Name ________________________________
Date ________________ Period ________
Chapter 43 Questions: Two Americas
1. What was the 1962 book, “The Other America,” about?
2. What do most people understand poverty as?
3. What was the poverty line in 1949?
4. Why did Harrington argue that poverty is invisible?
5. In 1959 ¼ of the nations poor were __________________ and 1/3 were _______________.
6. What were the new migrants moving to the cities for?
7. What was the problem with the urban renewal?
8. What was operation wetback?
9. Why were the citizens of Appalachia so poor?
10. Who were America’s poorest citizens? Why?
11. Why were more than 100 Indian Tribes terminated?
12. From 2003-2004 what happened to the poverty rate?
13. What happens to poverty as education increases?
14. What was the percentage of adults with college degrees over the age of 25 living in poverty?
15. What has happened to naturalized citizens compared to native born citizens?
Name ________________________________
Date ________________ Period ________
Chapter 43 Vocabulary: Two Americas
The Other America
Working Poor
Poverty Line
Housing Act of 1949
Urban Renewal
Termination policy
Voluntary Relocation Program
Name ________________________________
Date ________________ Period ________
Chapter 44 Questions: Segregation in the Post-World War II Period
1. Who is Melba and why was she denied the ride?
2. What did WEB Debois mean by this statement “living behind the veil?”
3. What did the Supreme Court Case “Plessy v Ferguson” establish?
4. Give two examples of Jim Crow Laws.
5. What were some different conditions in schools?
6. How was segregation apparent in housing?
7. What was the main reason interracial marriage was banned?
8. Other than racism what trapped African Americans in low level jobs?
9. What kept African Americans from voting?
10. How were primaries used to keep African Americans from voting?
11. Through what method would black votes become diluted and less effective?
12. How did Jackie Robinson break through the color line?
13. With what order did desegregation become an official policy of the military?
14. What was CORE’s first action
15. Who is Thurgood Marshall?
16. Explain Linda Browns situation and what was the outcome of her courtcase?
17. What was the psychologists test with the doll and what did it show?
18. Why was Earl Warren so famous?
19. What was Brown II?
20. What is “Black Monday”?
Name ________________________________
Date ________________ Period ________
Chapter 44 Vocabulary: Segregation in the Post-World War II Period
Plessy V Ferguson
Jim Crow Laws
De Facto Segregation
De Jure Segregation
Restrictive covenant
Racial zoning
White primary
Color line
Executive Order 9981
Congress of Racial Equality
National Urban League
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Thurgood Marshall
Legal Defense and Education Fund
Shelly v Kraemer
Brown v Board of Education
Class-action Lawsuit
Warren Court
Name ________________________________
Date ________________ Period ________
Chapter 45 Questions: The Civil Rights Revolution “Like a Mighty Stream”
1. What did the police “let fly” in 1963 in Birmingham?
2. How did Rosa Parks actions lead to the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
3. What did King’s Speech say?
4. What did the SCLC pledge?
5. What happened in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957?
6. What was executive order 10730?
7. When Meredith was refused enrollment at the University of Mississippi who upheld the law as Brown had defined it? What happened to Meredith?
8. What did four African American’s do on Feb 1st 1960 at the Woolworth drugstore in North Carolina? What did this lead to?
9. What was SNCC’s statement of purpose?
10. What happened on May 4th 1961 to the Freedom Riders?
11. What did the Interstate Commerce Commission issue in 1962?
12. Why did King get thrown in Jail? What did his letter from jail state?
13. Why were fire hoses and dogs used on the children?
14. How many people gathered on Aug. 28th 1963 in DC? How many were white?
15. Summarize King’s “I have a Dream Speech.”
16. What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ban?
17. More than 900 volunteered for freedom summer and most of them were….
18. What happened to the students who disappeared?
19. Where were people marching in Selma?
20. What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlaw?
Name ________________________________
Date ________________ Period ________
Chapter 45 Questions: The Civil Rights Revolution “Like a Mighty Stream”
Rosa Parks
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Martin Luther King Jr.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Nonviolent resistance
Little Rock Nine
James Meredith
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Ella Baker
Civil Disobedience
Direct Action
Freedom Rides
Birmingham Letter
March on Washington
I Have a Dream
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Freedom Summer
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Name ________________________________
Date ________________ Period ________
Chapter 46 Questions:
Redefining Equality: From Black Power to Affirmative Action
1. What happened to James Meredith on his march from Memphis to Jackson?
2. Who started the saying “black power?”
3. Where were urban black often concentrated?
4. What happened in Watts, LA?
5. What did the Kerner Commission report in 1968?
6. Who did Malcolm X follow the teachings of?
7. What did Black Muslims promote?
8. How were Malcolm X and Martin Luther Kind Jr. strategies different?
9. Who did Stokely Carmichael support, why?
10. Why was the Black Panther chosen as the name for their party?
11. What were some demands of the Black Panthers?
12. How were blacks making political gains in the 60’s?
13. In what ways did Afrocentrism start to appear in society?
14. What happened to MLK Jr in Tennessee in 1968?
15. What law banned discrimination in housing sales and rentals?
16. What did the Supreme Court begin to question in schools?
17. What happened in Boston, Mass in 1974?
18. Which president first introduced Affirmative Action?
19. How did the Regents of the University of California v Bakke use reverse discrimination in the case?
20. How does Affirmative Action hurt and help African Americans?
Name ________________________________
Date ________________ Period ________
Chapter 46 Vocabulary:
Redefining Equality: From Black Power to Affirmative Action
Black Power
James Baldwin
Watts Riots
Kerner Commission
Malcolm X
Elijah Muhammad
Nation of Islam
Black Nationalism
Stokely Carmichael
Black Panther Party
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburn Board of Education
Affirmative Action
Preferential treatment
Reverse discrimination
Regents of the University of California v Bakke
Shelby Steele
Coretta Scott King
Name ________________________________
Date ________________ Period ________
Chapter 47 Questions: The Widening Struggle
1. Who is Dolores Huerta and who did she team up with to start the UMW?
2. What was the book The Feminine Mystique about?
3. What were some jobs that were considered women’s jobs?
4. What did NOW pledge to do for women?
5. What did the Women’s Strike for Equality mark? What did they do?
6. Why did women feel subordinate to men?
7. What did Phyllis Schlafly believe?
8. What was one of the main goals of the women’s rights movement with the ERA? What happened to the ERA in 1982?
9. What did Title IX do?
10. What pill did the food and drug administration approve in 1960 for women?
11. What did the Supreme Court Decision Roe v Wade establish?
12. What did Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales poem become a rallying cry for?
13. What discrimination did the Latino’s face?
14. Why did Latinos boycott grapes?
15. How was Chaves like MLK Jr?
16. What was a key issue for the political party La Raza Unida?
17. Who were the Brown Berets?
18. Although 10 percent of the population were American Indians what percentage made up the jails?
19. What did Indians do on Nov 20th 1969?
20. What did Indians do in February 1973?
21. What was the Longest Walk?
22. What did congress do for Indians to help their cause?
23. Why were Asian Americans called the “model Minority?”
24. Where did most Asian Americans live and how were their salaries?
25. What happened in 1969 in San Francisco for Asian Americans?
26. What did Japanese Americans establish in 1978 in Seattle?
27. What did Congress finally do in 1988 for Japanese Americans?
28. How did Ed Roberts change the goal of people with disabilities?
29. What percentage of people had disabilities in 2000?
30. What did the 1973 Rehabilitation Act state?
31. What changes occurred with the passage of the ADA?
32. What happened at the Stonewall Inn in 1969?
33. What does PFLAG stand for?
34. Who is Harvey Milk? What happened to him 11 months later?
35. Who is Maggie Kuhn?
36. Why did Ethel Percy form the AARP?
37. What did Congress establish in 1965 to help the elderly?
38. What was the Age Discrimination of Employment Act of 1967?
Name ________________________________
Date ________________ Period ________
Chapter 47 Vocabulary: The Widening Struggle
United Farm Workers
Dolores Huerta
Betty Friedan
The Feminine Mystique
Glass Ceiling
National Organization for Women
Women’s Liberation
Equal Rights Amendment
Roe V Wade
Yo Soy Joaquin
Cesar Chavez
La Raza Unida
Bilingual Education
American Indian Movement
Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act
Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act
Model Minority
Korematsu v United States
Japanese American Citizens League
Rehabilitation Act
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Americans with Disabilities Act
Stonewall Riots
Gray Panthers
American Association of Retired Persons
Age Discrimination in Employment Act