Football Cheers
1. Take it Take it Away
T-A-K-E Take it Take it Away
2. Hit’em again harder
Hit’em, Hit’em again, Harder
3. Take that ball away
TA-KE, take that ball away
4. D-D-D Defense
5. Defense hit’em hard
Defense hit’em again, Defense hit’em hard
6. Defense get tough
Defense get tough get tough, Defense get tough
7. Defense, become the offense (get that ball)
8. H-O-L-D (Hold that line)
9. Defense block that kick
Block that kick, defense block that kick
10. Eagles tighten up and hold that line
11. Defense, Defense (You got the ball, we want the ball, hey)
12. Eagles push’em way back
Push’em back , push’em back, Eagles push’em way back
1. Shove it, Shove that ball across that line
Shove it, Shove it, Shove that ball across that line
2. Push it across that line Eagles
Push it, Push it, Push it across that line Eagles
3. T-D let’s go
T-D touchdown Eagles, T-D let’s go
4. TD, we want a touch down
5. Offense stands for victory
O-F-F-E-N-S-E, Offense stands for victory
6. Touchdown Eagles, Let’s spell it out
7. Score Eagles score
Move it, Move it, score Eagles score
8. Move the ball to victory
MO-VE, Move the ball to victory
9. Score Eagles
S-C-O-R-E, Score Eagles
10. Score Eagles Score
Down the field, over the goal, Score Eagles Score
11. Take it in and score
Take it in and score six, Take it in and score
12. Touchdown Eagles, score six
1. Hey, hey Eagles (1-2-3-4)
Hey, hey Eagles
Give me a blue, blue
Hey, hey Eagles
Give me a red, red
Hey, hey Eagles
Give me a blue and red, yell it, blue and red
2. Oak Mtn, let’s go
3. Until the very end
Hey-Hey, Go-Fight-Win
Hey-Hey, til the end
Hey-Hey Go-Fight-Win
Until the very end
4. Go Eagles, Go-Big-Blue
5. Blue and Red
Blue and Red, Blue and Red
6. And yell for the Eagles
Fire up, up, Fire up, and yell for the Eagles
7. Fire up, up - Fire up and yell for the Eagles
8. Eagles Spirit Cheer (1-2-3-4)
Eagles who’s the best, OMS
9. Blue and White, Eagles Fight
Hey, what do you say, Blue and White, Blue and White
10. We’re the best OMMS (Ready Ok)
11. Attack, attack, attack
A-T-T-A-C-K, attack, attack, attack
12. Eagles fight back
F-I-G-H-T, Eagles fight back
13. When we say Oak, you say Mountain (1-2-3-4)
When we say Oak, you say Mountain, (Oak Mountain)
When we say Blue, you say Red (Blue Red)
When we say # you say 1 (#1)
Oak Mountain, Blue Red, #1
14. Blue and Red
Yell out your colors Eagles, Blue and Red
15. O-M-S, Blue and Red (Eagle Fans)
16. Everybody Yell, Blue, Blue, Blue
17. Go, Go, Get’em Eagles
18. Eagles, We’re Awesome