delivering a healthy infant. You recognize that:
Your answer:
the mother should be placed in the shock position
the placenta must be removed immediately by manual traction
the vagina must be packed with sterile gauze
this is a normal amount of blood loss after delivery
15.Afte birth, you notice the infant's face and truck appear blue. This is called:
Your answer:
circumoral syanosis
pallor cyanosis
peripheral cyanosis
central cyanosis
16.After the placenta is delivered, it should be:
Your answer:
wrapped in a towel, keep cool over ice, and transported to the hospital for inspection
examined for missing tissue and then thrown away
wrapped tightly with gauze and placed in a Biohazard container
wrapped in a towel, placed in a plastic bag, and transported to the hospital for inspection
17.Placenta previa is a true emergency because:
Your answer:
the placenta does not deliver and the mother is at a high risk for shock
the placenta is abnormally located in the uterus. It interferes with delivery of the baby, and puts the mother at risk for shock
when it happens in early pregnancy, the mother is at a high risk for seizures and shock
the placenta is located high in the uterus, the baby is at risk for a fast delivery, and the mother is at risk for shock
18.You have delivered a limp infant who is not breathing. You should first:
Your answer:
attempt endotracheal intubation
begin full CPR
stimulate the infant by flicking the soles of the feet
attempt mouth-to-mouth-and-nose ventilations
19.Which of the following statements about a developing fetus is true?
Your answer:
the fetus is connected directly to the uterus by the umbilical cord
the fetus lies in the amniotic sac, or afterbirth, in the uterus
the fetus receies oxygen and nutrients from the mother by a close attachment of the pacenta to the wall of the uterus
the fetus develops inside the placenta
20.Proper card for a premature infant should include:
Your answer:
giving oxygen with an infant-size face mask
placing hot water bottles on the infnt to keep it warm
warming the patient compartment of the ambulance to 90 degrees to 95 degrees F.
allowing the mother, father, and any other family members to handle the infant
21.You arrive at the scene where the mother has already delivered her baby. Your partner is caring for the infant. You note a large blood loss from the mother, and she appears to sill be bleeding. You should:
Your answer:
prepare the mother for transport since 1,000 mL of blood loss is normal following delivery
let the mother go to the bathroom and then apply vaginal pads around the vagina to soak up the remaining blood
massage the uterus by kneading it with your fingers fully extended
instruct the mother to lie with her knees drawn up and elevate her buttocks to control the bleeding
22.What does the term crowning mean?
Your answer:
the baby's head is too large for delivery
the baby's head is visible at the cervix
the perineum has been torn
the baby is in a transverse position
23.The fetus develops inside a fluid-filled, bag-like membrane called the:
Your answer:
amniotic sac
24.You hve delivered an infant who is not breathing. After suctioning and physical stimulation, there are no respirations. Your should:
Your answer:
administer free-flow oxygen
start chest compressions at a rate of 60 per minute
clamp and cut the umbilical cord
provide ventilations at a rate of 40 to 60 per minute
25.Your patient is in active labor. You note that the infant's foot is presenting through the vagina. You should immediately:
Your answer:
elevate the patient's pelvis and rapidly transport while giving the patient oxygen
insert a sterile gloved hand into the vagina to relieve pressure on the umbilical cord
prepare the patient for delivery as this is a reliable sign that delivery is coming soon
locate and massage the uterus by kneading it with your fingers fully extended
26.The newborn should be placed in which position until the umbilican cord is cut?
Your answer:
on the mother's stomach
at the level of the vagina
in the father's arms
elevated on a pillow
27.When the baby's head has deliveredm you should immediately:
Your answer:
apply vaginal pads to the perineal area to reduce the blood loss
massage the mother;s uterus by kneading it to speed up delivery of the baby's body
suction the mouth and nose to clear the infant's airway, and check the location of the umbilical cord
insert a sterile gloved hand into the vagina to relieve pressure around the baby's neck
28.What care should you give a newborn who has a pulse of 90/min and respirations of 28/min?
Your answer:
allow the mother to hold the baby to calm it
ventilate the baby with a bag-valve-mask (BVM) at 60 per minute
administer free-flow oxygen at 10 to 15 liters per minute
start hest compressions at 60 per minute
29.What is postpartum hemorrhage?
Your answer:
blood loss casued by abruptio placenta
blood loss in excess of 500 mL during the first 24 hours following delivery
large blood loss from the umbilical cord
blood and mucous draining from the vagina at the beginning of labor
30.En route to the hospital with a woman who is 9 months pregnant and in active labor, you notice that the umbilical cord is prolapsed. You should first:
Your answer:
place a dry, sterile towel around the cord
push the cord back into the vagina
position the mother with her head down and/or hips raised
insert your sterile, gloved hand into the vagina and push the infant's head up
31.When the placenta separates early from the uterine lining, it is called:
Your answer:
placenta previa
ectopic pregnancy
abruptio placenta
32.Premature infants are at a higher risk for:
Your answer:
breech births
explosive deliveries
33.Once an infant has been born, you should:
Your answer:
elevate the infant's head while you suction the mouth and both nostrils
place two clamps on the umbilical cord and cut the cord as close to the infant's abdomen as possible
keep the infant at the level of the mother's vagina
place it on the mother's stomach
34.As you deliver a baby, you find the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck. You should:
Your answer:
apply pressure to the head to slow delivery and transport rapidly
gently pull the baby's head to release the cord
slip the cord over the baby's head
cut the cord immediately
35.Pulmonary resusciatation is necessary for a newborn if:
Your answer:
its breathing rapid
the breathing rate is greater that 50/min
the baby weighs more than 7 lb
breathing is absent
36.Which of the following organs provides mourishment to and removes waste products from the baby?
Your answer:
37.You hve suctioned, dried, and wrapped the newborn in a blanket. The baby is still not breathing. You should stimulate the baby by:
Your answer:
holding it with its head slightly higher than its body
clamping and sutting the umbilical cord
cooling it off with saline-soaked sheets
flicking the soles of the feel and rubbing its back
38.you re preparing a mother and her newborn infant for transport when the placenta begins to deliver. What should you do to deliver the pacenta?
Your answer:
help the mother hold her legs together to delay placenta delivery until you arrive at the hospital
firmly grasp the umbilical coard and pull the placenta from the mother to help reduce her pain
place a sterile gloved hand inside the vagina to slightly elevate the placenta nd to reduce pressure on the cord
help the mother with delivery of the pacenta. Bring the placenta with you to the hospital in a plastic bag
39.In a multiple birth delivery, you should:
Your answer:
begin transport if the second fetus has not delivered within 5 minutes of the first
plan for placenta previa
clamp and cut the umbilicl card after the first birth
plan on at lest one of the fetuses being a breech birth
40.A mother who is about to deliver tells you she is expecting twins. You should be prepared for the possibilty that:
Your answer:
multiple births are assoicated with explosive deliveries
multiple births usually induce seizures in the mother
both newborn will deliver quickly
may be so small as to be premature
41.If a pregnant patient experiences a seizure, you should:
Your answer:
massage the uterus to relax any contractions
prepare for an immediate delivery
perform a rapid assessment, particulary of the airway, and transport the patient on her left side
look for vaginal bleedng due to placenta previa
42.When assisting a woman during the second stage of labor, you should:
Your answer:
check for the umbilical cord around the infant's neck once the head is delivered
keep constant pressure against the infant's head from the time it presents in the vagina until it is delivered
allow the infant's head to hang dependent from the vagina without support to help the drainage of fluid from the airway
suction the nose and mouth once the infant's body is born
43.Care for a pregnant woman who has vaginal bleeding should NOT include:
Your answer:
transporting the patient on her side
adding several sterile pads one on top of another to control vaginal bleeding
giving oxygen if any signs of shock are present
placing a sterile pad or sanitary napkin over the vagina
44.Pregnant patients who are not in labor should be transported on the left side to avoid:
Your answer:
pressure on the uterus that could cause placenta previa
decreasing the mother's blood pressure by compressing the inferior vena cava
incresing the mother's blood presuure by compresing the inferior vena cava
pressure on the uterus that could cause the fetus to have a bowel movement
45.What is the birth canal clled?
Your answer:
46.Care of a patient experiencing heavy vaginal bleeding should include:
Your answer:
giving high-concentration oxygen
holding the patient's legs together to slow the bleeding
packing the vagina with pads
placing the patient in a semi0Fowler's position
47.While examing a patient in activ labor, you see the umbilical cord outside the vagina, ahead of the infant's head. What should you do first?
Your answer:
apply gently pressure to the head with a sterile gloved hand to prevent an exploxive delivery of the cord
gently replce as much of the cord as possible and apply a moist dressing over the vagina
hold the mother's legs together and rapidly transport
lift the infnt's heas with a sterile gloved hand to relieve pressure on the cord until delivery
48.If the amniotic sac does not rupture before an infant is born, you should:
Your answer:
immediately transport the mother to the emergency department
break the membrance ocne toe entire infant is born
immediately break the membrance using a sterile clamp or your steile, gloved fingers
massage the uterus in order to rupture the sac while protecting the infant from a gush of fluid
49.As the baby's heas delivers, you notice that the amniotic sac is still intact and is covering the baby's head. What should you do?
Your answer:
break opne the sac and remove the tissue from the baby's mouth and nose
prepare for delivery of the baby's body by supporting the head with both hands
tell the mother to push to speed up the delivery so you can remove the tissue from the baby's mouth and nose
prepare the mother for rapid transport as this is a true emergency
50.A delivery with a prolapsed cord means that the umbilical cord:
Your answer:
has spearated early from the uterine wall
presnets through the vagina before the presenting part of the baby
has caused the fetus to shift position, leading to a limb presentation
is short in legth and wrapped around the unborn baby's neck