Discovery Tasks, PDI, Colorado State University Libraries, January 6, 2010

Start from or

1. Name a specific topic related to your research or personal interests.

1.1. How many items on this topic are in the Library Catalog? Digital Repository? Library Website?

1.2. Find some books on this topic.

1.3. Find books on this topic in a specific location (e.g. Morgan Library or online).

1.4. Find books on this topic published in 2007 or 2008.

1.5. Place a hold or recall on a book; then remove the hold or recall.

1.6. Find a reader's review of a book.

1.7. Find a book by ISBN, e.g. 9781416546917.

1.8. Find a book by call number, e.g. TK5105.888 .V36 2003.

2. Name the title of a book that interests you.

2.1. Does CSU Libraries have at least one copy of this book that you can use today?

2.2. Find all the information you would need to locate and check out this book.

2.3. Find some related books that interest you.

2.4. Can you view or request it in sources outside of CSU Libraries? (try Prospector, ILL, etc.)

3. Name an author who interests you.

3.1. Find a list of books by this author.

3.2. Name a specific book by this author. Does CSU Libraries have it?

3.3. Does CSU Libraries have any books about this author?

4. Name a journal, magazine or newspaper that interests you.

4.1. Does CSU Libraries have at least one copy of it that you can use today?

4.2. Is it available in print, online, or both?

4.3. What volumes or years are available?

4.4. Find a journal with ISSN 1538-3598. View page 9 of volume 290, issue 1.

5. List some Digital Repository collections.

5.1. Find some Digital Repository items on a topic of your choice.

5.2. Select an item and find a list of other items in the same collection.

5.3. Find some CSU theses and dissertations on a topic. Is full text available?

6. Find some web pages on the CSU Libraries Website on a topic of your choice.

7. Save any search results and any item using bookmarks.

8. Create a citation for an item using your department's citation standards.

9. View and subscribe to an RSS feed of your search results.

Possible Solutions

1.1. Type a search in the search box, select All Fields or Subject from the fields menu, and click search. Look at the numbers in the left column under Source Limits.

1.2. Under Refine your search, click Format, Books or E-Books.

1.3. Under Refine your search, click Library Location, Morgan or Internet.

1.4. Remove the location limit from 1.3, then in the Publication Year box type From: 2007 To: 2008.

1.5. Click a book’s title or cover to view the full record. Click the Request this or Recall this button. Log in to the catalog with your last name, CSU ID and PIN, choose a pickup location, and click Submit. Click REQUEST SELECTED ITEM. Click the Discovery link to go back to Discovery.
Click the My Record link and log in. Click the requests (holds) link. Check the Cancel box next to the item and click Update Selected.

1.6. Click a book’s title or cover to view the full record. Click the Other Sources tab. Click the LibraryThing, Amazon or Barnes & Noble link. Scroll down or click the Reviews tab to see available reviews.

1.7. Type the ISBN in the search box, select ISBN/ISSN instead of All Fields, and click Search.

1.8. Type the call number, select Call Number instead of ISBN/ISSN, and click Search.

2.1. Type the book title in the search box, select Title in the fields menu, and click Search. Click the book’s title or cover to view the full record. Look in the Availability tab for an available copy.

2.2. From the full record, look for the book’s call number. Click the map to see the library floor and location of the book. Note other information such as the author and publication year.

2.3. Click other books in the search results, in the similar items list on the left side of the full record, or click the book’s author or subjects.

2.4. Click the book’s title or cover to view the full record. Click the Other Sources tab. Click InterLibrary Loan, Regional Catalog (Prospector), Poudre River Public Library or WorldCat.

3.1. Type the author’s names in the search box (first name is helpful but not required), select Author in the fields menu, and click Search. If needed, click a link to the author’s name in search results, or under Refine your search, click Author and click the author’s name.

3.2. If desired, click the Advanced Search link, type in the title and author in the appropriate boxes, and click search. Click a book by the author and check the Availability tab.

3.3. Type the author’s name and select All Fields or Subject from the fields menu, and click Search. If needed, under Refine your search, click Topic and click the author’s name if it is there.

4.1. Type a journal, magazine or newspaper title in the search box, select Title or Journal Title from the fields menu, and click Search. If necessary, limit to Format: Journals/Serials or E-Journals/Serials.

4.2. Click the journal title or “more information” link to view the full record. Check the Availability tab for print and online availability.

4.3. Check the availability tab for available volumes and years.

4.4. Type the ISSN in the search box, select ISBN/ISSN from the fields menu, and click Search. Click FindIt@CSU. Enter the volume, issue and page and click Go.

5.1. Perform a general search, e.g. type Colorado in the search box, check the Limit to: “Digital Repository” box and click Search. Or click Start Over, click Digital Repository, click Collection, click one of the listed collections, and then type in a search term.

5.2. Under Refine your search, Digital Repository, click Collection and click one of the collections listed. Or click one of the collections listed in an item in search results. Or click the “more information” link under the item’s title to view the full record, and click one of the listed collections.

5.3. Remove all search limits, click Format, click CSU Theses/Dissertations, and type your search terms. For library catalog items, click a ProQuest link, if available. It may help to limit your results to recent items, e.g. in Publication Year, type From: 1997 and click Go. For Digital Repository items, click the title to view a PDF containing the full text.

6. Perform a general search, e.g. type Colorado in the search box, check the Limit to: “CSU Libraries Website” box and click Search. Or click Start Over, click CSU Libraries Website, click Subsite, click one of the listed subsites, and then type in a search term.

7. Perform a search. Click the yellow Bookmark & Share star at the bottom of the page. Click Favorites to create a bookmark, or click Email, Print, or a bookmarking service such as Delicious if you have an account. Click an item’s title to view the full record, and click the Bookmark & Share star in the middle of the page. Try another of the options.

8. Click an item’s title to view the full record. Click the Citation tab. View the APA and MLA citations. Click the link for EndNote or the reference management software you use, if any, and import the citation into the software.

9. Perform a search. Find the orange RSS Feed button at the bottom of search results.
Use your preferred news feed reader or one of these tools to subscribe to the feed:
Internet Explorer: Click the RSS Feed link, and click Subscribe to this feed.
Firefox: Click the RSS Feed link, subscribe using Live Bookmarks or Microsoft Office Outlook, and click Subscribe Now.
Outlook 2007: Right-click the RSS Feed link, click Copy Shortcut or Copy Link Location, go to Outlook, click Tools, Account Settings, RSS Feeds, New, press Ctrl-V to paste the URL of the feed, click Add, and click OK.
Google Reader: Right-click the RSS Feed link, click Copy Shortcut or Copy Link Location, go to Google Reader, click the Add Subscription link, press Ctrl-V to paste, and click Add.