Standard 2: Westward Expansion


Standard 2.1

1. _____ A major foreign policy success of President Thomas Jefferson’s administration was the

A. passage of the Embargo Act

B. victory in the war of 1812

C. support for the Alien and Sedition Acts

D. purchase of the Louisiana Territory

2. _____ As a result of President Andrew Jackson’s policies, Native American Indians were

A. given United States citizenship

B. gradually allowed to return to their ancestral lands

C. forcibly removed to areas west of the Mississippi River

D. relocated to reservations in Mexico

Use the map below to answer Questions 3 and 4

3. ___ Which geographic feature was the boundary between the United States and French Louisiana in 1803?

A. Rocky Mountains

B. Great Lakes

C. Mississippi River

D. Appalachian Mountains

4. _____ If the Great Plains were shown in this map, they would be located mostly in

A. the original thirteen states

B. Spanish Mexico

C. the Oregon Country

D. French Louisiana

5. _____ A geographic and economic motivation for the Louisiana Purchase (1803) was the desire to

A. own all of the Great Lakes

B. control the port of New Orleans

C. secure land for the Erie Canal

D. annex California

6. _____ The Louisiana Purchase was important to the United States because it

A. secured control of the Mississippi River

B. closed the western territories to slavery

C. removed the Spanish from North America

D. expanded the nation’s boundary to the Pacific Ocean

7. _____ President Andrew Jackson’s policy toward Native American Indians was created to

A. grant citizenship to Native American Indians

B. improve educational opportunities for Native American Indians

C. force Native American Indians to move west of the Mississippi River

D. encourage Native American Indians to become part of mainstream American society

8. ____ What was the dilemma facing Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase?

A. violate his strict constructionist view of the Constitution

B. force Native American Indians off their lands

C. bankrupt the new nation

D. lead to war with Great Britain

9. _____ The Louisiana Purchase was a foreign policy success for the United States primarily because it

A. eliminated Russian influence in North America

B. ended British occupation of forts on American soil

C. ended French control of the Mississippi River

D. secured full control of Florida from Spain

10. _____ A major reason President Thomas Jefferson authorized the Lewis and Clark expedition was to

A. establish settlements in the Southwest

B. remove British outposts from United States land

C. explore a route to the Pacific Ocean

D. claim California for the United States

11. _____ The United States government is creating memorials along the Trail of Tears because it was

A. the route followed by the first transcontinental Railroad

B. the site of victories by General Andrew Jackson during the War of 1812

C. the location of injustices against many Native American Indians

D. an important road used by settlers going to the frontier

12. _____ One reason President Thomas Jefferson supported the Louisiana Purchase was that he wanted to

A. acquire an established manufacturing region

B. maintain control of the slave trade

C. establish a base for controlling the Caribbean

D. gain full control of the Mississippi River

Standard 2: Westward Expansion


Standard 2.2

1. _____In which war was Manifest Destiny used to justify United States government actions?

A. Vietnam War

B. Civil War

C. Mexican War

D. Revolutionary War

2. _____The term Manifest Destiny was first used to support

A. laws restricting labor union activity

B. efforts to stop secession of Southern states

C. westward expansion to the Pacific Ocean

D. independence from Great Britain

3. _____ Which term did Americans use in the 1840s to describe the idea that the United States should possess the entire continent?

A. popular sovereignty

B. Manifest Destiny

C. globalization

D. containment

4. _____ The annexation of Texas and the Mexican Cession are best described as efforts by the U.S. to

A. fulfill Manifest Destiny

B. end wars of aggression

C. limit the spread of slavery

D. remove European threats

5. _____ The major purpose of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to

A. limit European influence in the Western Hemisphere

B. secure new colonies in the Caribbean

C. guarantee democratic governments in Latin America

D. create a military alliance for the defense of North America

6. _____ In his Farewell Address, President George Washington advised the nation to avoid permanent alliances because he believed that the United States

A. needed to limit European immigration

B. possessed military power superior to any European nation

C. had no need for the products or markets of Europe

D. would risk its security by involvement in European affairs

7. _____ Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality (1793), Jefferson’s Embargo Act (1807), and the Monroe Doctrine (1823) were all efforts to

A. promote military alliances

B. aid Great Britain in its war against France

C. directly support European revolutions

D. avoid political conflicts with European nations

8. _____ The slogan “Fifty-four forty or fight!,” the annexation of Texas, and the Mexican War all relate to

A. the idea of due process

B. the belief in Manifest Destiny

C. the practice of secession

D. the theory of nullification

9. _____ A major purpose of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to

A. avoid involvement in Canadian conflicts

B. form military alliances with Latin American nations

C. establish United States colonies in South America

D. limit European influence in the Western Hemisphere

10. _____ The foreign policies of President James Polk involving Texas, California, and the Oregon Territory were all efforts to

A. fulfill the goal of Manifest Destiny

B. weaken the Monroe Doctrine

C. continue traditional American isolationism

D. remain neutral toward western territories

11. _____ In the 1840s, the term Manifest Destiny was used by many Americans to justify

A. westward expansion into lands claimed by other nations

B. the acquisition of colonies in Latin America

C. war with Russia over the Oregon territory

D. the extension of slavery into the territories

12. _____ The principal goal of the supporters of Manifest Destiny in the 1840s was to

A. acquire naval bases in the Caribbean

B. build a canal across Central America

C. expand United States territory to the Pacific Ocean

D. convince Canada to become part of the United States

13. _____ Whatwould be the best title for the map above?

A. Wartime Land Acquisitions

B. Colonial North America

C. United States Territorial Expansion

D. British North America Before 1850

14. _____ In his Farewell Address, President George Washington warned against establishing alliances with European countries because he was concerned primarily about

A. protection of the western frontier

B. United States involvement in foreign wars

C. French colonization of the Caribbean

D. restrictions on trade with Latin America

15. _____ The Monroe Doctrine (1823) was issued primarily because President James Monroe

A. believed the United States should pursue overseas colonies

B. needed to establish a foothold in Panama for a future canal

C. opposed the revolutions taking place in South America

D. wanted to warn European powers against intervention in Latin America

16. _____ Manifest Destiny was used to justify an American desire to

A. warn European countries against colonizing Latin America

B. expand the United States to the Pacific Ocean

C. control the area located east of the Appalachian Mountains

D. limit the number of immigrants entering the country

17. _____ A primary goal of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to

A. help European nations establish new Western Hemisphere colonies

B. protect the site of a canal across Central America

C. create an opportunity for the annexation of Canada

D. prevent European intervention in Latin America

18. _____ Which action is most closely associated with the term Manifest Destiny?

A. annexing Hawaii and the Philippines

B. acquiring territory from Mexico in 1848

C. deciding to end the War of 1812

D. declaring independence from Great Britain

19. _____ Which policy of the United States was designed to prevent new colonization of the Western Hemisphere?

A. Carter Doctrine

B. Open Door

C. Good Neighbor

D. Monroe Doctrine

20. _____ The Monroe Doctrine (1823) established the United States foreign policy that

A. encouraged expansion into East Asia

B. led directly to the Civil War

C. opposed the creation of new colonies in Latin America

D. provided foreign aid to developing nations

Standard 2: Westward Expansion


Standard 2.3

1. _____ What economic change resulted from the transportation revolution before the Civil War?

A. The federal government began to regulate new businesses.

B. The system of slavery on southern plantations began to disappear.

C. Trade between the United States and Europe was sharply reduced.

D. The Northeast became better connected to the western section of the country.

2. _____ During the 19th century, New York was one of the most powerful states in the nation because it

A. offered more civil liberties than any other State

B. produced more presidents than any other state

C. led the nation in achieving political reforms

D. became the financial and industrial center of the nation

3. _____ In the United States, regional differences in economic development are primarily due to

A. geographic factors in various parts of the Nation

B. state and federal election laws

C. pressure from various religious groups

D. settlement patterns of immigrant groups

4. _____ In an outline, which main topic would include the other three?

A. National Road

B. Transcontinental Railroad

C. 19th-Century Internal Improvements

D. Erie Canal

5. _____ During the first half of the 19th century, the construction of canals and roads led to the

A. bankruptcy of several railroad companies in the Mississippi Valley

B. severe economic decline of the South

C. growth of plantation agriculture in Texas and New Mexico

D. expansion of trade between Midwestern farmers and eastern merchants

6. _____ The completion of the Erie Canal in the early 19th century aided the economic development of the United States by

A. supplying waterpower for running factories and mills

B. providing a shipping route for cotton from the South to Europe

C. lowering the cost of shipping goods from the Midwest to the Atlantic coast

D. supplying water for the irrigation of western farms

7. _____ During the 19th century, the completion of the Erie Canal and the transcontinental railroads contributed to the industrial growth of the United States by

A. connecting the United States to markets in Mexico and Canada

B. encouraging subsistence farming

C. protecting the United States from low-priced foreign imports

D. making the movement of goods easier and cheaper

8. _____ Prior to 1850, what was a main reason the North developed an economy increasingly based on manufacturing while the South continued to rely on an economy based on agriculture?

A. Manufacturers failed to make a profit in the South.

B. Slavery in the North promoted rapid economic growth.

C. Geographic conditions supported different types of economic activity.

D. Protective tariffs applied only to northern seaports.

9. _____ The Mississippi River system was an important economic resource during the first half of the

1800s because it was used to

A. produce hydroelectric power

B. move immigrants to the Northeast

C. transport farm goods to market

D. irrigate desert lands

10. _____ What was a major reason that slavery expanded in the South in the first half of the 1800s?

A. The federal government encouraged the importation of enslaved persons.

B. Most early textile mills were built in the South.

C. New inventions led to an increase in cotton production.

D. Federal government regulations favored Southern exports.

11. _____ The mechanization of agriculture in the United States led directly to

A. the decreasing size of the average farm

B. fewer agricultural exports

C. less dependence on railroads by farmers

D. an increase in production

12. _____ What was an immediate effect of the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825?

A. Railroads were forced to reduce their shipping rates.

B. A territorial conflict began with Canada over the Great Lakes.

C. Farmers could more easily ship grain to eastern markets.

D. Prices increased for food products along the Atlantic Coast.

13. _____ During the late 1800s, major improvements to a nationwide system of trade were made with the

A. construction of toll roads

B. completion of transcontinental railroads

C. use of steamboats on rivers

D. construction of a network of canals

14. ____ In the early 1800s, which factor wasimportant in developing Northern manufacturing centers?

A. access to passes through the Appalachian Mountains

B. development of gold mines

C. availability of slave labor in the North

D. abundance of water power

15. _____ How did completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 affect United States commerce?

A. The Midwest became the center of textile production.

B. Western farmers gained better access to East Coast markets.

C. United States exports to European countries declined.

D. New York City lost business as manufacturing centers grew in the West.

Standard 2: Westward Expansion


Standard 2.4

American Manufacturing by Region, 1860

Region / Factories/
Workshops / Value of factories
(millions) / Factory Workers
(thousands) / Value of goods (millions)
New England / 20,671 / 257 / 392 / 469
Middle States / 53,387 / 435 / 546 / 802
West / 36,785 / 194 / 210 / 385
South / 20,631 / 95 / 111 / 156
Pacific / 8,777 / 23 / 50 / 71

Source: Bailey and Kennedy, The American Pageant: A History of the Republic,

D.C. Heath and Company, 1987 (adapted)

1. _____ Which conclusion can best be drawn from the information in this chart?

A. The New England states depended more on agriculture than on manufacturing.

B. The Middle states led the nation in all categories related to manufacturing.

C. Manufacturing production in the Western states exceeded that of the New England states.

D. The Southern states led the nation in manufacturing.

2. _____ The Declaration of Sentiments from the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 proclaimed that

A. the sale of alcoholic beverages should be illegal

B. California should be admitted as a free state

C. all men and women are created equal

D. the abolition of slavery was necessary

3. _____ The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 is often viewed as the beginning of the

A. Native American Indian movement

B. antislavery movement

C. women’s rights movement

D. temperance movement

4. _____ The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 was mainly concerned with

A. expanding women’s rights

B. improving treatment of the mentally ill

C. reducing consumption of alcoholic beverages

D. ending slavery in all the states

5. _____ Which 19th-century event supported the movement for women’s rights?

A. Lincoln-Douglas debates

B. formation of the Republican Party

C. Dred Scott decision

D. Seneca Falls Convention