SAT Meeting
November 10, 2008
1:30-3:00pm, Attic Window, PSU
Present: Dave Haney, Matt Ruble, Nikki Crees, Jeff Doyle, Jim Street, Christine Dave, Alan Utter, Stephanie Whitworth, Celeste Crowe, Rahman Tashakkori, Maria Provost, Tina Parlier, Leslie Sargent Jones, Susie Greene, Kate Brinko, Wes Waugh, Nick Rudisill, Kay Stroud, Sheri Clark, Scott Kallestad, Kendal McDevitt, Jessica Gillaspy, and Shirley Harris
1. Approval of minutes from Oct. 13, 2008 (on AsULearn site) and April 14, 2008 (will be added to AsULearn site)
2. AsULearn and website-Dr. Haney and Wes Waugh briefly reviewed the site and explained that group emails can be sent via AsULearn. They also did a quick review of the SAT website for those new to the group. Please watch these sites for updates. Wes will check the members and resources title.
3. Introduction of Jessica Gillaspy, Coordinator of Student Wellness Programs-Dr. Haney introduced Jessica to the group. She explained that she is currently assessing and identifying gaps, updating materials, working with the Student Health Advising Committee (SHAC). She also noted that Feb. 2-Mar. 6, the National College Health Assessment will be conducted (current key issues for students are stress and sleep), and the Great American Smoke Out will be held in the coming months.
4. Updates from Work Groups
Summer Bridge- Matt Ruble reported that the group met Thursday, Nov. 6. Dr. Tashakkori presented plans for next summer related to the grant he received. They hope to bring together existing resources and will establish goals at the two meetings scheduled before Dec. 15. Dr. Haney will help look for funding (some summer school money available). UC is working on fund raising priorities, and they group may want to have a discussion with Ezell Williams, as well as Lynette Orbovich in Distance Education. Tom Fisher has set up an Advisory Board for prioritizing resources for summer.
Early Intervention: Academic Policies- Tina Parlier reported that the group met Oct. 27. During that meeting members discussed the Faculty Senate proposal related to raising requirements for Latin honors. The Early Intervention report from last spring was also reviewed. Discussion focused on our need to assess impact of academic policy changes, the meeting with Paul Hiatt last spring about preparedness of January transfer admits (Misti Reese will attend next meeting), Beth’s report on AppAchievers, the visit to VCU last spring to discuss their program for probation students, and Heather’s forthcoming time to degree study. It was noted that Academic Advising has sent a proposal to AP&P requesting that students must declare a major by the time they have 60 earned hours or by the end of their first semester at ASU if a new transfer. Jeff Doyle noted that this could help with the 4-year graduation rate.
Early Intervention: Wellness- The group has not yet met.
5. Defining Student Achievement- Dr. Haney noted that although we have a general consensus of what is meant by “achievement”---we need to clearly identify what we mean when we talk about our task. Wes mentioned that last August he, Shirley, and others attended Skip Downing’s On Course Workshop. Skip’s materials are aimed at student success, and we should re-visit what he has spent years honing. During discussion it was noted that we should include the relationship to the new General Education goals and that we need measurable outcomes (i.e. pre-test/post-test). Essentially we must answer two questions: What is it? How do we measure it? The following members will draft a definition for discussion at the next meeting: Wes, Shirley, Kate, and Maria. Wes agreed to serve as convener of the group.
6. Other- Meeting dates and time
Several 2nd Mondays of each month in spring 2009 were not viable meeting dates, so the group decided to meet the last Monday of each month. Meetings will still be from 1:30-3:00pm. Shirley will schedule rooms and report details at next meeting.