To the chief Musician, Al-taschith, Michtam of David; when Saul sent, and they watched the house to kill him.
1. Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend me from them that rise up against me.
2. Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men.
3. For, lo, they lie in wait for my soul: the mighty are gathered against me; not for my transgression, nor for my sin, O LORD.
4. They run and prepare themselves without my fault: awake to help me, and behold.
5. Thou therefore, O LORD God of hosts, the God of Israel, awake to visit all the heathen: be not merciful to any wicked transgressors. Selah.
6. They return at evening: they make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.
7. Behold, they belch out with their mouth: swords are in their lips, for who, say they, doth hear?
8. But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision.
9. Because of his strength will I wait upon thee: for God is my defense.
10. The God of my mercy shall prevent me: God shall let me see my desire upon mine enemies.
11. Slay them not, lest my people forget: scatter them by thy power; and bring them down, O Lord our shield.
12. For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.
13. Consume them in wrath, consume them, that they may not be: and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth. Selah.
14. And at evening let them return; and let them make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.
15. Let them wander up and down for meat, and grudge if they be not satisfied.
16. But I will sing in thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble.
17. Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defense, and the God of my mercy.
(God referred to 13 times)
(I or me 26 times)
(Them or they 26 times)
Beware of the Dogs
I. David’s danger (1-0)
A. His plea (1-2)
B. His panic (3-5)
1. What concerned him (3)
2. What controlled him (4)
3. What consoled him (5)
C. His peril (6-9)
II. David’s deliverance (10-17)
A. His protection (10-15)
1. His confidence (10)
2. His conviction (11-15)
He wanted:
a. His people to be able to recognize God’s
judgment (11-12)
b. His persecutors to be able to recognize
God’s justice (13-15)
B. His praise (16-17)
Deliverance from Howling Dogs
I. Appeal for help (1-5)
II. Enemies of the Psalmist and the nation (6-15)
III. A vow to praise God (16-17)
Beware Of The Dogs
Probably one of the earliest Psalms that David wrote, the heading says to the chief Musician, Al-taschith, Michtam of David; (in other words, instruction, carve it in stone, David said, don’t let it be lost) when Saul sent, and they watched the house to kill him. This goes back to the early time when Saul wanted David killed and Saul’s own daughter put the dummy like in bed and let David down out the window over the side wall and David run off. It’s probably one of the earliest Psalms that David wrote. I was in revival down in Oneida, Tennessee, New Haven Baptist Church and the pastor at that time was Brother Jerry and we went out to make a visit and Jerry took me to a home of a family that was digging coal, they had several coal operations going and very well to do family. As we pulled up in the driveway of that house there was a completely white German shepherd and a completely black German shepherd, one on each side of the drive-way. And those dogs started running and jumping up against the car, I meaning jumping towards the win-dow, barking and growling and just banging into the window. And the driveway was probably seventy five to a hundred yards long and as we drove up that driveway those dogs jumped and barked and banged against the window. I looked over at Jerry when we got up to the house and I said ‘look I don’t know if anybody is home, I’ll wait in the car and you run up there and check.’ And he said, yeah, sure. So he sat there and blew his horn and nobody came out, so we backed up and turned around and started back down the driveway, and those dogs kept banging and hitting the window. And I thought to myself, man you know, could you imagine somebody trying to sneak into that house at night and them two big old German shepherd dogs, they were trained guard dogs, trained killers dogs. And the man that owned that coal company had turned them loose in his yard to protect his house, vicious dogs. Well you know Saul had some vicious dogs that he kept around and he turned loose on David. And just like I wouldn’t get out of the car, and neither would Brother Jerry with those dogs banging against the window. Saul turned the vicious dogs loose on David and put David in danger. You can see here in Psalm 59 what David cries out. First of look at his plea, he says, “Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend me from them that rise up against me. Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men.” “Deliver me from mine enemies” David realizes the danger that he is in, he see what Saul has done and he’s saying Lord would you deliver me. I think that ought to be the prayer of everyone in America today. After the judge made the ruling and says that we’ve got to take the Ten Commandments out of the schools and everything else. That supposed to be federal and all that. Did you ever think about, if everybody that’s alive today that went to school before 1967 would start to file law suites against all the schools that they went to? Because up until 1967 there was nothing wrong with prayer and Bible reading in the schools. You know, the Bill of Rights has not changed; the constitution has not been changed from 1776 till 1967, everything was all right the way it was going. And all of a sudden in 1967 you got a bunch of liberal politicians that’s come in and now they say that all this stuff is wrong. And they’re trying to shut down the schools. If every person that graduated from high school before 1967 was to start to sue the school systems that they were in and say ‘you know, if that is wrong today, it was wrong back then.’ I believe that would start to open some eyes of some folks. Listen, the constitution of the United States has not changed. The word of God has not changed. God is still God and America is still America. Now we’ve got some judges and we’ve got some lawyers and some politicians that wants to destroy this country. They’re God haters, they’re America haters. They hate this nation; they want to destroy this nation. In 1950 the worst thing that was going in the classroom in the schools of America was chewing gum. Now you’ve got children coming to school killing children. You’ve got condom machines in the rest rooms, abortion wagons in the parking lot, waiting to take young girls off to have their babies murdered. My friend, listen, there’s nothing changed except the people in Washington and Frankfort and the judges and the leaders that are set in a bunch of liberal folks that hate this country. Satan has released his dogs on America. The only hope and the light that’s shining in this world today that could bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world is the United States of America. The last strong hold of God is the United States of America. And satan has loosed his dogs upon every single thing that’s going on in America. You can see down there in verses 5, 6, and 7, in verse 6 especially, it says, “They return at evening: they make a noise like a dog.” They growl like a dog, just like the justice department going in and taking that young boy out in the middle of the night before daylight. I just believe that we ought to be able to live in a nation where you don’t have to worry about the government coming in. Folks I’ve been to Haiti, I’ve been to Russia, I’ve seen places and I’ve seen homes where they said the government came in and took people out and nobody ever saw them again. That’s what we’re headed for because the government, satan has turned the dogs loose, his vicious dogs have been turned loose on America today. And we need to understand the danger that we’re walking in. David understood it, he said “Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend me from them that rise up against me.’ Listen the church needs to quit fighting each other. We don’t need to be fighting. Tip O’Neal said if the Christians ever got together we could get any legislation passed that we wanted. Because we are the majority, the grass root people are the majority and they really believe in God and home and family. But the sin doctrine that has come from Washington, and Frankfort and from other places is trying to make us thing that we’re in a minority and that this nation is not good enough the way it was. We need to change it and make it liberal and we need to destroy the nation as we knew America and bring it down to where everybody in the world has the same things going on as what America would have and America would be just like the rest of the world. No my friend, whatever you lift up God and you hold God in higher standards, I want you to know that God will hold the nation up in high standards. The Bible says that when a nation forgets God he will turn that nation into hell. America has forgotten God, from the White House to the courthouse, even to the church house. We’ve forgotten God. David said “Deliver me from the workers of iniquity.” What are the workers of iniquity? Sin, sin against self, ‘we have all sinned’ Romans 3:23; Transgression, that breaking the laws of God willfully; Iniquity is sinning against another individual. David said ‘Deliver me from the workers of iniquity,’ those that going about doing evil, those that are going about hurting others. These people that call themselves doctors that go out and kill babies, defenseless children. Politicians sitting up in Washington saying ‘well those babies can’t vote, but their mommies can.’ And the men of America has taken a step back and say ‘well bless God, kill the kid so I won’t have to pay child support.’ And they’re shrinking back and not being a man at all. But playing some kind of silly game of enjoying life, not taking responsibility. We’re doing everything we can to try to stop anybody from having to take responsibility for personal action. My friend we’re going to have to realize that some day, some-where everybody is going to have to come to the understanding, there is a responsibility that comes with your life. You need to learn there’s a consequence to pay when you break those responsibilities. We’re going to learn it the hard way because God has already started the judgment on America, I personally believe. I believe that’s one reason you’re seeing cancer run ramped, aids running ramped and more and more sickness and diseases coming upon Americas, floods and foul weather coming America and droughts. My friend it won’t take long to bring America down. America will never be brought down from outside, we’re too strong for that, we’ve got too many bombs, there’s no other country that can take us on and bring us down. America is going to come down from the inside. The strength of America has always been her faith in God, and America is going to fall because the churches. What is a church, it’s a group of baptized believers bought by the blood and bound by the Bible. And those folks have set back and they say, oh well the economy is good; things are going along good, let’s not mess anything up. My friends I want you to know satan will give you and pay you whatever it takes to keep you away from your knees, keep you off your knees. Pastors and layman staying off their knees, being drawn in and sucked into the things of the world. Let’s get all we can and can all we get. Let’s do everything we can for ourselves. We need to learn to pray as David did, ‘Deliver me from those that work iniquity and save me from bloody men.’ God we need to be saved. Listen every single solitary Christian across this land ought to stop going to every doctor and stop using every hospital that performs abortions and kills babies. I mean these are bloody people, these are people with blood on their hands and they’re staining our nation with the blood of innocent children. And every Christian ought to find out what their doctor stands for and the doctors that believe in abortion every Christian person ought to stop using that doctor and turn away from that doctor and get away from that doctor. And every preacher that’s not standing up and preaching, now listen, I think it’s a sin for a preacher to stand up and preach against abortion if that church is not willing to help a young lady that gets pregnant out of wedlock and help to try to save that baby. I think every preacher and every congregation around America ought to do all that they can to bring those young girls in and those young men in and try to lead them to Jesus Christ and bring they to the full knowledge of who Jesus is because the dogs are growling. Satan hates every single solitary person that’s breathing because every time a soul is saved that’s one soul closer to completing the body of Christ and one soul closer to sending him to hell. So David understood his danger.
Look at verse 3, “For, lo, they lie in wait for my soul: the mighty are gathered against me; not for my trans-gression, nor for my sin, O Lord.” 4. “They run and prepare themselves without my fault: awake to help me, and behold”, awake God help us, Lord look down and see what’s going on. God’s not asleep folks. God’s not asleep, God knows exactly what’s going on and God has already told us, 2 Corinthians 7:14 says some-thing like ‘If my people, which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.’ If everybody would quit going to church to try to exhort themselves and show off what it is that their talent is and go to church to try to advance the kingdom of God, if every preacher would stand and proclaim the word of God in truth and purity, and stand up against murdering children under the disguise of abortion and under the disguise of women’s rights. I agree women have the right, they ought to have a right to choose and they make that choice, they crawl in bed with somebody. And once they make that choice to crawl in bed, they have made their bed, they ought to be woman enough and man enough to live with the choice they made and let that baby live. We need to understand that God is still in control and God will hear whenever we turn from our wickedness and stop saying it’s alright for men to marry men and women to marry women and homosexuality is normal. Listen, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. And my friend I want you to know that homosexuality is wrong, pornography is wrong, alcohol and drunkenness is wrong, because God says so in his word. My friend if you haven’t come to Jesus Christ you’ll not understand a thing. You’ll say that preacher’s a fanatic. You’ll not see the danger that you’re walking in. You’ll not see the darkness that’s closing in, the cloud of darkness that’s closing around our nation. You’ll not see the hurt and the destruction that’s coming all across our nation. You’re sitting there in bliss and saying ‘everything’s fine, the economy’s good, let’s turn our head and let’s pretend that this didn’t and let’s act like that didn’t happen and we’ll just overlook it. I mean nobody’s perfect so let’s just shrug our shoulders and go on.’ My friend listen if you’re a born again believer you better take a good look at what’s going on around you, because the danger of loosing this great nation of America is in our laps. Preachers of America better wake up, deacons better get on their knees, Sunday School teachers better start to understand the word of God and the importance of crying out against sin. Moms and Dads better start to teach their children the importance of personal responsibility and we need to see the Lord Jesus Christ start to be exalted once again in the churches. My friend you need to have Jesus in your heart and in your life. You need to let Jesus Christ come into your heart and save your soul. You say preacher ‘how do you do that?’ Very simple, the Bible says ‘whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ If you’ll say yes to Jesus Christ, “Lord I’m a sinner, I’m sorry that I’ve sinned, come into my heart and save me, Jesus Christ will turn your life from hurt and heartache to joy and peace. He’ll make you a place in heaven where you can come and spend eternity with him. Satan has turned his dogs loose on America and we better start reining them in through prayer and understanding the word of God and spiritual leadership had better step up because the dogs have already been released and they are devouring our people and our nation is going down simply because we don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings or step on anybody’s toes. My friend if you’ve missed Jesus Christ you’ve missed it all, you’ve missed everything. If your church misses Jesus Christ you’ve missed it all. If you should own the whole world and loose your own soul, you have nothing. Today you can own heaven through Jesus Christ by simply coming to him. Some of those of you who say you’re saved, you need to get back to Jesus Christ, you know things are not going the way they are. Some of you big mouth bosses in some of the churches, got to have your way and you’re going to have it your way or split the church, you need to realize that it’s not your money, it’s not your power but it’s the blood of Jesus Christ and you better get back on your knees or you are going to loose your nation and loose your family and loose your heart. God honor your word today in Jesus name, Amen.