Date originated: / Written by:
Status: Draft / Final / Changes authorised by:
Last review date: / Approved by:
Next review date: / Date approved:


1.1This policy sets up the Name of the organisation’s approach to using volunteers and how we support them within our services.

1.2The main purpose of this policy is to ensure paid staff, managers and trustees understand why we involve volunteers, what role they have within the organisation and how we define and use good practice throughout our organisation when involving volunteers.

1.3The policy offers guidance to volunteers, lets them know where they stand within the organisation and helps ensure fairness and consistency.

1.4The principles which underline our approach to volunteering are the following:

  • Volunteering is a vital part of the work that our organisation does.
  • Volunteers complement the work of the organisation in a variety of ways and at different levels.
  • Volunteering brings benefits to the organisation, refugees and the individual volunteer.
  • Without volunteers, the organisation could not provide the quantity and quality of services that it does.
  • We are committed to working with volunteers (when appropriate) and will provide development opportunities for them.

1.6This volunteer policy should be read in conjunction with other Name of the organisation policies including:

  • Equality and diversity policy/equal opportunities
  • Confidentiality policy
  • Health and safety policy

1.7The volunteer policy should be read and implemented by people at all levels of the organisation, namely staff, volunteers, trustees, and in some cases service users.


2.1A volunteer: A volunteer is someone who chooses to give their time and support to the organisation and who is placed in an agreed role within the services approved by the organisation. Volunteers are not generally required to have specific qualifications or work experience. A volunteer does not get paid and is not an employee of the organisation.

2.2Disclosure: Disclosure is a document that provides details of a person’s criminal record held on the police national computer. If relevant, it also contains details of the lists held by the Department of Health and the Department for Education and Skills of those unsuitable to work with children. A disclosure is issue by the Criminal Records Bureau on request. This document helps voluntary organisations to check the background of a volunteer to ensure s/he is suitable for a specific role, particularly one involving children and vulnerable adults.


  • Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
  • Asylum and Immigration Act 1999
  • Data Protection Act 1998
  • Human Rights Act 1998


Recruitment and selection

4.1Name of the organisation is firmly committed to diversity in all areas of its work and to developing and maintaining an organisation in which different ideas, abilities, backgrounds and needs are valued. The recruitment of volunteers will allow those with diverse backgrounds and experiences to participate and contribute.

4.2Enquiries relating to volunteering will be referred to the title of relevant manager/staff member.

4.3In the application procedure, we require volunteers to complete a registration form, which includes contact details, times they are available and other relevant information. Parental, guardian or other appropriate adult consent is required for volunteers under 18 years.

4.4Volunteers are required to attend an informal volunteer interview. Title of relevant manager/staff member involved in the interview will agree standard volunteer interview questions before the interviews.

4.5Volunteers are required to provide the names of two referees. As some people may find it difficult to provide two referees, this can be discussed at the interview and a decision may be taken to overrule this by the volunteer manager (reasons for this should be recorded).

4.6The volunteer application form and interview are used to assist in the appropriate selection of a volunteer for a particular role. Every effort will be made to place a volunteer in a role that is appropriate to the needs of the organisation and the volunteer. There may not be an appropriate role for everyone who applies to volunteer with our organisation, in which case volunteers are referred to other relevant organisations.

4.7A disclosure is required for any volunteer placed in a role where there is the potential for unsupervised or substantial access to children, young people and vulnerable adults. We will only ask for a disclosure if it is necessary for the role. Volunteers in roles needing a disclosure need to have been UK residents for at least insert length before a disclosure will be carried out. Volunteers will only undertake such a role once this disclosure is received and providing there are no areas of concern for the organisation.

Volunteer roles

4.8Name of the organisation will make clear to the volunteer the nature and purpose of the volunteering role by writing a task description.

4.9Volunteer roles should complement the work of paid staff. Volunteers should not be used to replace the work of paid staff in their absence.

4.10It is good practice to establish an overall time limit for a volunteer role (which can be renewed at a stated review date), and also to agree and establish the time commitment that a volunteer can give by stating in particular the hours and days that they can commit to.

Volunteer induction and training

4.11The organisation will ensure that training is available to volunteers so that they meet the needs of the organisation, gain and develop skills, and are equipped with the information they need to successfully carry out their role. Training provided will be relevant to the volunteer role.

4.12An induction pack will be provided to volunteers with the information they require to help them get started. This pack can include organisational information and details of the volunteer role.

4.13New volunteers will be supported by experienced staff or volunteers to help them understand the work they will be doing.

4.14Every attempt will be made to keep volunteers informed and up-to-date with organisational information.

Volunteer support

4.15A volunteer will receive individual support from Title of relevant manager/staff member. The support session will focus on the volunteer has achieved tasks, how the role is going, what support is required and the volunteer’s personal development. It is an opportunity for the volunteer and staff member to raise issues and plan for the future. The frequency of support sessions will vary depending on the role of the volunteer and their time commitment.

4.16The organisation’s staff are responsible for working alongside volunteers and to offer them support and encouragement at all times.

4.17Regular telephone support will be available to volunteers working out-of-office hours or in a remote location.

4.18Volunteer meetings – or participation in team meetings – enable volunteers to receive support from each other as well as paid staff, and enable them to have a voice within the organisation.

Managing difficulties

4.19If the organisation is unhappy with the performance of a volunteer or his/her relationship with other colleagues, the volunteer’s line manager will raise the issues directly with the volunteer and agree actions for improvements.

4.20If the volunteer is unhappy with her/his role, the treatment from the organisation or colleagues, s/he will raise it directly with the line manager who will help identify actions for improvement and any support required.

4.21In both cases, the organisation and the volunteer will try to find a workable solution to overcome difficulties. The organisation may stop placing volunteers, or the volunteer may stop her/his placement with the organisation. However, this will only happen as a last resort.

Recognising volunteer work

4.22We will provide a written reference for volunteers on request.

4.23Volunteers will receive a letter thanking them for their contribution when they finish their work/role.


4.24The organisation will reimburse out-of-pocket travelling, subsistence and childcare expenses incurred as a result of volunteering up to an agreed limit. Volunteers will need to provide receipts to have expenses reimbursed. How expenses are claimed is discussed with volunteers as part of induction.


4.25Volunteers are bound by the same requirements for confidentiality as paid staff. They will be given two copies of the Name of the organisation’s confidentiality policy, one to keep and the other one to sign and return.


4.25Our organisation has a duty to protect volunteers from accident or injury, and volunteers

are insured under either public or the employer’s liability cover. This cover will extend to any agreed voluntary activities away from the main premises.

4.26If volunteers use their own vehicle or travel in staff vehicles, then they must be covered by the insurance policy of the vehicle owner. We require all drivers to give a copy of their driving licence and insurance documents on an annual basis, and to report immediately any changes that could affect their insurance.

Health and safety

4.28 Organisations have a duty of care to avoid exposing volunteers to health and safety risks. Volunteers will be given instructions in relation to health and safety during the induction process.


5.1The volunteer policy should be given to volunteers by title of relevant manager/staff member during their induction and its contents should be explained together with other relevant policies.

5.2Title of relevant manager has overall responsibility for ensuring this policy is implemented, amended and revised regularly.

5.3Staff managing volunteers are responsible for obtaining feedback from them on their experience while volunteering for the organisation, and will feed this back to the organisation as appropriate.

5.4Expense forms will be processed by Title of relevant manager/staff memberand kept in a file for accountability purposes.