1.Why is division of labor profitable?
A It increases efficiency.
B It increases spending on capital goods.
C It reduces labor unrest.
D It protects domestic producers from foreign competition.
2. What is the supreme law of the land in the United States?
A administrative law
B common law
C statutory law
D constitutional law
3. Under the Bill of Rights, who controls the free expression of a person’s
A the Supreme Court
B the Congress
C the president
D the individual citizen
4.Which term best describes a government in which citizens elect representatives to act for them?
A limited monarchy
B democratic republic
C autocracy
D oligarchy
5. Which of the following is true about special-interest groups?
A The information they provide is often biased.
B The information they provide must be interpreted by the courts.
C They are created by the mass media.
D They oppose political parties.
6. Which is the best historical example of negotiation leading to consensus?
A the start of the Cold War
B the Great Compromise during the Constitutional Convention
C the Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education
D the New Deal
7. When are people least likely to compromise?
A when they are at opposite extremes of the political spectrum
B when they hold common values and beliefs
C when they have been able to build consensus before
D when they already agree in principle but not in fact
8. Which statement best explains why automaker Henry Ford adopted the assembly-line method of production in the early 1900s?
A It allowed him to create a monopoly in inexpensive automobiles.
B It allowed him to further the division of labor, increase efficiency, and make more money.
C It allowed him to apply for tax exemptions given to employers who hired more workers.
D It allowed him to avoid downturns in the business cycle by having a lot of employees on the assembly line.
10. How long do U.S. Supreme Court justices serve?
A until the president replaces them
B 10 years
C for life
D until they are voted off the bench
11. What point in the business cycle is followed by an economic slowdown?
A depression
B trough
C expansion
D peak
12. “City to Take another Look at Annexation. After a year of mapping and surveying, city staff members will take another crack at developing an annexation proposal that excludes more rural areas and won’t force land owners to give up their goats, pigs, sheep and guineas.”
—excerpt from Winston-Salem Journal, June 3, 2003
Which of the following most likely led to the city reviewing its plans?
A City staff members changed their minds.
B The city’s annexation needs changed over time.
C Land owners decided not to keep their animals after all.
D Land owner complaints forced the city to reconsider its plan.
13. Which of the following is the highest judicial body in the United States?
A county court
B U.S. Supreme Court
C federal circuit court
D North Carolina Supreme Court
14. What is an entrepreneur’s best option for ending a production surplus?
A buying more natural resources
B requesting government subsidies
C lowering prices
D increasing wages
15. What question do both federal and state appeals courts try to determine?
A whether a jury is needed during the appeal
B whether the trial court followed the correct rules and procedures
C whether lawyers are needed
D whether to rehear the evidence
16. An unskilled worker lives in a region where unskilled workers are in low
demand. The worker wants to make more money. Which is the worker’s
best option?
A moving to a region with a shortage of skilled workers
B asking for a raise in wages
C moving to a region that specializes
in agricultural production
D investing in more training or education
17. What type of law would a federal agency issue to take an unsafe toy off the market?
A criminal law
B international law
C family law
D administrative law
18. Which statement is true about sheriffs?
A They are appointed by the governor.
B They are elected by the people.
C Their jurisdiction includes the entire state.
D They serve for their lifetime
19. Which is the best example of an effort to reach a compromise?
A a presidential veto
B a conference committee between Senate and House members
C a Supreme Court decision with nine different opinions
D a ballot initiative
20. Why is Magna Carta important?
A It is an early example of a law limiting government power.
B It created the first criminal justice system.
C It was the inspiration for the town meeting.
D It abolished monarchy as a form of government.
21. When the legislature cannot reach an agreement, the referendum process can
be used to have which of the following pass the law?
A governor
B mayor
C voters
D judges
22. Who can be adversaries in a criminal court case?
A the bailiff and court clerk
B the plaintiff and defendant
C the defendant and the state
D the witness and court stenographer
23. A newspaper editorial criticizes a U.S. senator for “talking a bill to death.”
What did the legislator most likely do?
A engage in a filibuster
B vote for the bill
C call for a ballot initiative
D enforce the bill
24. Which of the following allowed great improvements in mass production manufacturing processes?
A an economic depression
B automation of factories
C an increase in the number of craftspeople
D trade barriers
25. Which country is on the opposite side of the spectrum of economic systems from free-market countries?
A Cuba
B France
C United States
D Great Britain
26. Profit most influences economic decisions in which of the following?
A capitalist economies
B socialist economies
C all economic systems
D traditional economies
27. Which of the following describes the defendant in a criminal trial?
A the person being sued by the plaintiff
B the person accused of the crime
C the person representing the state
D the person who decides facts
28. Which is true about most countries’ economic systems?
A They are based on one economic system only.
B They mix elements of more than one economic system.
C They are traditional economies.
D They are equally productive.
29. What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers?
A to rewrite the laws for city and town governments
B to make new laws for each of the state governments
C to explain laws passed by the new national government
D to build support for the Constitution
30. When is representative democracy more appropriate than direct democracy?
A when there are many citizens
B when there are small numbers of citizens
C when citizens all have the same point of view
D when citizens have many day-today responsibilities
31. Free enterprise is most often a part of which type of economic system?
A command economy
B socialism
C capitalism
D traditional economy
32. Which public official delivers the annual State of the Union Address to the U.S. Congress?
A chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
B Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
C the president
D the vice president
33. What is the final step in passing a state law?
A The voters decide on the bill.
B The governor signs the bill.
C The bill passes through both legislative houses.
D The bill is approved by the state supreme court.
34. How can individuals promote free enterprise?
A by applying for agricultural subsidies
B by spending vacations on public land
C by consuming manufactured goods
D by supporting corporate tax increases
35. In 2005 Alberto Gonzalez became U.S. attorney general. Which statement best describes his role in government?
A He serves subpoenas on behalf of counties.
B He is the nation’s top law enforcement officer.
C He appoints U.S. Supreme Court justices.
D He negotiates treaties with foreign nations
36. For whom do lobbyists typically work?
A legislators
B interest groups
C judges
D federal agencies
37. A state legislature fails to pass a law because the two houses cannot agree on a compromise bill. How can citizens get the law passed without the legislature’s help?
A approve an initiative
B approve a recall
C approve a referendum
D approve a petition
38. The circular flow model best demonstrates which of these economic concepts?
A competition
B division of labor
C interdependence
D free enterprise
39. Who are the adversaries in a civil court case?
A the trial judge and jury
B the trial judge and appellate judge
C the plaintiff and defendant
D the defendant and the state
40. The money in the U.S. economy moves in a circular flow between which of the following?
A businesses, government, and individuals
B manufacturers, imports, and consumers
C Congress, producers, and the national debt
D foreigners, businesses, and monopolies
41. Prices in the marketplace are determined by which of the following?
A wages and benefits
B supply and demand
C stocks and bonds
D goods and services
42. Which of the following is one of the main responsibilities of individual citizens?
A informing the public
B paying taxes
C organizing political campaigns
D voting
43. What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?
A to explain why the Constitution should be rejected
B to explain why the Constitution should be ratified
C to set forth basic rights of all Americans
D to abolish slavery and give women the right to vote
44. Which of the following is a limitation on the First Amendment’s guarantee
of the right to freedom of speech?
A People may not criticize the government.
B People may not tell lies that may cause harm to another person.
C People may not criticize the actions of their neighbors.
D People may not deliver a speech in public.
45. Which type of interest is involved when a zoning law is being debated?
A property rights
B right to a speedy trial
C equality under the law
D raising taxes
46. Which statement best describes the role of households within the circular flow model?
A They collect taxes from businesses and individuals.
B They produce goods and services to sell to consumers.
C They sell labor to businesses and pay taxes to government.
D They pay wages to government.
47. What government entity would most likely pass a statute on child adoptions?
A federal court
B state legislature
C Congress
D city council
48. Which statement describes the impact of declining wages?
A Individuals demand fewer goods and services.
B Businesses begin manufacturing more goods.
C Government can expect revenue to remain the same.
D No impact occurs.
49. Which right protected by the U.S. Constitution protects people testifying in court cases?
A right to free speech
B right to a jury of one’s peers
C right to avoid self-incrimination
D right to bear arms
50. Which of the following is a true statement about the law of supply?
A Businesses will provide more products when they can sell them at higher prices.
B Businesses will provide fewer products when they can sell them at higher prices.
C Consumers will purchase fewer products when they must buy them at higher prices.
D Consumers will purchase fewerproducts when they can buy them at lower prices.
51. Which of the following was true of the Anti-Federalists?
A They opposed ratification of the Constitution.
B They supported a strong central government.
C They opposed division of the United States into 13 separate countries.
D They wanted to change the republican form of government.
52. What is a company that controls all the supply of a good or service called?
A bankrupt
B partnership
C monopoly
D corporation
53. Why was the Great Compromise so important to the Constitution?
A It outlawed slavery.
B It settled the balance of power between large and small states in the new Congress.
C It created the judicial branch.
D It guaranteed certain rights and liberties for all citizens.
54. How can monopolies affect prices of goods and services?
A Monopolies have no impact on prices.
B Monopolies can create an artificial shortage or a surplus of a product and thus affect prices.
C Monopolies increase market competition.
D Monopolies pay higher wages and raise the cost of making goods.
55. Serving on juries helps citizens keep informed about what aspect of the U.S. political system?
A political parties
B special-interest groups
C court system
D legislative process
56. What does a grand jury do?
A decide questions of law
B decide questions of fact
C decide whether to issue an indictment
D decide whether a case can be appealed
57. What is a regulation governing a city usually called?
A opinion
B bill
C ordinance
D statute
58. “The Dow Jones industrial average swept past 12,000 for the first time . . . as investors grow increasingly optimistic about corporate earnings and the economy.” Tim Paradis, Associated Press, October 18, 2006
This achievement most likely involved which of these business organizations?
A sole proprietorships
B partnerships
C corporations
D international conglomerates
59. What is a disadvantage of partnerships?
A ease of formation
B owners share responsibilities
C limited liability
D possibility of personality conflict
60. A city passes a law prohibiting loud parties after 10:00 p.m. at night. What type of law is it?
A charter
B ordinance
C constitutional amendment
D ballot initiative
61. An acquittal is which of the following?
A passing a civil law
B finding a defendant not guilty of a crime
C pleading guilty to a lesser criminal offense than the one being charged
D punishing a criminal
62. Which of the following served as the model for the U.S. Congress?
A Magna Carta
B Parliament
C colonial town meetings
D English Bill of Rights
63. How do U.S. senators delay action on a bill?
A They request an injunction.
B They hold a filibuster.
C They engage in gerrymandering.
D They veto it.
64. What is an advantage of corporations?
A minimal government regulation
B limited liability
C short life span
D one owner
65. A newspaper article discusses only the arguments in favor of a bill before the legislature. Which form of propaganda is being used?
A glittering generalities
B card stacking
C bandwagon
D testimonial
66. Which of the following is an advantage of a sole proprietorship?
A The owner has limited liability.
B The owner keeps all profits.
C The owners share profits.
D The shareholders get dividends
67. Which of the following would be most likely to help citizens stay informed about their local government?
A regulatory agency meeting
B legislative committee hearing on state taxes
C city council or town meeting
D mayor’s Fourth of July speech
68. How does the Small Business Administration support new businesses?
A It provides them with employees.
B It prohibits labor unions from going on strike against businesses.
C It provides a wide variety of free business information.
D It represents businesses in court.
69. Under which circumstance is a juvenile most likely to be tried for a crime as an adult?
A when the crime involves theft
B when the defendant does not intend to commit a crime
C when the crime is murder
D when the victim of the crime is a juvenile
70. Which financial institution regulates the banking industry?